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Latest comment: 19 years ago by Vincentt

So, anyone interested in joining?Vincent 19:49, 26 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

The ultimate goal of a Wikipedia article is that its first paragraph (or at least anything before the first heading) serves this very purpose, so how would this be so different? I'm fairly neutral to the idea though; if it's popular and useful enough, so be it, I'm sure I'd help edit once it was up and running and showed signs of usefulness. However the difference between this and any given featured article's opening paragraph(s) does need to be addressed. Garrett 13:00, 16 October 2005 (UTC)Reply
Yeah well, the first paragraph mostly is fairly short, and isn't meant to quickly give information, but just to warm the reader up for what is to come. It says what the reader is going to read about in general, but does not give the information the reader is looking for. For example, if you look at the White House article it just says it's the residence of the president of the United States, and that it's white and stuff, while MiniWiki would provide a quick summary about e.g. when it was build, who currently resides there and a list with historical turning points, stuff like that. PS Sorry for reacting so late but my internet was (still is by the way) cut off at home... Vincent 18:47, 11 November 2005 (UTC)Reply
I also find that the first paragraph of any long article is good at summing up the subject. --Pmsyyz 08:42, 29 December 2005 (UTC)Reply
Well, ok, maybe MiniWiki isn't "your thing" :P I think it would be handy for me. Vincent 19:40, 6 January 2006 (UTC)Reply
Just wanted to point out that such a thing could be nicely done using some sort of WikiGlobalFS (see Proposals_for_new_projects#WikiGlobalFS). One would just need to create a stripped down version of the article and link it to the full article with a "short version" pointer.--Cinquero 12:45, 8 February 2006 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, would be great indeed. --Vincent 13:48, 12 February 2006 (UTC)Reply



I started a mailinglist now, don't think it will be very active (for now) but your messages will be read (sooner or later :P).

I think for this, every paragraph of the Wikipedia could have a summary in bold, before the paragraph. A kind of summary you may find in many articles today, like this:

Top op an article


The summary the summary the summary the summary the summary. The summary the summary the summary the summary the summary. The summary the summary the summary the summary the summary. The summary the summary. The paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph the paragraph.

The thing is, a person could very quickly read the paragrhps, and here would be a solution for your problem.

Well, as I pointed out above, mostly the first paragraph isn't a summary, but just an introduction. Vincent 18:28, 27 January 2006 (UTC)Reply