Talk:Wikimedians of Saint Petersburg User Group
Add topicЛоготип (первая серия)
v1 - ru
v1 - en
v2 - en
v3 - ru
v4 - ru
v5 - ru
v6 - ru
Замечания и предложения по логотипу группы приветствуются ;) --Kaganer (talk) 18:51, 23 July 2019 (UTC)
- Мне нравится v3/v4 - наиболее читаемы. Lvova (talk) 10:18, 19 September 2019 (UTC)
- Мне больше всего нравится v5, но, в общем, и остальные ничего. -- Екатерина Борисова (talk) 15:03, 22 September 2020 (UTC)
- v4 и v5, как по мне. v3 я б назвал "Красные окружают". :D Красныйwanna talk? 15:05, 22 September 2020 (UTC)
- v1 (привычный) и v8 (прикольные ворота, необычно - но узнаваемо). P.S. Да и ещё здорово, что две буквы спрятаны в воротах. Не сразу это заметил. --Andrew Krizhanovsky (talk) 16:44, 22 September 2020 (UTC)
- Мне все нравятся кроме 2 --Ssr (talk) 10:53, 23 September 2020 (UTC)
Логотип (вторая серия)
v7 - ru
v8 - ru
Собрание юзер-группы в связи с подготовкой Вики-конференции
[edit]Дорогие коллеги! В связи с подготовкой Вики-конференции, которая должна пройти в СПб в конце сентября, мы активизируем работу юзер-группы.
Спонтанная встреча участников состоится сегодня, в 18:00 по адресу: Озерной переулок, 2-4, кофейня "Пенка".
Будет обсуждаться в основном подготовка вики-конференции и перспективы работы группы. Следующее собрание постараемся запланировать несколько более заранее.
Пользуясь случаем, хотел бы спросить о предпочитаемых каналах общения для создания группового чата юзер-группы — Телеграм, Вконтакт, Скайп, фейсбук, Вотсап, иное.
--Kaganer (talk) 12:58, 15 September 2020 (UTC)
[edit]Не подскажите как вступить в группу санкт-петербурга Good body more lol акаунт на Викисловаре 19:50 5 декабря 2020 (UTC)
- @Hisdfgcack: просто впишите себя в список и напишите мне по вики-почте (пункт "Письмо участнику"). --Kaganer (talk) 23:34, 14 February 2021 (UTC)
Sunday September 20 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August SWAN meeting and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates, this month we are meeting on Sunday September 20, and you are all invited to RSVP here.--Pharos (talk) 02:08, 18 September 2020 (UTC)
Стратегия движения - каков ваш выбор для осуществления
[edit]Привет! Wikimedians of Saint Petersburg User Group
Пришло время ввести Стратегию в действие, и все приглашены к сотрудничеству.
Группа дизайна стратегии движения и Группа поддержки приглашают Вас организовать виртуальные встречи с Вашим сообществом и коллегами до конца октября. Цель заключается в том, чтобы Вы решили, какие идеи из рекомендаций Стратегии Движения отвечают Вашим потребностям и окажут влияние в Движении. Рекомендации доступны в различных форматах и на многих языках. Есть 10 отличных рекомендаций и почти 50 рекомендуемых изменений и действий или инициатив. Не все из них будут реализованы. Цель расстановки приоритетов состоит в том, чтобы составить 18-месячный план осуществления для продвижения некоторых инициатив вперед, начиная с 2021 года.
Приоритеты определяются на уровне Вашей группы, организации и сообщества. Думайте локально и уместно! Региональные и тематические платформы - это отличные способы подготовки и обмена идеями. После этого, мы соберемся вместе в ноябре, чтобы совместно составить план по реализации. Более подробная информация о ноябрьских глобальных мероприятиях будет предоставлена в скором времени. На данный момент и до конца октября организуйте мероприятия на местном уровне и поделитесь с нами своими приоритетами.
Вы можете найти инструкции по проведению мероприятий, простую форму отчетности и другие вспомогательные материалы ЗДЕСЬ. Вы можете поделиться своими результатами прямо в Meta, по электронной почте или заполнив этот опрос. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, если у Вас возникнут вопросы или комментарии, --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 20:26, 2 October 2020 (UTC)
- Hi Wikimedians of Saint Petersburg User Group,
- The time has come to put Strategy into work and everyone's invited to participate.
