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Talk:Universal Code of Conduct/Revised enforcement guidelines/Voter information/de

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Not at the voter list[edit]

I have tried to vote about the Universal Code of Conduct. estint the Account "Account Eligibility" confirms I am eligible to vote, but when I am trying, I am getting the message "We apologize, but you do not appear to be on the eligible voter list. Please visit the voter help page for more information on voter eligibility and information on how to be added to the voter list if you are eligible." J. Patrick Fischer (talk) 20:44, 17 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Was wird gewählt?[edit]

Hallo miteinander, nachdem ich das Gegendere mit den Sternchen sah, habe ich keine Lust, bei der Aktion mitzumachen. Trotzdem bin ich neugierig: Was wird überhaupt gewählt? Freundliche Grüße -- Spurzem (talk) 19:54, 23 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

What is being voted on here? / Über was wird hier abgestimmt?[edit]

Dear sirs, the paragraph What is being voted on here? does not give me any clue what the heck these supercallifragilistic-expiallidocious revised enforcement guidelines contain. What is being enforced? Will I be sued if I won't use useresses and users instead of users in the German Wikipedia, against the guidelines of the German Wikipedia? (The quarrel has been going on for years there.) Will I have to create a sockpuppet for myself in order to confirm that I have less then seven sockpuppets? I would be very glad indeed if you explained the whole thing a bit more to the common (useresses and) users. Thank you very much, --Curryfranke (talk) 15:56, 24 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for asking on my behalf. You only have been a minute quicker than me. I am just as curious as you are. Before I vote for or against anything, I need a thing like a (internal?) Wikipedia article to simply know, what it is all about. - Guguuseli Guguuseli (talk) 00:00, 1 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, nach Lektüre des Abschnitts Worüber wird abgestimmt? habe ich leider immer noch überhaupt keine Ahnung, was zum Kuckuck diese superkallifragilistisch-expialligorischen Leitlinien zur Durchsetzung des Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) enthalten. Was wird hier durchgesetzt? Wird man mich in Zukunft verrklagen, wenn ich gemäß den Leitlinien der deutschen Wikipedia weiterhin statt BenutzerInnen einfach Benutzer schreibe? Muss ich mir eine Sockenpuppe zulegen, um zu bestätigen, dass ich weniger als sieben Sockenpuppen habe? Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie die ganze Sache den einfachen kullanıcılar, äh, BenutzerInnen und -außen, etwas mehr erklären würden. Vielen Dank, --Curryfranke (talk) 15:56, 24 January 2023 (UTC)Reply