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Khai 30 Zwat A̱ni̱nai 2022 | 30 August 2022 Election


A total of 11 persons were present during the election held virtually on Google Meet. Six persons were elected to play six roles in the Board pf Trustees and the other five persons were inaugurated as members of the Board of Advisers (BoA).

For the Board of Trustees, there were:

  1. Levi Kambai Timothy (User:Kambai Akau) - Executive Director
  2. Zwandien Bobai (User:Zbobai) - Assistant Director
  3. Linda Bello (User:Bello Lydia) - Secretary
  4. Friday Kuyet Musa (User:Friday musa) - Financial Secretary
  5. Stephen Kalad Jonathan (User:Steve Kally) - IT, Communications and Outreach Coordinator
  6. Valentine Yambwat Didam Michael (User:Valtino44) - Events, Meetups and Grants Coordinator

For the Board of Advisers, there were:

  1. Genesis Kambai Shan (User:Genesis shan)
  2. J. Boman (User:Jiboman)
  3. Obadiah Audu Abui-Obed (User:Fantswam)
  4. Elisha Dogason Sako (User:Elisha D. Sako)
  5. Endurance Dogara Akut (User:Endurance Dogara Akut)

The ByLaws for the group (although subject to further amendment) was also adopted by those present during the meeting. Kambai Akau (talk) 21:52, 30 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

A̱tung 24 Zwat Nyaai 2023 | Meeting of 24 May 2023


In the meeting held on the above date; the IT, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Stephen Kalad Jonathan was replaced by Dorothy Katyak Habila, partly so as to enable him concentrate on his personal health, and due to the need for increase in female representation in the group. She was appointed to complete her predecessor's tenure and may contest in the next election for her own tenureship to begin counting. Kambai Akau (talk) 22:59, 30 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

A̱tung 26 Zwat A̱ni̱nai 2023 ma̱ng Jhyuk Lyulyoot Cucuk hu | 30 August 2023 Meeting and Roles Naming Adjustments


The BoT members had a meeting virtually via Google Meet on Saturday, 26 August 2023, in which L. K. Timothy suggested that the roles be renamed to clearly distinguish between the Governance and Administrative roles.

Hencefoŗth, the Governance roles would include the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Financial Secretary, two Board Members, and members of the Board of Advisers (BoA). Meanwhile, the Administrative roles shall include members roles like the Executive Director, Project Manager, contract and volunteer staff, all of which shall be sourced for when the Tyap Wikimedians Organization is strong enough financially to afford them.

In the meantime, the actors in the Governing roles shall double up as Administrative role staff but the roles themselves have been clearly demarcated. Kambai Akau (talk) 22:24, 30 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Khai 30 Zwat A̱ni̱nai 2023 | 30 August 2023 Election


A total of five persons showed up during the election. The low turn out was as a result of issues with electricity supply to power devices, and well as other undisclosed reasons.

Five of the Board of Trustees members seeking for reelection were present. While a member of the Board of Advisers was present.

The Section 7 of the ByLaws was amended by those present, to allow for an absent candidate who takes appropriate permission to be absent in the election, to be elected by proxy. This was due to the absence of the sitting Secretary who took permission to be absent, due to low phone battery.

The newly elected Board of Trustees members included:

  1. Levi Kambai Timothy (User:Kambai Akau) - Chairman
  2. Zwandien Bobai (User:Zbobai) - Vice Chairman
  3. Linda Bello (User:Bello Lydia) - Secretary
  4. Friday Kuyet Musa (User:Friday musa) - Financial Secretary
  5. Valentine Yambwat Didam Michael (User:Valtino44) - Board Member
  6. Dorothy Habila (User:Dorothy Habila) - Board Member

The only member of the Board of Advisers present was:

  1. Genesis Kambai Shan (User:Genesis shan)

The first five elected members of the BoT would serve a three year tenure and the last, a one-year tenure, after which if reelected, would serve a three-year tenure. However, any member who does not perform to expectation could have his/her tenure terminated and someone brought in to complete it. Kambai Akau (talk) 22:26, 30 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

A̱shai a̱fai mi̱ Bwot Á̱niet nang Á̱ Fwuong da̱ Mba si̱ Sot Á̱nietnta̱m Wukimedia nTyap ji | New change in the Board of Trustees of the Tyap Wikimedians User Group


The Tyap Wikimedians User Group (TWU) Board of Trustees Meeting on Saturday, 29 August 2024, with all six board members present has come to the conclusion of cancelling the Board of Trustee slot presently occupied by Dorothy Ka̱tyak Habila. The position would, hereafter, be replaced with a paid position of a Communications and Advocacy Officer who would work in the Tyap Wikimedians Organisation as an admin staff alongside the Executive Director and the Project Manager. The number of Board of Trustees (BoT) members of the Tyap Wikimedians User Group/Organisation would hence reduce by one, leaving behind the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Financial Secretary, and one Board Member. The group hopes to grow gradually with time. Meanwhile, the BoT member whose tenure expires on 30 August 2024, hereafter, is invited to act as a Board of Advisor (BoA) member, joining Mashan Genesis Kambai and others as advisors of the TWU. Kambai Akau (talk) 23:08, 29 August 2024 (UTC)Reply

Nwai A̱tyulyuut mi̱ BoT hu | Vacant Secretarial Position in the BoT


On Friday, 6 December 2024, the Board of Trustees (BoT) of the Tyap Wikimedians User Group had an in person sitting with all five board members present. The Secretary, Linda Bello resigned her position to develop herself and focus on other aspects of the Movement. As of today, the position is yet to be filled. It remains so for the meantime. Meanwhile, the other four existing board members namely: K. Akau (Chair.), Z. Bobai (V. Chair.), F. Kuyet (F. Sec.), and V. Didam (B. Mem.) would fill in the vacuum.

On behalf of the TWU Board of Trustees,
Levi Kambai Timothy -- Kambai Akau (talk) 13:34, 12 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

Cat Kurum GSF TWU Zwat A̱natat - Zwat Swak ma̱ng Sweang 2025 | TWU GSF Application July - December 2025


As earlier discussed, we hope to apply for a six-month-long General Support Fund (GSF) from the Wikimedia Foundation to fund our activities for the remaining part of the year, from July – December 2025 in the Second Cycle of applications spanning from February 10 – March 1, 2025. However, we hope to switch to the First Cycle from 2026 onwards to align our activities with the Gregorian calendar and help for better planning of our activities. Please make any additional comments as reply to this summary (if any). N gwai! Thank you! Kambai Akau (talk) 13:56, 25 February 2025 (UTC)Reply

This is very okay, and would help with proper planning and execution of activities as well as proper community engagements. We look forward to this new changes. N gwai, za̱m! Friday musa (talk) 14:24, 25 February 2025 (UTC)Reply