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Talk:Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2015/Community consultation/2015-03-12

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Response by 9868john 13:36, 3 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

9868john's thoughts on question 1[edit]

1) Wearable tech will provide new channels

2) These new channels will pave a whole new way for streaming content

3) Viral content will take off much quicker and with more momentum

4) People will consume more current data rather than archived data

5) Consumption will be of shorter, more efficient bursts

6) There will be an increase in 'autoplay sites'

7) Visual content will continue challenge text based content

8) Educational content will be focussed around active communities

9) Repackaged and recycled data will increase

10) There will be an increase in live content and data.

11) Web applications and streaming sites will be favoured to downloading

Debate: Will media content overtake the need for text based content? Debate: As social channels become more refined will they overtake the need for search

9868john's thoughts on question 2[edit]

Improving Wikipedia

The encyclopaedias I used to look at as a kid used to have pictures, they were awesome - I'd like to see Wikipedia taking advantage of video content.

I would to see more of a learning community based around the idea of verified teachers and students

I would like to see things looking more current, kinda like whats new and now that I can learn about?

I think you need to work on user experience and navigation - I never navigate through wikipedia or search for anything through your search bar because if i'm looking for something then Google is more efficient.

I would like to see how Wiki content could be repurposed / recycled / revamped into content that can be consumed quicker.

I would like to be able to consume a summary of the content in an article without having to read the whole thing, I know i'm lazy but so is everyone and people are even lazier on mobiles!

I would like to see more efficient crowd funding than 'can you give us $3" in a big yellow banner at the top of the page - harsh but true, I think Wikipedia, with all its information now needs other means of exploring for new knowledge.

Hope this makes sense its so late

Hi @9868john: thank you for posting! Could you elaborate on "revamped content" and on "efficient crowd sourcing" -- what are your thoughts on how that would look? LilaTretikov (WMF) (talk) 01:24, 4 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi @LilaTretikov:, glad to be of use! I did actually reply to this already but it looks as though it didn't save :( hopefully I can remember.

By Revamped content, I'm kind referring to repurposing and user experience. Here are 3 ways I think would be good to repurpose content:

1) Data visualisation Many businesses take their old articles (which are still relevant) and use the information within them to create visuals like info graphics - infogr.am. Data visualisation is interesting not only because it gives a visual snapshot, but also because it can help identify trends and other useful information which can't be seen within a wall of text. Wikipedia has so much data and statistics, it would be awesome if these could become visual and easier to digest.

2) Quick summary / random articles for mobile Wikipedia has vast articles on every topic but this is not popular on mobiles because people want content thats easier to consume. It would be interesting to see a quick summary / quick fact type of thing where people can consume the main point of the article so people (especially on mobiles) can consume it quickly and move onto something else. The random article could also be awesome for mobiles, if its done correctly which at the moment it isn't. People want to consume content quicker.

3) 'How to' content Slide share, youtube, vimeo, wikihow all thrive off 'how to' content - 'how to' was the highest search term in 2014. These platforms utilise 'how to' learning and I think with re-purposing it would be possible to create step by step learning which is much easier to digest, especially on mobiles.

Efficient crowd funding / sourcing I love how wikipedia is a non profit organisation and I believe in free information but the I think the trick is to try and repurpose money way to generate funding through other means - stay with me - My example for this would be Google and how they allow employees to spend 10% of their time on their own projects, some of which have become very successful. It would be awesome to see Wikipedia doing something similar but in a more decentralised way, perhaps doing something like 'wiki world projects' and backing selective ventures who support for example education in third world countries or the distribution of free information.

