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Latest comment: 19 years ago by Raj Bhaskar in topic Problems encountered so far

From the page:

For translators starting new languages: please note this page is almost never the latest version of this respective file. For best results, download the full version of the latest Wikipedia package from the project's SourceForge page and translate the Language.php file. You've been warned. This version might miss some strings, and you'll end up with errors on your newly translated pages.

Then what the f*ck is the purpose of having this page on meta to begin with? This is really outrageous if true. --Maveric149

Yes, it was true. I translated the Romanian version based on this page, only to find lots of errors because of the lack of synchronization. So I ended up deleting the code from this page, leaving the notice pointing to the proper URL of the latest version, along with a warning not to re-post it. If anybody feels this decision was wrong, feel free to re-post it; I personally would find that a bad idea given that it will be doomed to fall out of synchronization all the time. -- Gutza 01:06, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

Getting started


I may be a bit slow, but which is the Language.php we should use. In the CVS links I see a couple (some have a HEAD tag):


I also would like to know which text strings I should translate. It does not seem clear to me (as if some strings are expected to be left in English)?

¬ Dori 04:41, 11 Oct 2003 (UTC)

The following took place on IRC chat between myself and brion (in case someone has the same concerns as I did):

<dori> any devels that can answer this (bottom): http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Language.php
<brion> the version with more numbers on it is in the 'stable' branch
<brion> the version with fewer numbers on it is in the development branch
<dori> which one should I tackle (stable)? I'd hate to do the work twice though (which means I might not do it :)
<brion> work from the stable branch for now
<brion> and remember, a lot of stuff in language.php does NOT need to be duplicated in translations
<brion> there's a lot of general code
<brion> and the list of language names should use only native language names, and should not be duplicated
<brion> (where we only have english names, pointers to the correct native names would be appreciated)
<dori> so should I leave strings that don't look like they will get printed (it'd be nice to know this -- i.e. marked somehow)?
<brion> ideally, if they weren't being used they wouldn't be in the file :)
<brion> there may be a few old things slipped through
<dori> so are you saying that all strings should be translated?
<dori> i.e. everything in "" pretty much is fair game?
<brion> ought to be
<dori> also, there are many technical words that do not exist in my language (Albanian), should I make something up or use an adaptive name (e.g. browser would become brauzer based on the english pronunciation, this is often done in my language)? or is this up to me?
<brion> up to you
<brion> do what seems appropriate for usage
<dori> ok, thanks for the tips
<dori> one last thing, when would this file theoretially get put in (and where)?
<dori> meaning where would the changes be apparent (the Albanian wikipedia?)
<brion> when it seems done, send a note to wikitech-l or intlwiki-l
<brion> and i'll set it up
<dori> are those mailing lists?
<brion> yes, see http://mail.wikipedia.org/
<dori> brion: is there a wiki page where I can post a request to refresh the locale when I have done a significant amount of changes (finding small things here and there)?
<brion> dori: just drop a note on http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Brion_VIBBER/Todo_list

¬ Dori 02:20, 14 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Problems encountered so far


Note some of these may be problems with all locales (that's why I posted them here), or they may be intended to be that way (i.e. feature not a bug). However they were encountered with the Albanian wikipedia (http://sq.wikipedia.org ) with regard to the locale LanguageSq.php.

Gabim rregjistri

Nga Wikipedia, enciklopedia e lirë.

Ka ndodhur një gabim me formatin e pytjes së rregjistrit. Pyetja e fundit qe ti i bëre rregjistrit ishte: "INSERT INTO ipblocks (ipb_address, ipb_user, ipb_by, ipb_reason, ipb_timestamp, ipb_auto ) VALUES ('', 0, 1, 'prova (my IP)','20031014014855', 0)" nga funksioni "Block::insert". MySQL kthehu gabimin "1054: Unknown column 'ipb_auto' in 'field list'". 
  • when you try and delete a page that does not exist, you get (instead of more friendly error message):

Warning: unlink(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/sq/upload/archive/b/bc/20031013084817!Wiki.png): No such file or directory in /usr/local/apache/common/php/Article.php on line 1275

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/Article.php:1275) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 319

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/Article.php:1275) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 320

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/Article.php:1275) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 321

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/Article.php:1275) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 323

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/Article.php:1275) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 339

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/Article.php:1275) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 340

  • The delete link on the image description is wrong, i.e. see sq:Figura:Wiki.png delete==gris:

instead of

Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php on line 54

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php on line 55

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php:54) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 319

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php:54) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 320

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php:54) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 321

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php:54) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 323

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php:54) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 339

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/apache/common/php/SpecialBooksources.php:54) in /usr/local/apache/common/php/OutputPage.php on line 340
  • when you remove some items from your watchlist (see: sq:Speciale:Watchlist) you get some words in English (e.g. "done", "Show last", "hours", "days"), watchlist==lista mbikqyrese:
Lista mbikqyrëse e ime

(për përdoruesin "Dori")

Duke hequr artikujt e zgjedhur nga lista mbikqyrëse... (Probleme) (Përdoruesi: (Përdoruesi:Dori/prob) (Përdoruesi:Dori/prova)done.

(6 faqe nën mbikqyrje duke mos numëruar faqet e diskutimit; të gjitha faqe gjithësej janë redaktuar gjer tek kufiri; duke kontrolluar faqet nën mbikqyrje për ndryshime të fundit... trego dhe redakto tërë listën.)

Show last 1 | 2 | 6 | 12 hours 1 | 3 | 7 days të gjitha
  • when a page is just created or moved from some place else, the number of changes item ((X ndryshime; Histori e faqes)==(X changes; Page history)) on recent changes is not presented as a link even when there are more than one changes
  • Is it possible to refresh the database if you change Language.php without being able to run maintenance/rebuildMessages.php at the command line? I don't have command line access to my hosted server and have changed Language.php but the changes don't show up because of the caching. Raj Bhaskar 13:30, 4 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Redundant language list?


Should the language list be left out of the translated files?

Are there other stuff that should be left out?



The transliteration on the link to Bulgarian is corrupted and should be removed altogether (we don't use transliteration anymore) on the English Wikipedia. Will someone fix it, please? -- Wikipedia:User:Kaihsu