ٽيڪ نيوز (ٽيڪ خبر) ہفتيوار خلاصو توهان کي تازين سافٽ ويئر تبديلين جي نگرانيءَ ۾ مدد ڪري ٿي جيڪي ڪنهن ممڪن حد تائين توهان ۽ توهان جي ساٿي وڪيميڊين تي اثر انداز ٿيڻ جي امڪان رکنديون هجن. فهرست ۾ نالو دررج ڪريو , ڀاڱيداري ڪريو ۽ راءِ ڏيو.
اڳوڻو (گذريل) | 2016، هفتو 26 (سومر 27 جُونِ 2016) | اڳتي |
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
تازيون تبديليون
- The ORES service has now moved to a new location. This should make it easier to use ORES. The ORES review service is now available as a beta feature on Wikidata and Persian Wikipedia. ORES is an artificial intelligence system for Wikimedia wikis to help editors. [١]
- The order of wikis in collapsed cross-wiki notifications was different than when the list was expanded. This is now fixed. [٢]
- A new category for tracking pages with math errors was added: Category:Pages with math errors. [٣]
- The Wikimedia Etherpad crashed on June 23. Some edits done that day have been lost. They can be found at etherpad-restore.wikimedia.org for another few days. [٤][٥]
هِن هفتي تبديليون
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 28 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 June. It will be on all wikis from 30 June (calendar).
- The way to mark notifications as read or unread will be changed to be more clear. [٦]
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 28 June at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
ايندڙ وقت ۾ تبديليون
- The Collaboration team at the Wikimedia Foundation will look at developing better tools for edit review. This is because research suggests we scare away newcomers who want to help. [٧]
- An e-mail from the Editing Department explains the technical work that is planned and being researched for the future. Items include better wikitext and visual editing, prompts for edits, language improvements, annotations, and meta-data separation. [٨]
- The sorting of Notifications into the two fly-out menus is going to change on July 5 to 7. Bundled notifications should be easier to explore and mark as read individually. [٩][١٠][١١]
From 29 June git.wikimedia.org (running Gitblit) will redirect all requests to Phabricator. The vast majority of requests should be correctly redirected. [١٢]
- Catalan and Polish Wikipedias will have Wikidata descriptions added to articles in the mobile view by default. This is currently a beta option for the mobile versions. This might come to other wikis later. [١٣]
ٽيڪ خبر ٽيڪ سفير پاران تيار ڪيو ويوبوٽ bot(روبوٽ) جي طرفان ڇاپيو ويو •ڀاڱيداري ڪريو • ترجمو ڪريو • مدد وٺو • راءِ ڏيو • فهرست ۾ نالو دررج ڪريو ياسبسڪرائب ڪريو.