ٽيڪ نيوز (ٽيڪ خبر) ہفتيوار خلاصو توهان کي تازين سافٽ ويئر تبديلين جي نگرانيءَ ۾ مدد ڪري ٿي جيڪي ڪنهن ممڪن حد تائين توهان ۽ توهان جي ساٿي وڪيميڊين تي اثر انداز ٿيڻ جي امڪان رکنديون هجن. فهرست ۾ نالو دررج ڪريو , ڀاڱيداري ڪريو ۽ راءِ ڏيو.
اڳوڻو (گذريل) | 2016، هفتو 13 (سومر 28 مارچ 2016) | اڳتي |
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
تازيون تبديليون
- MediaWiki now supports the semantic web standards of Microdata and RDFa 1.0. On Wikimedia projects, a configuration change must be requested in order to enable RDFa 1.0. [١] [٢]
- Adding references with Citoid was broken for approximately 6 hours on 24 March. This was fixed. [٣]
هِن هفتي تبديليون
نئون ورزن ميڊياوڪي جي چڪاس (ٽيسٽ وڪيز) تي ۽ ميڊياوڪي.
آرگ (MediaWiki.org) تي 29 مارچ کان ٿي ويندو . هي غير-وڪيپيڊِيا وڪيز تي ۽ ڪجهه وڪيپيڊيا تي 16 ڊسمبر کان ٿي ويندو.هي 30 مارچ کان تمام وڪيپيڊيا تي ٿي ويندو. (ڪلينڊر calendar).
- You will be able to remove the header and footer style from User language (babel) boxes. This will make it easier to use them with other userboxes. [٤]
You can join the next meeting with part of the Architecture committee, which will discuss a few topics. The meeting will be on 30 March at 21:00 (UTC). See how to join.
The Architecture committee has sent a summary of new and ongoing RFC discussions.
مستقبل ۾ تبديليون
- Commons will soon have improved access to Wikidata's data. It will then be possible to access data about any concept on any page on Commons. Assistance with testing this on the beta cluster is appreciated. [٥]
Wikibits.js will not be loaded by default anymore starting April 2016. Gadget and script authors should have already updated their code since the previous announcements, but there is another migration path available if needed. See wikitech-l for details.
تصحيح، درستگيون
- Last week Tech News said the new MediaWiki version would come to wikis from 21 March to 23 March. The right dates were 22 March to 24 March.
ٽيڪ خبر ٽيڪ سفير پاران تيار ڪيو ويوبوٽ bot(روبوٽ) جي طرفان ڇاپيو ويو •ڀاڱيداري ڪريو • ترجمو ڪريو • مدد وٺو • راءِ ڏيو • فهرست ۾ نالو دررج ڪريو ياسبسڪرائب ڪريو.