- The Movement Strategy Design Group and Support Team are inviting you to organize virtual meetings with your community and colleagues before the end of October. The aim is for you to decide what ideas from the Movement Strategy recommendations respond to your needs and will have an impact in the movement. The recommendations are available in different formats and in many languages. There are 10 awesome recommendations and close to 50 recommended changes and actions or initiatives. Not everything will be implemented. The aim of prioritization is to create an 18-month implementation plan to take some of the initiatives forward starting in 2021.
- Prioritization is at the level of your group, affiliate, and community. Think local and relevant! Regional and thematic platforms are great ways to prepare and share ideas. Afterwards, we will come together in November to co-create the implementation plan. More information about November’s global events will be shared soon. For now and until the end of October, organize locally and share your priorities with us.
- You can find guidance for the events, the simple reporting template, and other supporting materials HERE. You can share your results directly on Meta, by email, or by filling out this survey. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or comments, strategy2030 --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 20:26, 2 October 2020 (UTC)
Sunday October 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the September and August SWAN meetings, and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including the recent proposed changes to the Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws, this month we are meeting on Sunday October 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.--Pharos (talk) 17:34, 20 October 2020 (UTC)
Notification of Affiliate Expiration - Renewal pending submission of reporting
This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization is currently past due on its required annual reporting. Wikimedia User Groups are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal. This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date. As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2019-20 annual reporting became past due in September. Please be sure to :
- Post your 2019-20 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
- Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
- Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.
If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
MKaur (WMF) (talk) 18:19, 6 November 2020 (UTC)
Call for insights on ways to better communicate the work of the movement
[edit]The Movement Strategy recommendations published this year made clear the importance of establishing stronger communications within our movement. To this end, the Foundation wants to gather insights from communities, including affiliates, on ways we all might more consistently communicate about our collective work, and better highlight community contributions from across the movement. Over the coming months, we will be running focus groups and online discussions to collect these insights. We hope your affiliate will decide to share your thoughts by participating in a focus group or joining the discussion on Meta-Wiki.
ELappen (WMF) (talk) 18:54, 18 November 2020 (UTC)
Участвуйте в глобальных разговорах 21 и 22 ноября
Hola, こんにちは, E kaabo, Ciao, ਸਤਿ ਸ਼੍ਰੀ, Hello, سلام, Halo, Salut, 你好, Nnọọ, হ্যালো, Hallo, สวัสดี, Dzień dobry, Gyebale ko, வணக்கம், Mi Kwabo, ନମସ୍କାର, приветствие, שלום, Mholo, नमस्ते, γεια, Ahoj, ഹലോ, 여보세요, مرحبا, Բարեւ Ձեզ, Xin chào, Hallå, ಹಲೋ, Sawubona, નમસ્તે, Здраво, Merhaba, Talofa, హలో, Olá, ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ
мы были бы рады встретиться с вами на предстоящих Глобальных разговорах о стратегии движения. Давно не виделись.
The Глобальные разговоры о стратегии движения будет проходить в субботу 21 ноября с 11:00 до 15:00 по UTC и воскресенье 22 ноября с 17:00 до 21:00 по UTC, и вы приглашены с удовольствием.
В центре внимания будут приоритеты, определенные сообществами и организациями, и приступить к разработке плана осуществления в 2021 году. Основные заседания будут проводиться на английском языке. Любая группа, заинтересованная в поддержке живого перевода на другой язык, может получить быстрый грант. Пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом как можно скорее.
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь до 20 ноября чтобы мы могли поделиться с вами информацией о входе в систему Zoom. Если у вас есть вопросы или комментарии, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться в службу поддержки через Telegram, Wikimedia Chat или по электронной почте:
С нетерпением жду встречи с вами 21 или 22 ноября.
MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) 23:53, 10 November 2020 (UTC)
Sunday November 29 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, and October SWAN meetings, and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including the recent proposed changes to the Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws, this month we are meeting on Sunday November 29, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although a number of places have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 18:50, 24 November 2020 (UTC)
Sunday January 10 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, and November SWAN meetings, and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including SWAN input on Interim Global Council and Movement Charter, this month we are meeting on Sunday January 10, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
To start the exchange of ideas on the IGC early, and to help prepare before the SWAN calls, we have set up and invite everyone to participate at this etherpad. If you like a more interactive way of discussing, we have also made a jamboard. Check here for more details. |
--Pharos (talk) 18:40, 1 January 2021 (UTC)
Project Grant Open Call
[edit]This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.
