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Talk:Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos/Resources

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Latest comment: 3 years ago by Calton in topic Petscan



Can someone explain how this thing is supposed to work? I tried it on a broad category (Yokohama) at depth 1 -- and thanks for making setting in tiny print so it's hard to see -- and the list it generated seemed pretty random and incorrect. The first 10 results:

  1. Yokohama
  2. Enzo Matsunaga - no images
  3. Tokyo Bay
  4. Isamu Noguchi
  5. Eiji Yoshikawa
  6. Okakura Kakuzō
  7. Phyllis A. Whitney - no images
  8. Koei - logo
  9. Kanson Arahata
  10. Yamate

Of the ten items above, only two have no images (three, if you count Koei for only having a corporate logo).

I looked at a few of those that already have images, and I couldn't find any categories or notices that could trigger a "no images"/"images wanted" result.

An 70-80% error seems excessive to me, so what am I missing here? --Calton (talk) 01:00, 3 July 2021 (UTC)Reply