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Edit history from English Wikibooks


This page is a transwiki from Wikibooks:en:Wikimania05.

  • 00:42, 4 January 2006 Kernigh ({{warning|''Transwiki to MetaWikipedia:Transwiki:Wikimania05 is in progress.''}})
  • 20:17, 6 December 2005 Kernigh ({{transwiki|Wikimedia Meta-Wiki}})
  • 02:30, 29 November 2005 Betsythedevine (→TODO - English summary of paper by J.C. TALL)
  • 09:39, 9 November 2005 Boud (→Editors)
  • 22:02, 1 September 2005 JakobVoss (→TODO - I'msorry)
  • 19:21, 1 September 2005 SabineCretella
  • 09:11, 31 August 2005 JakobVoss m (linkfix (there won't be "Wikilinks" in the printed version so better use URLs))
  • 20:52, 29 August 2005 Sj (audio/video link)
  • 20:51, 29 August 2005 Sj
  • 05:59, 29 August 2005 Cma
  • 05:58, 29 August 2005 Cma (link, submission guides)
  • 07:34, 25 August 2005 Cma
  • 13:26, 23 August 2005 JakobVoss m (reject?)
  • 17:48, 22 August 2005 Sj (→TODO)
  • 17:46, 22 August 2005 (→Editors)
  • 14:03, 20 August 2005 JakobVoss (tidy up)
  • 13:27, 20 August 2005 JakobVoss (Question)
  • 11:16, 20 August 2005 JakobVoss
  • 00:48, 20 August 2005 JakobVoss m (→Contents - See presentations at commons)
  • 08:30, 19 August 2005 JakobVoss (→Editors - +Samuel and Cathy)
  • 08:15, 19 August 2005 JakobVoss (→Tasks (you can help!) - update)
  • 09:43, 16 August 2005 Dittaeva m (→Other resources - -tentative: I assume that the Programme as published on wikimania.wikimedia was final)
  • 05:34, 16 August 2005 Fuzheado (→Contents - - take out stillsubmit for posters)
  • 23:19, 15 August 2005 JakobVoss (conten => index)
  • 22:51, 15 August 2005 JakobVoss (less layout (removed inks to single presentations))
  • 22:47, 15 August 2005 JakobVoss (→Presentations not included yet - removed. not missing anymore)
  • 14:28, 15 August 2005 Aya m (-transwiki (not a public wiki))
  • 22:14, 14 August 2005 JakobVoss (→Tasks (you can help!) - + more)
  • 22:12, 14 August 2005 Aya m (moved comments to talk)
  • 22:08, 14 August 2005 JakobVoss (comment)
  • 15:27, 14 August 2005 Aya m
  • 21:34, 11 August 2005 JakobVoss (TODO)
  • 17:01, 7 August 2005
  • 21:03, 2 August 2005 Angela (GPG moved to proper workshop format)
  • 17:27, 2 August 2005 Aya (→Contents)
  • 13:11, 2 August 2005 Fuzheado (→Major panels - - reveal slug words)
  • 10:16, 2 August 2005 Fuzheado (→Keynote presentations - - fix titles)
  • 10:15, 2 August 2005 Fuzheado (→Keynote presentations - - fill in titles)
  • 23:18, 1 August 2005 Rince (→Presentations not included yet)
  • 21:30, 1 August 2005 Rince (→Presentations not included yet)
  • 21:12, 1 August 2005 Rince (→Presentations not included yet)
  • 20:59, 1 August 2005 Rince (→Presentations not included yet)
  • 20:21, 1 August 2005 Sj (→Major panels)
  • 09:31, 1 August 2005 Bdk m (+ commons)
  • 00:40, 30 July 2005 Sj (gm3)
  • 00:38, 30 July 2005 Sj
  • 00:35, 30 July 2005 Sj (→Other resources)
  • 00:35, 30 July 2005 Sj
  • 00:34, 30 July 2005 Sj
  • 00:33, 30 July 2005 Sj
  • 00:32, 30 July 2005 Sj
  • 06:20, 29 July 2005 Fuzheado (add banner)
  • 04:52, 29 July 2005 Fuzheado (→Contents - - caps)
  • 04:49, 29 July 2005 Fuzheado (ital)
  • 03:13, 29 July 2005 (→Editors - - add info)
  • 09:40, 18 July 2005 Sj
  • 01:05, 4 July 2005 JakobVoss m ({{Wikimania05-header}})
  • 00:27, 4 July 2005 JakobVoss m (→Presentations not included yet - update)
  • 06:31, 30 June 2005 JakobVoss (update)
  • 01:47, 29 June 2005 Sj m (→Presentations not included yet)
  • 01:34, 29 June 2005 Sj (→Presentations not included yet)
  • 08:46, 28 June 2005 JakobVoss m (update)
  • 07:32, 24 June 2005 JakobVoss m (+Andrew Lih)
  • 07:31, 24 June 2005 JakobVoss m (→Presentations not included yet - update)
  • 09:50, 22 June 2005 JakobVoss m (→Contents)
  • 09:45, 22 June 2005 JakobVoss m (→Contributors - => Editors)
  • 09:42, 22 June 2005 JakobVoss m (update)
  • 09:26, 22 June 2005 JakobVoss m (done)
  • 09:08, 22 June 2005 JakobVoss m (-)
  • 22:55, 21 June 2005 JakobVoss (→Contents - +presentations)
  • 22:47, 21 June 2005 JakobVoss m (→Contents - Presentations)
  • 11:56, 21 June 2005 JakobVoss m (programme)
  • 23:10, 20 June 2005 JakobVoss (→Presentations not included yet - list of all speakers without page)
  • 22:33, 20 June 2005 JakobVoss (Presentations not included yet)
  • 20:05, 14 June 2005 Guaka m (Category:Wikimania05)
  • 21:53, 13 June 2005 JakobVoss (note)
  • 22:09, 24 May 2005 JakobVoss m (+Help)
  • 21:59, 24 May 2005 JakobVoss (accepted papers, posters and workshop)
  • 21:17, 24 May 2005 JakobVoss
  • 21:07, 24 May 2005 JakobVoss (stub)

