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Talk:Wikimedia LGBT+/Hiring

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Data Center Technician

Feel free to ask questions


Anyone can ask questions about the positions here. If you require privacy, ask at board@wmlgbt.org Bluerasberry (talk) 21:36, 14 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Question about flexibility


By email, someone asked about the expectations for the membership manager and flexibility in doing the job. I am answering that question here.

The membership manager will report to the executive director. The executive director position is also open for hire right now, so when that person is hired, they will define some of the scope of work. It is certain that the membership manager must satisfy the membership of Wikimedia LGBT+ with services including enrolling new members and providing members access to the benefits of Wikimedia LGBT+ membership. None of this has to happen on a set weekly schedule and the way in which anyone operates this position is flexible, so long as the executive director and members are satisfied.

Thanks for the question. Ask if I can clarify further. Bluerasberry (talk) 21:44, 14 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Questions about payrates


Currently there are two positions posted. In the context of a higher income economy, the executive director position pays a middle-class rate, and the membership coordinator role pays a lower class rate. The Wikimedia movement is global, these positions are remote, and the positions are open to people who live in any economy. In the context of Low and Middle Income Countries (Q118849074), the offered executive pay would be above average and the membership coordinator position may be a middle class rate.

The question is asked: how is Wikimedia LGBT+ determining these rates? The answer is that we would like to follow Wikimedia Movement general recommendations for posting global remote job opportunities, but none exist. As with all things wiki, if anyone wishes to draft and propose guidelines, then such documentation would help the entire movement.

It is not always a norm to advertise a pay rate, but we wanted to disclose one in this case to be transparent and to encourage applications to the positions. There is an inherent cultural bias in the executive director position, in that one duty of executive directors is to do fundraising, including outside the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Movement. Higher income countries offer more options from governments and foundations to apply for grants and free money. Consequently, people who have cultural familiarity with fundraising in wealthy locations are more likely to make competitive applications for grants from those economies. If there is such a thing as a candidate in a lower/middle income economy, but who has a proven record of successfully applying for grants from wealthy economies, then sharing that money globally, then the hiring committee would find that attractive. In contrast, the membership coordinator position requires administrative skills and not as many cultural ones, so a person in that role need not demonstrate high fluency in the culture of a grantmaking economy.

Wikimedia LGBT+ cannot be reliant solely on Wikimedia Foundation funds. Soon, it will need to demonstrate a plan to seek funding from a grantmaking economy.

Again, if anyone wants to share proposed best practices for Wikimedia Movement hiring or discuss this otherwise, then feel free to post ideas, questions, or comments here. Bluerasberry (talk) 19:04, 17 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Commission Manager - Data Center Construction Program


Oversee successful program delivery, ensuring alignment with client objectives and budgets. Provide strategic direction, lead the team, and implement quality management practices to foster continuous improvement and innovation. SaraDaniel1 (talk) 21:08, 24 January 2025 (UTC)Reply