For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:
Weekly proposals clinics via Zoom during the Open Call. Join us for #Upcoming_Proposal_Clinics|real-time discussions with Program Officers and select thematic experts and get live feedback about your Project Grants proposal. We’ll answer questions and help you make your proposal better.
- Video tutorials for writing a strong application
- General planning page for Project Grants
- Program guidelines and criteria
Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us at if you would like feedback or more information.
We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!
Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at
RSharma (WMF)MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 07:56, 28 January 2021 (UTC)
Sunday February 21 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
[edit]The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, and January SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates, this month we are meeting on Sunday February 21, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
To help set priorities for the SWAN agenda, and also to help manage which global conversations should be a focus in general, we have set up and invite everyone to participate at this SWAN priorities form.
Possible topics include Community Board seats, Interim Global Council, Strategy prioritization follow-up events, Branding, Universal Code of Conduct, Grant strategy, and WMF CEO search. That is a lot of things, which are most important to cover in our upcoming SWAN meeting? |
--Pharos (talk) 18:51, 15 February 2021 (UTC)
Sunday March 21 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
[edit]The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, and February SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Grants relaunch and Community Board seats, this month we are meeting on Sunday March 21, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 04:15, 17 March 2021 (UTC)
Sunday April 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, and March SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Interim Global Council + Movement Charter, WMF Resolution about the upcoming Board elections, Community Resilience and Sustainability role in Movement Strategy coordination, Grants Strategy Relaunch, Wikimedia Enterprise / OKAPI, and WMF Executive Transition
This month we are meeting on Sunday April 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places may have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 18:49, 21 April 2021 (UTC)
Invitation for Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021
[edit]Hello there,
We are inviting you to participate in Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021, a global contest scheduled to run from July through August 2021.
Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.
In its first year (2020), 36 Wikimedia communities in 27 countries joined the campaign. Events relating to the campaign included training organized by at least 18 Wikimedia communities in 14 countries.
The campaign resulted in the addition of media files (photos, audios and videos) to more than 90,000 Wikipedia articles in 272 languages.
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos (WPWP) offers an ideal task for recruiting and guiding new editors through the steps of adding content to existing pages. Besides individual participation, the WPWP campaign can be used by user groups and chapters to organize editing workshops and edit-a-thons.
The organizing team is looking for a contact person to coordinate WPWP participation at the Wikimedia user group or chapter level (geographically or thematically) or for a language WP. We’d be glad for you to reply to this message, or sign up directly at WPWP Participating Communities.
Please feel free to contact Organizing Team if you have any query.
Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat
Communication Manager
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Campaign
Message delivered by MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:48, 3 May 2021 (UTC)
Sunday June 6 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, and April SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Movement Strategy/Events, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.
This month we are meeting on Sunday June 6, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and – *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 20:20, 3 June 2021 (UTC)
Sunday July 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.
This month we are meeting on Sunday July 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and – *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 14:49, 22 July 2021 (UTC)
Sunday September 26 SWANniversary Party and All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting
Join the SWANniversary on September 26 as we mark the first year of the Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network!
We will have the regular All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting, to be followed by a SWANniversary Party in the after hours session, likely through spatialized chat on WorkAdventure.
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, June, and July SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, we'll look together at strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.
This month we are meeting on Sunday September 26, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and .)--Pharos (talk) 20:12, 21 September 2021 (UTC)
Sunday October 31 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
[edit]The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June, July, and September SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter Drafting Committee Set Up Process, Next Steps for Brand Work, 2021, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday October 31, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and – *Note that we have shifted the second call a half-hour later in UTC time due to WikidataCon*.)--Pharos (talk) 01:59, 29 October 2021 (UTC)
Sunday November 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
[edit]The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Hubs Workshop, Movement Charter+Drafting Committee, WMDE's 'Future of Wikimedia Governance' proposal, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday November 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 20:21, 24 November 2021 (UTC)
Гранты на реализацию Стратегии Движения
Команда по Стратегии и Управлению Движением желает вам хорошего начала нового 2022 года!
Вступая в этот год, мы надеемся на расширение сотрудничества, поддержку и связь между сообществами и партнёрскими организациями. Мы хотели бы воспользоваться этой возможностью, чтобы поделиться информацией о грантах на реализацию Стратегии движения, которые направлены на поддержку волонтёров и партнёрских организаций, желающих внести свой вклад в реализацию инициатив Стратегии движения в своих сообществах.
