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Talk:West Bengal Wikimedians/Reports/Annual Activities/2021

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Latest comment: 2 years ago by Bodhisattwa in topic Great report

Great report


This is a great report! I want to share some feedback.

good report design

First, West Bengal Wikimedians for years has had some of the best annual reports in the Wikimedia Movement, even compared to big and well funded wiki organizations. Compare 2017 to 2019 to 2021.

This is a great example of an organization doing good on their first report years ago, then every year the presentation takes lessons learned from previous reports and makes the next one better. This is really great. I like that the pictures are excellent, the headings tell major programs of the organization, and there are text summaries which are short but describe the activities well enough. This could be a model for other wiki groups.

good international participation

Many Wikimedia organizations who participate in international editing campaigns just organize the campaigns locally without adding much to them. West Bengal Wikimedians obviously puts good effort into planning events that match local interests but also that contribute to global efforts. Incorporating photography into events as diverse as architecture, butterflies, and food means that the group contributed several times to various campaigns, but also built its own portfolio and community specialty in collecting, sorting, and presenting photos.

For Wiki Loves Monuments specifically, this group focused on getting many photographs of a few places rather than a few photos of many places. This is the opposite of what works for most groups, but in the case of this region, there were interesting monuments which were worth many photos and this way of running the program works well.

expertise in content creation processes

South Asian wiki community groups have a lot of interest in text scanning, managing proofreading, organizing local travel, and supporting photo upload programs. These are skills which can apply to any interest, and this group is providing support for people to do these things as a group. Support for methods is a great strategy for outreach.

good strategic activism

West Bengal being one of the early signatories of the Wikimedia Affiliates Environmental Sustainability Covenant is great, because there has been a lot of community debate around this and not everyone has signed it. I followed this discussion and think it is a good idea, but like all good ideas, it has costs and benefits. Right now I see several arge European chapters signing and a few smaller groups including this one. I already know that West Bengal Wikimedians discuss environmental issues a lot so if this group signed, then it would only be after years of social and ethical discussions. Because this group signed, I am putting discussion of this on the agenda of the next United States regional community discussion to consider our signing too.

I am also impressed with the notes and topics discussed at the West Bengal Wikimedians/Annual General Meeting/2022.

I appreciate the new discussion about partnership between West Bengal Wikimedians and Wikimedia Bangladesh. I think West Bengal's partnership with Bangladesh may be a better fit than partnering with an India chapter, just because India is huge, Bangladesh is close, and Bangladesh and Bengal have the same language. It is nice that this is developing.

Thanks great programs. Bluerasberry (talk) 17:55, 26 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

@Bluerasberry:, thanks a lot again for your kind words and valuable feedback. We are really glad that you liked our activities and this report. -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 13:04, 27 March 2022 (UTC)Reply