Discussion from Wikibooks


I thought these subpages were supposed to be for accepted presentations only. Why are pages like Wikimania05/Presentation-JP1 here giving the impression people are official speakers when they were never accepted as such? Angela 19:27, 25 July 2005 (UTC)

On 19:27, 25 July 2005 Angela wrote: these pages are meant to be for accepted speakers, not random vanity articles about the Wikicompany presentation. A few remarks:
  1. Sj (Samuel Klein) of the Wikimania Programme Team put my presentation proposal on the tentative schedule of Wikimania 2005. This was all discussed via cfp@wikimedia.org, so I don't understand your surprised tone.
  2. Sj placed the article in the presentation category, with "paper" in the title name. I thought it would be better to title it as a presentation, since that is what it is (and it matches the category SJ placed it in). The presentation was still labelled as "on the informal schedule".
  3. Your remark about "vanity" is short-sighted IMO, but you are entitled to your own opinion ofcourse. Walden 23:51, 25 July 2005 (UTC)

New Template


I've made a template for each "paper" that should be filled out, so it's easier to database later, and do formatting changes. Please see: Template:Wikimania05 paper header for the template. I've done it only to one page so far, Wikimania05/Paper-AB1, and will wait for feedback. Fuzheado 04:43, 29 July 2005 (UTC)

Obviously need to fiddle with the TOC more, as it's hanging on the side now. Feel free to edit. Fuzheado 05:26, 29 July 2005 (UTC)
I converted some more pages over, and created the missing page The Spanish Fork of Wikipedia at Wikimania05/Paper-AS1. Fuzheado 06:27, 29 July 2005 (UTC)



Hi, for the Proceedings, it would be nice to have a special way to print it so it looks nicer than the typical printed page. I know it uses some CSS magic to use a different layout for printing to get rid of navigation aids, and even grayscaling stuff, but can we tweak this specially for the proceedings papers? I'd like to keep some color in there, and de-emphasize the internally coded title like Wikimania05/Paper-AB1. Fuzheado 07:58, 29 July 2005 (UTC)