I hope this is clear and of use to you, John

Thanks for the additional info @9868john:, great thoughts! LilaTretikov (WMF) (talk) 04:41, 9 March 2015 (UTC)Reply[edit]

Response by 03:59, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Reply'ın 2. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri[edit]

...önemli bulduğum gelecek eğilimi: medyaya mağruz kalan insanların artık delirmeye başlaması. İnsanlığın algılarıyla oynuyorsunuz. İnsanlar dinlemeye dinlemeye kendi kalplerinin sesini unutuyorlar. Resmen zombileşiyorlar. Ve en kötüsü de bütün bunları bilerek yapıyor olmanız. Tüm insanlığın bilmediği şeyler mi biliyorsunuz siz? O zaman bunu dünyanın lehine kullanmayı deneyin artık. 1 milyar insanı daha bu aydınlatma oyunlarınıza mahrum bırakırsanız, dünya yalnızca biraz daha kaosa yönelmiş olacak. Heh işte tam sizin istediğiniz durum değil mi? Neden? Çünkü her kaos ardından gelen bir düzenle son bulur değil mi? İlk başta kalbimi heyecanlandırmıştı 'yeni dünya düzeni' fikri çünkü çok mantıklı geliyordu. Ama siz yüzünüzün aslında ne kadar çirkin olduğunu gösterdiniz. Bildiğimiz,inandığımız şeylerin aslında hurafeler olduğunu bize anlatmaya çalıştınız. Artık uyanmamız gerektiğini söylediniz. Peki ya sonra niye bizi boşlukta bıraktınız ha! Dünyaya baktığımda ne görüyorum biliyor musunuz? Sanki taşınmakta oldukları evi pisletmekten çekinmeyen kiracılar gibiyiz. Hayırdır beyler uzaya mı gideceğiz? Doğa anadan ayrılıp onun suyundan kesilmemiz için daha çok erken olduğunu görmüyor musunuz? Öyle güçlü bir sistem kurmuşsunuz ki, teksiniz. Başka bir rakibiniz yok. O halde neden hala bu sistemin çarklarının iyilik için dönmesini sağlamıyorsunuz...

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"... Future trends that I find important: now starting to go crazy the people who are a victim of the media. You are playing with human perception. People tend to forget to listen to listen to the voice of their own hearts. Officially they zombileşiy. And the worst is knowing that you are doing all that well. All mankind can know things you do not know? So now try to use it in favor of the world. If you leave this lighting than 1 billion people deprived of your game world will be directed only slightly more chaos. Is it not the case that you want to complete your job huh? Why Is That? Because not all the chaos that followed ended organize a? At first my heart was excited 'coming new world order' because it is very sensible idea. But you showed your face, how ugly fact. As we know, you try to tell us that actually superstitions of what we believe. Now, you said that we need to wake up. So then why did you leave us in space or ha! Do you know what I see when I look at the world? Afraid tenants are like they are being transported from home to make a mess though. No, we are gentlemen went to the space? Do not you see that it's too early for us to cut his water nature separated from the main? You set up a system so powerful that your texture. You do not have another opponent. Then why do you still do not allow for the rotation of the wheel well of the system ..."[edit]

Response by 06:43, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Reply's thoughts on question 2[edit]

با سلام میتوان مطالب را بصورت تقویم تاریخ و رویدادها نوشت که برای عموم مردم جذاب باشد. با تشکر

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
Calendar events can be written content that is appealing to the public.
Thank you"[edit]

Response by 10:14, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Reply's thoughts on question 2[edit]

és evident que la propera generació tindrà a l'abast noves eines i que la formulació actual no servirà. No acabo de veure quins sertan els nous sistemes però sí albiro que seran completament diferents. Hi ha una tasca molt important per l'esdevenidor. Pellicer, Josep.

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"it is clear that the next generation will have new tools available that will not present formulation. I can not see what the new systems but Sertan envisioned to be completely different. There is a very important task for the future. Pellicer, Joseph."[edit]

Response by 11:25, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Reply'ın 1. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri[edit]

Giyilebilir teknolojiler kavramının mobil sektörün en gözde konusu olacağı görüşündeyim, sosyal medya ve büyük veri konuları da büyük rağbette olacaktır.

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"I believe it would be the most popular topics of the mobile industry the concept of wearable technology, social media and big data issues will also be great premium."'ın 2. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri[edit]

- Kayıtlı kullanıcılar arasındaki sosyal etkileşim daha üst bir noktaya getirilmeli, bu konularda Stack Overflow ve GitHub örnek alınabilir. - Arama özelliği daha ön planda yer almalı ve işlevselliği artırılmalı, bu konuda Google örnek alınabilir. - Arayüz giyilebilir teknolojilere esnetilmeli, bütün farklı platformlar arasında etkileşim olmalı. Örneğin; mobil, web ve giyilebilir teknoloji arayüzleri arasında mantıklı ve sezgisel etkileşimler olmalı. Bu konuda Google, Apple ve Microsoft örnek alınabilir.

