تساعدك ملخصات الأخبار التقنية الأسبوعية على متابعة آخر أخبار البرمجيات الجديدة التي يمكن أن تكون مفيدةً لك ولزملائك الويكيميديّين. يمكنك الاشتراك لتلقّي الملخصات الأسبوعية والمساعدة بتطويرها وتزودينا بأرآئك وتعليقاتك.
السابق | ٢٠١٥، الأسبوع ١٨ (الإثنين ٢٧ أبريل ٢٠١٥) | التالي |
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
أحدث التغييرات
- All accounts are now unique and work on all wikis. [١] [٢]
- You can read a report from experts who tested the security of MediaWiki. [٣]
- There was a problem between VisualEditor and an antivirus software. It is now fixed. [٤]
- You can help test VisualEditor to see if it works in your language. [٥]
- Some Labs tools had problems due to a software bug. [٦]
التغييرات هذا الأسبوع
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and MediaWiki.org since April 22. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from April 28. It will be on all Wikipedias from April 29 (calendar).
- It is now clearer that you can delete several rows and columns when you edit tables in VisualEditor. [٧]
- You now see more information when you search for a template in VisualEditor. [٨]
- You can now cancel when you add citations on desktop, or edit links on mobile, in VisualEditor. [٩]
- You can now see the list of other formats for videos only after they're ready. [١٠]
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on April 29 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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