Эти гранты направлены на поддержку больших и малых проектов, цель которых — определить текущее состояние инициативы и продвинуть её на один шаг вперед. Поддерживаются гранты для реализации инициативы Стратегии движения с бюджетом до $25 000.
Поскольку идеи текут в своём собственном темпе, гранты на реализацию Стратегии движения не ограничены сроками подачи заявки. Ваши заявки принимаются в любое время. Заявки, полученные после 15го числа каждого месяца, будут рассмотрены в следующем месяце.
По всем вопросам обращайтесь к команде по Стратегии и Управлению Движением. Мы также готовы помочь организовать беседу по этим грантам. Беседы могут помочь ответить на ваши вопросы, развить ваши идеи и установить связь с другими сообществами, имеющими схожие интересы.
Вы можете ознакомиться с предложенными примерами на мета-странице и присоединиться к группе “MS – Grants Community of Practice" в Telegram!
С уважением,
AAkhmedova (WMF) (talk) 12:18, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Sunday February 27 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Dialogue, Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct+Enforcement Voting, Brand, International Women's Day+Gender Gap and WikiForHumanRights campaigns, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday February 27, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and ).----Pharos (talk) 18:06, 23 February 2022 (UTC)
Sunday April 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including UCoC Voting, Hubs Global Conversation held + CEE Hub update, Movement Charter + Leadership Development Working Group, Desktop Improvements, Celebrate Women in March + International Women's Day, Wikimania 2022 survey concluded + Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday April 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 17:36, 29 March 2022 (UTC)
Sunday May 8 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including 2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates, Movement Charter/Content preliminary narrative, Human Rights Policy Community Conversations, Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan Feedback, IP blocking and Open Proxies discussion, Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday May 8, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 18:08, 3 May 2022 (UTC)
Sunday June 5 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation this June, WMF Proposal for Movement Strategy Forum, New rounds of WMF Conference Funds including in-person events, WMF Proposal for Sound Logo Contest, WMF Elections Analysis Committee selection, wikimania:Program submissions due June 10 (scholarship and local event grants due June 3) and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday June 5, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos (talk) 20:49, 31 May 2022 (UTC)
Sunday July 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation last week, Affiliate voting period to shortlist WMF Board candidates (July 1-15), Wikimania updates, Desktop improvements, Wikimedia Enterprise first customers, Call for program submissions and updates for a global diversity of regional/linguistic Wiki-Conferences, Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday July 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:55, 30 June 2022 (UTC)
Sunday November 13 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimedia Research Fund, 2023 Ombuds commission and Case Review Committee appointments process, feedback on consultation and community session of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, various Wikimania topics: (ideas/suggestions for Wikimania 2023, expressions of interest for Wikimania 2024 and beyond, expressions of interest to join Wikimania Steering Committee), and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday November 13, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and
UTC times are different from before, and also note that some areas may have recently experienced daylight savings time changes.).--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:18, 9 November 2022 (UTC)
Sunday July 16 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Global Council focus, now available in ar, es, fr!)
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimania Singapore, Future of SWAN, Movement Charter/Content new sections (particularly Movement Charter/Content/Global Council), other activities you submit, and we will top it all off with a grand finale AI Happy Hour / Doom Hour!
This month we are meeting on Sunday July 16, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
UTC meeting times are and
Note that we are now meeting on Zoom, with interpretation in the 2nd session in (Arabic) (Spanish) (French)--Pharos (talk) 02:41, 12 July 2023 (UTC)
Sunday June 23 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (WMF BoT statement on Movement Charter ratification)
Hello everyone!
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.
At this meeting we will focus on the recent statement by the WMF Board of Trustees liaisons statement on the Movement Charter in which the liaisons stated that they will be recommending the Board of Trustees not to ratify the final draft of the Movement Charter. The community and affiliate votes on the ratification are supposed to start on Tuesday, 25 June. This meeting offers a venue to discuss the situation and formulate the "next steps".
This month, we are meeting on Sunday, June 23, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
Nadzik (talk) 16:30, 22 June 2024 (UTC)
Sunday July 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Results of Movement Charter ratification)
[edit]Hello everyone!
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.
At this meeting we will focus on the results of the Movement Charter ratification. We will also discuss the aftermath of the Board of Trustees' decision to veto the Movement Charter, including their recent proposals. We will also cover updates about upcoming Wikimania 2024.
This month, we are meeting on Sunday, July 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.