Translations - where create the language versions


As for the translations of this wikibook: should they first of all be done here to have an overview or should they directly be created on the other wikibooks language projects? Since we are talking about translations here: how can we be notified that there are updates?
I will try to have translators work with OmegaT (CAT-Tool) if possible in order to allow for fast updates. This means it would be the first project done with the help of a CAT-software and we need a repository for the tbx-files (maybe on commons?).
Please let me know how you would see this way to proceed? Or which further information you can give me in order to be able program the work for the translators. Thank you! --SabineCretella 18:28, 6 August 2005 (UTC)

As for the language versions I just received the message that analogue projects are going to be created on the single wikibooks projects. What remains open: how can we be notified about updates without having to search? --SabineCretella 19:43, 6 August 2005 (UTC)



What on earth is this even doing here when there is a whole wiki devoted to this already. This should be transwikied ASAP. - Aya T C 19:33, 7 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

I think wikibook is the right place - at least until proceedings are finished! -- JakobVoss 22:08, 14 August 2005 (UTC)
What is meant by the "proceedings" being "finished", and when is that likely to occur? - Aya T C 22:12, 14 August 2005 (UTC)Reply
We are collecting papers, cleaning up the pages and preparing for printing (see Tasks at the main page). Proceedings are a closed set of papers and presentations and they are going to be a publication almost like any other book. What are the differences between a proceedings book and a regular WikiBooks book? Details can be discussed of course - for instance I want a static, citable copy. Because both Wikimania Wiki and moving to any other Wiki is a pain I would really like to stay at Wikibooks if there are no very strong arguments against. -- JakobVoss 22:25, 14 August 2005 (UTC)
Well. I happened to be chatting to Jimbo about the inappropriateness of Wikiversity earlier, and I'm fairly certain that he suggested to me that Wikimania05 ought not to be here either, although I had already come to the same conclusion. The reason I suggest doing it sooner rather that later is that over time, the number of pages may increase, and the fewer pages there are to move, the easier it's going to be. Further, this doesn't really feel like a "book" at all, but rather an exercise in stealth-dumping inappropriate content onto this site, simply by adding the words "this is a book" on its title page, which has a tendency to encourage other users to do the same. Also these "papers" seem to violate our "no primary research" policy, and are likely to be of little interest to anyone except the authors. Finally there is a whole wiki devoted to Wikimania, and hosting content pertaining to Wikimania there would seem appropriate.
However, I could be wrong. :-)
You did mention the "Wikimania Wiki" was "a pain". Perhaps you could elaborate?
Aya T C 23:02, 14 August 2005 (UTC)Reply
I still wonder why you doubt ("feel"?) that proceedings is a book nor that it's of little interest. The only argument that applies is the "no primary research" policy. I'll think about a better place (wikiversity? wikisource?). Wikimania wiki is unusuable because it contains internal organisation stuff so every new page must activated manually by a developer and the search function does not work at all. Maybe a whole new Wiki only for the proceedings? Up to know wikibooks is the most appropriate place I know. -- JakobVoss 14:16, 15 August 2005 (UTC)
It seems I have misunderstood the purpose of the wikimania.wikimedia.org wiki, and it would seem that it would be inappropriate to move it there, so I've removed the transwiki tag. I may have to rewrite that "primary research" rule, since it's still somewhat ambiguous. It exists largely to prevent people writing books about made-up things (e.g. brand new constructed languages), whereas Wikimania05 is not made-up, although it may be a little obscure for many users.
The important thing about Wikibooks is that it's a collaborative editing site, which is to say that content is jointly owned. The pratical upshot of this is that is someone wants to edit your "papers", and add their own name on it, they're free to do so. They are also free to take many separate "papers" and merge them together, reorganize them, merge them into our existing Wiki Science book, whatever. If you want complete editorial control, we suggest writing such things as subpages of your own user page. The final home for "read-only" content is Wikisource. - Aya T E C 14:40, 15 August 2005 (UTC)Reply
After a deadline there will we an official version of Proceedings that may be copied to Wikisource or published elsewhere. Papers that are freely licensend can be edited of course. Wikimania Proceedings is a bit special but I hope that it becomes a normal Wikibook afterwards. Thanks for your comments! -- JakobVoss 22:39, 15 August 2005 (UTC)

