Talk:Wikimedia Hong Kong/會員召募/巡迴服務
Add topic為方便申請人,臨時理事會的相關人員和義工將會巡迴各區,定點收集申請人遞交的表格,並將發出會員證予以資格已核准的會員。
In convenience of membership applicants, the Provisional Directory will provide a circuit service for membership recruitment. Provisional directors and volunteers will go to different locations in different parts of the territory, to receive the application forms & distribute membership cards to those whose membership was approved.
The Provisional Directory is going to decide the location for the service in each district. We may need advices from the possible applicants. Please give your suggestion below, in the region that might be convenient for you.
義工召募 ※ Volunteering
Please leave your name below if you wish to be a volunteer to help us in Membership recruitment days.
Island Meetings?
[edit]No meetings on the island? What's the language of the meeting? I'm a gweiloh, sorry. -- 04:27, 11 April 2008 (UTC)
- Well, the meetings on the Island would be coming soon. Fear not, we would cater the need of different people as far as we can. --黑武士仲尼 14:40, 14 April 2008 (UTC)
- For language, we may offer English translation to anyone in need. --Wrightbus 00:38, 25 May 2008 (UTC)
請嘗試到港島/九龍吧,我正等著呢!(最好5月尾或之後)同時,想成為理事的應該怎樣做?計劃何時會員大會?謝謝! 03:49, 17 April 2008 (UTC)
加入會員有咩著數?協會係要黎做乜架? 22:52, 19 April 2008 (UTC)
請回答:想成為理事的應該怎樣做?計劃何時會員大會?謝謝! 12:03, 25 April 2008 (UTC)
Special Session for those who return from overseas
[edit]I wonder how many overseas Wikipedians that return to the town recently, and if it's enough to support an special recruitment day for them. If you're one of them, please sign your name below, and may suggest the time you would like to have the procedure to be proceeded. Thank you
或許近期有不少海外歸來的維基人,錯失了此前的巡迴服務。若你在香港,又想加入協會,歡迎留下大名和意想中的日子,以便商討細節。-- ※ JéRRy ┼ 雨雨 ※ 14:25, 21 July 2008 (UTC)
- 平日下午,尤以星期一、二為佳。地點不拘。謝謝各位理事!--Deryck Chan 14:28, 21 July 2008 (UTC)
- I think it will be suitable for me if location is in 新界九龍--CX257 18:28, 21 July 2008 (UTC)
- I should be in Hong Kong between the end of this month (July) and early August. If there is a recruitment day during this period I shall be most happy to attend. Thanks in advance and I can't wait to see you guys! ^^ --Computor 19:10, 22 July 2008 (UTC)
- 我非常樂意參與有關活動,但我剛從香港回到愛爾蘭......A04clh【秋本‧明】 12:59, 24 July 2008 (GMT)