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"- Registered users between social interaction should be brought to a higher point, Stack Overflow and GitHub these issues can be modeled.
- Search feature should be included in the foreground and functionality should be increased, can Google example in this regard.
- The interface must be stretched to wearable technology should be interaction between all the different platforms. For Example; mobile, web, and should be logical and intuitive interaction between wearable technology interfaces. In this regard, Google, Apple and Microsoft can be modeled."[edit]

Response by 13:24, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Reply'ın 1. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri[edit]

bızımde topladığımız bılgılerı yada tezlerı sızlerle paylaşacağımız açık paylaşım sayfaları doğru oranda toplanan bılgılerın kontrol sonrası bu acık sayfalar da blog gıbı de olabılır paylaşımlar sağlamak

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"We collect our share my knowledge of or thesis sızlerl page will open sharing of information collected after checking the correct ratio blogs such as this hungry pages also provide olabılır shares"[edit]

Response by 20:19, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Reply's thoughts on question 1[edit]

Увеличение количества устройств перерастёт в изменения качественные:размеры медийных устройств,интеграция и внедрение их в организм человека,мысленно-образные системы управления устройствами и связь с нервной системой человека.

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"Increasing the number of devices grow into qualitative changes: the size of media devices, integration and implementation of the human body, mentally-shaped control devices and communication with the human nervous system."'s thoughts on question 2[edit]

глобальная информационная система человечества.

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"global information system of mankind."[edit]

Response by 22:40, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Reply'ın 1. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri[edit]

Mümkün olduğunca dil çevirilerinin daha anlamlı yapılması (Cümleler okunduğunda kolay anlaşılamıyor.). Biraz daha fazla resim/fotoğraf (hatta video) seçeneği olmalı. Son olarak birde site tasarımını değiştirmeniz güzel olur.(Biraz da renk katılmalı)

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"More meaningful to do as much as possible of language translation (can not be understood easily read the sentences.).
Some more pictures / images (or video) should have the option.
Finally a site would be nice to change the design. (A little color should attend)"'ın 2. soru hakkındaki düşünceleri[edit]

Bence yakın zamanda yapmış olduğunuz son projeler gayet başarılı: http://www.wikiversity.org/ (Birde tıbbi bilimler eklenirse süper olur) "Bizlere böyle değer verdiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz."

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"Recent projects you have made in my opinion very successful recently: http://www.wikiversity.org/
(If a medical science is super-added)
"We thank you for such values."[edit]

Response by 01:57, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

faça um trabalho de equipe...tipo multinivel

Machine translation: make a team effort ... type multilevel[edit]

Response by 02:11, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۱[edit]

به نظر من در آینده با تفکر در مورد شخص مورد نظر میتوانیم با او صحبت کنیم چیزی شبیه به تله پاتی با توضیح اینکه سخت افزار پیشرفته خواهد بود و کامپوتر زیستی که به مچ دست بسته خواهد شد و به صورت چیزی شبیه وای فای که من دوست دارم بهش وای فای زیستی بگم با مغز مرتبت خواهد بود و امکان ارتباط های خارق العاده بوجود خواهد آمد

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"I will be ordering the brain to tell her biological WiFi connection will be created extraordinary"

نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۲[edit]

پیشنهادم رفتن به سوی دادن اطلاعات از خیابان ها به صورت تاریخچه عکس روی دادهای اتفاق افتاده در آن خیابان همراه با تصویر و عکس به صورتی که کاربر از نام خیابان عکس بگیرد با موبایل خود و ویکیپدیا هوشمند در مورد خیابان برایش اطلاعات بفرس

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"Suggest going into the details of the streets in the history of the events happened in the street with the photo and image If the user name of the street to take pictures with their mobile phones and smart Wikipedia information about St. him Pavers"[edit]

Response by 08:15, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

نظر کاربر در مورد پرسش ۱[edit]

