Please do not post any new comments on this page. This is a discussion archive first created in 2020, although the comments contained were likely posted before and after this date. See current discussion or the archives index.
[BUG]: Cannot view any more edits after viewing first one
Latest comment: 5 years ago5 comments2 people in discussion
Hi there; when I view an edit in the queue for the first time, and I try to click on another one (from any part of the interface), it takes me to a screen showing the first edit and a popup with the message "Failed... dev code: 010; error code: 404." I've already tried to clear the cache, close my browser and re-login but the same thing happens when I open a new session.
[BUG]: Seeing "The edit has already was reverted." repeatedly when no revert has occured
Latest comment: 4 years ago5 comments4 people in discussion
Chrome/Windows 10
Repeatedly seeing "The edit has already was reverted" even when no revert has occured. Most if not all of the edits I click are getting this, even after re-opening SWViewer.
Latest comment: 4 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Just normally press "R" and see the error Rollback error: The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here. Relevant diff is this.
Latest comment: 4 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
I'd like to suggest a new feature. A shortcut for nominating the loaded article for CSD along with the icons for reverting, open in browser, etc will be help us to tag problematic articles requires CSD.
@Path slopu: You can already do that by going to Edit source > Deletion tags (on the right side on desktop and a icon on top right on mobile). ‐‐1997kB (talk) 01:31, 25 April 2020 (UTC)
Latest comment: 4 years ago5 comments3 people in discussion
Chromium browser in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic beaver
The software adding wrong user talk warning like this. The edit mentioned in warning is this edit (a page creation). I didn't try to revert that edit.Even if I tried to revert, why did it place a warning in different language. So I believe that it's a bug. (There is a discussion regarding this on the talk page of Camouflaged Mirage) Please consider. --Path slopu (talk) 02:18, 22 April 2020 (UTC)
@1997kB and CptViraj:Thank you very much for considering my request. I agree with you and follow as you suggested (loading next edit after seeing reverted edit). But now I face another problem too. I am reporting here in next thread. Thank you.--Path slopu (talk) 09:44, 22 April 2020 (UTC)
Latest comment: 4 years ago9 comments2 people in discussion
Chromium, Ubuntu 18.04
Hi greetings, I have encountered an issue with SWViewer. In some occasions the software revert some edits without my intentions. The edits are reverted immediately after loading it. Then I reverted my edits (reverts) in different wikis (example diffs -[1], [2]). Please consider this.
@Path slopu: When this happens could you please look for error in console and provide them? Also have you tried changing device? Maybe it's because of faulty device? ‐‐1997kB (talk) 13:45, 25 April 2020 (UTC)
[FEATURE]: Differentiate between edits and page creation in "Queue"
Latest comment: 4 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Differentiate between edits and page creation in "Queue". Colours are out as we already use red to identify edits by users that have been rollbacked. How about underlining the wiki name for new page creations?
Latest comment: 4 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
SWViewer could include ORES predictions with edits to help people focus on the edits that are most likely to be damaging. See mw:ORES. I'm happy to help if you have any questions. ORES supports ~45 different languages. See for a list of wikis and models available. Note that the "damaging" and "reverted" models seem like they are most relevant to this tool.
Latest comment: 4 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
I'm not sure if SWViewer already has a list of GS wikis, but if it does, I suggest adding an option to report deletion tags to Global sysops/Requests. In my opinion, this should be optional (like the informing user of deletion tag option). Some deletions (e.g. test page, empty page etc.) can wait, but some others (e.g. BLP violations, copyright violations, vandalism etc.) should be prioritized, and this can, in my opinion, help. Thanks.
Latest comment: 4 years ago11 comments2 people in discussion
Google Chrome, from Windows Laptop
Error 1:Rollback error: Unknow error. Some wikis requires CAPTCHA and I can't rollback from SWViewer or TWGlobal
Error 2:[I don't remember the error, somethink like wrong user]. I can't execute the rollback. If I open the wiki in another page, for some reasons I'm not logged in.
--ValeJappo (talk) 08:32, 28 May 2020 (UTC)
@ValeJappo: For Error 1 issue is autoconfirmed right. If you are not autoconfirmed and use undo on any wiki, you need to enter CAPTCHA in order to ensure software that you are not spammer.
For Error 2 it looks like you don't have account on that wiki and when an edit comes and you do undo or rollback, it firstly check that user exist on that wiki or not.
@1997kB: for some reasons it happen again... Rollback error: The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here--ValeJappo (talk) 09:33, 28 May 2020 (UTC)
Latest comment: 4 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Chrome/Windows 10
I think that "previous diff" function is based on feed order, but maybe can be based on the exhibition order, for this: If we need back more that one time to same edit, her order it is not gets "lost" on the flow.
Isn't worth when we have limited numbers to get back page and will complicate the process as we discussed on in-app talk. ‐‐1997kB (talk) 09:07, 8 June 2020 (UTC)
[FEATURE]: allow custom sound or make a list of other sounds
Latest comment: 4 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
If possible, it'd be nice to be able to choose other sounds for notifications or be able to have a custom sound, since the default one is a bit silent and could be missed.
