The Tech News weekly summaries help you monitor recent software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians. Subscribe, contribute and give feedback.
السابق | ٢٠١٥، الأسبوع ٠٥ (الإثنين ٢٦ يناير ٢٠١٥) | التالي |
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now translate articles with the new ContentTranslation tool on several wikis. [١]
هذا الأسبوع
- There are no software changes this week due to annual meetings. [٢]
تغييرات مستقبلية
- You can join a project to improve WikiProjects. [٣]
- The Compact Personal Bar will be removed for now. It has a bug that breaks the tool to choose your language. It will come back when the bug is fixed. [٤]
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