The Tech News weekly summaries help you monitor recent software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians. Subscribe, contribute and give feedback.
forrige | 2015, uge 48 (mandag 23. november 2015) | næste |
Seneste teknik nyheder fra Wikimedias tekniske fællesskab. Fortæl venligst andre brugere om disse ændringer. Ikke alle ændringer vil påvirke dig. Oversættelser er tilgængelige.
Seneste ændringer
A new Pageview API has been announced. Feedback is requested to help decide which data to add to it next.
Ændringer denne uge
- There are no MediaWiki deployments this week (calendar).
- You can join the next meeting with the Language Engineering team. The topic is: Content Translation updates and Questions & Answers. The meeting will be on 25 November at 13:00 (UTC). See how to join.
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 24 November at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
You can join the next meeting with the Architecture committee. The topic this week is "RfC: Raise MediaWiki's PHP version requirement and update coding standards". The meeting will be on 25 November at 21:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Fremtidige ændringer
From 1 December, the MediaWiki API will no longer support the dbg, txt, and yaml output formats. [1]
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