...در اینجا بنویسید...کوچک شدن دستگاه به اندازه ساعت مچی یا انگشتر ودیدن تصویر آن در عینک یا در فضای بالای آن به هر اندازه که بخواهیم

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"... In here ... shrink the size of a watch or ring Vdydn image in the glasses or the space above it to any size you want"

نظر کاربر نیست در اینجا بنویسیده[edit]

مهم رپروژه نیست هرکسی بدنبال نیازهای خود است مهم صداقت وبیطرفی وبرروز بودن در مطالب است البته مطالب علمی بهداشتی تاریخی اجتماعی بیشتر مورد توجه است

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"Anyone looking for your needs is important not Rprvzhh important Vbytrfy Vbrrvz integrity of the contents of the social history of health science
More attention is"

Diego Antunes[edit]

Response by 08:24, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Well I guess many corporations use the wikipedia to provide public information about its activities around the world witch should consist in free ads if you consider the fact that the wikipedia results in search providers are always in the first page. Corporations should donate without any commercial intention once they take so many advantadge of this resource from many modes. Never let wikipedia have ads in its pages, because we cannot allow knowledge to get more misunderstood than it is.[edit]

Response by 09:15, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

dont sansur , make it international


Response by Minjuedcho 10:34, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Minjuedcho님의 질문 1에 대한 생각[edit]

손쉬운 접근방법을 통한 과학지식 탐구

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"With easy access to explore how scientific knowledge"

Minjuedcho님의 질문 2에 대한 생각[edit]

특정 분야에 대해서 전문가들의 감수, 지식에 대한 완전한 객관적, 중립적 자세 요구

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"Supervision of experts for a specific field, complete an objective, neutral posture demands for knowledge"[edit]

Response by 11:02, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply's thoughts on question 1[edit]

el problema es que la mitad de la población nunca tendrá internet.

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"the problem is that half of the population will never have internet."'s thoughts on question 2[edit]

la ONU tendría que trabajar para que el 3 mundo pueda acceder a toda la información para que sus estudiantes lograsen que en el futuro, sus países fueran mejor. Gracias.

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"the UN would have to work for 3 world can access all the information for their students lograsen that in the future, their countries were better. Thank You."[edit]

Not change much maybe~[edit]

Response by 16:00, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Eu acho muito bom que mas gente visite o site.

Machine translation, please improve: I think very good but that we visit.[edit]

Response by 18:44, 8 March 2015 (UTC)Reply's thoughts on question 2[edit]

Вам не выжить в этом жестоком интернете. Форматируйте свои жесткие диски. Вам не победить!!!

(Machine translation, please help improve...)
"You do not survive in this cruel Internet. Format their hard drives. You can not win !!!"[edit]

Question 1: Peoples want to more innovation because when the people see ordinary things or same things they will be boring . So Wikimedia has a new responsibilty in here CHANGE . Wikimedia can do some change for example ı am talking Turkish and ı know only Turkish ı want to know some information about any topic but sometimes vikipedia isn't enough for me because ı choose English lanuage there are more informatin but Turkish isn't enough these have to be equal. This my proposal ı hope ı can help you .

Thank you, We're hearing a lot of input from people who would like to see strengthening in some of the less-developed languages. --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 10:59, 9 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Indra Jaya2208[edit]

Response by Indra Jaya2208 03:26, 9 March 2015 (UTC) Menurut pendapat saya strateginya adalah membuat informasi yang berbentuk permainan, seakan - akan informasi itu diinformasikan dengan menggunakan objeck permainan, seakan - akan kita dibawa ke sebuah game tapi berisi informasi - informasi sehingga pengguna mudah dan senang membukanya.Reply

translated by Aldnonymous (id-N)
  • In my opinion we need a strategy that form a game like situation, as if the action of adding more content using a game like interface, this way many user will participate more actively and happily using it.
"Response from User:Aldnonymous":, Imo this sounds like a good Idea, we already do that with Wikidata game (Wikidata game), the result is many item are now actively updated there, if this was possible to be enabled on mobile, I think this would become a huge boon for Wikimedia in general.--AldNonymousBicara? 11:45, 9 March 2015 (UTC)Reply