Transwiki to Meta


Only paper, presentations and workshops of Wikimania 2005 will be included. (quote from Wikimania05 front page)

This incomplete book is about a Wikimedia conference from August 2005. It is now December 2005. I cannot contribute to this book, because if I edit a paper, it would not be a paper from Wikimania 2005. A better place might be Wikimedia Meta-Wiki, see for example meta:Research and meta:Wikimania.

This book violates at least two Wikibooks policies:

  1. In Wikibooks:What is Wikibooks: Wikibooks is not a soapbox - This is a promotional book for Wikimania 2005 (and sometimes, for the Wikipedia encyclopedia). We do not need a "self-promotion" book only because some some contributors "are associated with" Wikimania 2005.
  2. Wikibooks:Neutral point of view - Many of the papers are written from the point of view of the author.

If someone wants to annotate the essays and make this an annotated texts, then we might keep them, else Wikibooks should not be hosting this book. --Kernigh 20:30, 6 December 2005 (UTC)

The users who started this book appeared to have good intentions, but the continued existence of this page encourages other wiki users to add books about their own conferences. --Kernigh 04:14, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

Agreed that this does not belong here. Six months ago I would have said it did but due to some discussion since then, due mostly to comments by Jimmy Wales at Wikibooks_talk:What_is_Wikibooks and his respective edits on Wikibooks:What_is_Wikibooks, I don't think it does now. I don't really agree with the narrowing of Wikibooks' scope but I have to live with it :-) liblamb 15:42, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

Policy six months ago: no original works and no soapbox. Apart from deletion of the Jokebook, I do not think that Jimmy Wales has narrowed the scope of Wikibooks within the last six months. --Kernigh 07:24, 14 December 2005 (UTC)
I stand corrected. It didn't fit six months ago either according to policy. Maybe I just sense more of an urge to enforce policies lately? Oh well, never mind me. liblamb 02:29, 16 December 2005 (UTC)



Some people asked how to help with translations (for instance [1]) we should decide how to organise translations

  1. Which articles are ready to translate
  2. Which parts should be translated (abstracts only?)
  3. Where to put translations (subpages?)

-- JakobVoss 14:18, 15 August 2005 (UTC)



I recently put the finishing touches on my [paper] and noted that many of the papers that I'm interested in are still incomplete but I noticed that they now have a multi-colored status bar at the top. Am I supposed to edit these to indicate their status? What does it mean that mine doesn't? Consequently, I came to this page and see that all incomplete articles will be deleted, and all complete articles will be removed. So then, where are they going?

You paper should be at the Wiki page so we can copy it, correct typos, layout etc. to create unified proceedings. Wikibooks community does not want the proceedings to stay here and we need a static version and hopefully a printed version anyway. Just put your paper to the page and add {{Wikimania05_editstatus_4}} - wait: your slides are missing. Is this HTML your original file or do you have PowerPoint, PDF or OpenOffcie Impress also? The problem is that we cannot archive your html. In this case in 50 year only your paper will be left ;-)

Also, the only portion of my paper template that is incomplete is the license. I'm happy for it to be whatever is most useful.-Reagle 20:10, 1 September 2005 (UTC)

I made it licensed under GFDL. -- JakobVoss 22:21, 1 September 2005 (UTC)
P.S: If every author would be so interested in the proceedings like you we already would have been finished :-(

Last minute pages to look at


Here are some papers that for some reason were never links to the index page:

These were lost in the shuffle and I'm going through the basement of Wikibooks to remove this content. --Roberth 19:54, 8 February 2006 (UTC)Reply