I don't think we will work on custom sounds, but feel free to suggest sounds from so that we can replace current one. ‐‐1997kB (talk) 09:15, 8 June 2020 (UTC)
Latest comment: 4 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Right now we have a feature that allows us to open the page we are currently viewing by pressing o. In my experience, users that have vandalized one page, usually have done the same to other pages. I am suggesting that a button should be added that would open a page Special:Contributions/User and would allow us to see this users other contributions in a project. My suggestion for this button is c. Cheers!
@1997kB:, I was aware about the click option, I had no idea that there is already a hotkey for that. Thank you! Consider this sugestion withdrawn. Cheers! Nadzik (talk) 07:50, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
@1997kB: In order to better monitor some large wikis, I created two queue settings, one without Small Wikis and added enwiki and other items in Custom wikis, and the other as shown in the image. However, when I switched yesterday, I found that there appeared to be overlapping settings, which caused some large wikis when I used the queue settings that specifically monitor the small wiki, which caused the pending to be flooded. 轻语者 (talk) 09:00, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
@轻语者: In large wiki settings you should turn of 'Small Wikis' and 'Less than 300 users' options, as these are related to swmt patrolling. Also you can turn off 'Less than 300 users' in small wiki settings too. ‐‐1997kB (talk) 09:37, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
@1997kB: I'm sorry I don't know what you want to say, I just want to separate the large wiki and the small wiki into two queues to facilitate monitoring. 轻语者 (talk) 09:59, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
@轻语者: In small wiki queue you are getting edits from wikis where you have rollbacker right, so to eliminate those edits you need to add zhwiki, simplewiki, wikidatawiki and commonswiki into Wiki whitelist. ‐‐1997kB (talk) 10:03, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
So why sometimes the editing of enwiki pops up? Like big bang suddenly occupies half of the screen so that I missed a lot of destructive editing. 轻语者 (talk) 10:08, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
Because large number of edits are made in very short time on enwiki's so edits are that fast, but you can always filter those using settings. My advice is that create a separate queue for enwiki. ‐‐1997kB (talk) 10:13, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
"why sometimes the editing of enwiki pops up?" When "Small wiki" preset is enabled, do you see enwiki edits?—Iluvatar (talk) 10:19, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
Ok, if you click by enwiki, what do you see? Diff is from current time or outdated? (Maybe due to lags of API / your internet speed some diffs insert in queue later, after you switch the preset.)—Iluvatar (talk) 11:00, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
Latest comment: 4 years ago3 comments1 person in discussion
Local rollbackers usually get confused when there is no wiki added in custom wiki list but they get edits. We should automatically add wikis where user have rollback right to custom wiki.
@1997kB:, I think so. Do you think that it was only when I re-logged, that SWViewer realised that my permissions have ben upgraded? Cheers! Nadzik (talk) 10:51, 23 September 2020 (UTC)
Maybe you use two device? On first device you already performed re-login after grant of GR, but on second device you did it between 09:07 and 09:08 today? Please clear cache and re-login (unlogin-login) on all your devices where you use SWV.—Iluvatar (talk) 10:51, 23 September 2020 (UTC)
Strongly support that! I had to stop using SWViewer on my home project, because many edits did not need rollback and I would be at risk of violating rollback policy. Cheers! Nadzik (talk) 07:27, 2 September 2020 (UTC)
[SUGGESTION]: An option to not send the user back to the landing page after emptying the queue
Latest comment: 4 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
A small annoyance, really, but if you [r]evert the last diff in the queue, the software sends you back to the landing page, meaning the hotkeys (specially [space]) stop working, so you have to click back on a diff to go back to using the hotkeys. If possible, I'd suggest adding an option where, if reverting the last diff in the queue, instead show the new diff so the user remains in the queue.
[OTHER]: Question regarding adding SWViewer to a non-WMF farm
Latest comment: 3 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hi. At Miraheze (a wiki farm) we would like to get SWViewer in order to be able to combat vandalism more effectively farm-wide. However, I have a question, does SWViewer need direct database access for it to work or how exactly does it work? If this information is private I can be emailed. Thanks!
Hi. On wiki-farms’ server-side should be installed eventStream, also you need a hosting (php/nodejs/cron/DB) for SWV (toolforge is only for WMF’s wikis). Need to rewrite some part of source code and configure oAuth. You could do it ;), but eventStream is not installed. "does SWViewer need direct database access" — no, only SSE (eventStream as source), API and tool’ own database (logs, stats). Database of wiki is not uses. Sorry for my English.—Iluvatar (talk) 08:24, 24 July 2020 (UTC)
It would be a great idea (in the distant future) to combine all projects in SWV: WMF, Fandom (ex.Wikia), Miraheze, etc. But unfortunately eventStream installed only here.—Iluvatar (talk) 08:35, 24 July 2020 (UTC)
Latest comment: 2 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
The translation was done in French on, then others came in to put gender in the sentences. Example: When closing in French: « Êtes-vous sûr ? » or « Êtes-vous sûre ? ». Previously this gave « Êtes-vous sûr{{GENDER||e}} ? ». I corrected as long as there was not the m / fem difference. Kind regards.