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Talk:Movement Charter/Ambassadors Program

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Latest comment: 1 year ago by Sicherlich in topic Früher "Community Advocate"

Should you have any questions about the Movement Charter Ambassadors program?


Should you have any questions about the Movement Charter Ambassadors program, please ask. MPossoupe (WMF) (talk) 10:23, 27 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

@MPossoupe (WMF), by when would the details be available on the grant's subpage? ─ The Aafī (talk) 03:07, 7 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Hi @TheAafi,
Details will be available by end of tomorrow, the latest. You will be notified.
Thanks MPossoupe (WMF) (talk) 11:24, 7 November 2022 (UTC)Reply


from Special:Diff/24055976

Currently, the translation system is broken on this page. Should this page be translatable, @MPossoupe? -- Pols12 (talk) 19:18, 9 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Hi @Pols12,
Thanks for pointing this out. I will have a look and fix it. MPossoupe (WMF) (talk) 12:30, 10 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Confirming that the translation is fixed now. Thanks MPossoupe (WMF) (talk) 16:05, 10 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for your quick answer and action. 🙂 -- Pols12 (talk) 19:22, 10 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

sustainable participation

from Special:Diff/24065123

How can we make community engagement, outreaches sustainable for the future MCDC RebeccaRwanda (talk) 18:50, 12 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Volunteer position, contractor work or grant?


In the last section you talk about how to apply for the grant. Since I understood the program as a volunteers working together to spread information about the Charter, I was surprised and I wonder why this is compensated by a grant rather than by a regular contract as other contractors have with the WMF? Could you elaborate on that and give some more information about the grant (amount, length of service, reporting, ...) Is the grant actually seen as a compensation or is it financial support for something else? Alice Wiegand (talk) 17:25, 13 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for asking this question. @MPossoupe (WMF) it will be great if we can get a detailed FAQ with information about the grant amount, and reporting so as to guide applicants in drafting their proposals. Also is there a ceiling grant amount for individuals or user groups? Bukky658 (talk) 12:37, 17 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Lyzzy,
Thanks for asking. The program is volunteer-based. While some volunteers may not need any financial support to host Movement Charter conversations in their communities, others may need financial support. That is why the grant had been made available. The amount depends on the type of conversation the volunteer ambassador may need to do (online or in-person), the number of participants etc ...
Also, the grant package seems to be a better model for this situation because it is more accessible for the volunteers and more scalable for the Foundation
Regards, ⁣ MPossoupe (WMF) (talk) 10:45, 18 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

New additions

from Special:Diff/24237665

@Suyash.dwivedi, @VALENTIN NVJ, and others, please make sure that you don't disrupt translation units while adding new entries to this list. It makes the job of translation admins very difficult. One should be just adding event entry in a normal way without substituting any tags into the text. See for example this and this edit in which translation units were either copied or assigned manually. I've fixed this for now but please take care in future. Courtesy ping to: @MPossoupe (WMF)The Aafī (talk) 10:45, 15 December 2022 (UTC)Reply

Base page language

from Special:Diff/24425170

Dear @AdjoEsse, the base page language is English. Please could you add the conversation details on it in English only? You can later translate it into your own language once the changes are marked for translation. I mistakenly overlooked this when I marked earlier changes for translation. Content on the base page should only be in English. ─ The Aafī (talk) 13:11, 15 December 2022 (UTC)Reply

Dear the @TheAafi,
All right, I'll make the necessary changes.
Thanks AdjoEsse (talk) 19:54, 16 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thanks @AdjoEsse. Please let me know once you are done. I'll prepare the page for translation. ─ The Aafī (talk) 05:34, 17 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
Dear @TheAafi, I think I'm done. Thanks AdjoEsse (talk) 21:01, 18 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
@AdjoEsse A considerable content is still not English. Please could you have a look again. The headings should also be in English so that others understand it. ─ The Aafī (talk) 03:49, 19 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
@TheAafi I think it is ok now. Thank you. AdjoEsse (talk) 18:02, 24 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
@AdjoEsse Thanks for your contributions. However, a number of things under Sub-Saharan Africa is still not in English. ─ The Aafī (talk) 14:46, 23 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
@TheAafi Je vous en prie AdjoEsse (talk) 11:38, 24 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Früher "Community Advocate"


Klingt für mich nach dem früheren Community Advocate welches zumindest für die dt. Wikipedia Sicherlich eng mit de:Benutzer:JEissfeldt (WMF) verbunden ist. Auch dort hieß es einst auf seiner Seite; "... Wikimedia Foundation dabei zu helfen ... Projektgemeinschaften... (besser) zu begreifen" - Am Ende hat er mit "Gewalt" (sprich Superprotect) der deutschen Gemeinschaft quasi eingeprügelt was WMF meint. Als Belohnung ist er heute Global Head, Trust & Safety. ... Ich persönlich werde daher so einem WMF-Botschafter mit viel Mißtrauen begegnen. ...Sicherlich Post 06:28, 2 March 2024 (UTC)Reply