Talk:Interwiki map/Archives/2011-10
![]() | Please do not post any new comments on this page. This is a discussion archive first created in October 2011, although the comments contained were likely posted before and after this date. See current discussion or the archives index. |
Call of Duty Wiki prefixes
Please add these prefixes: callofduty:
and callofdutywiki:
. It is often to find content and I doubt would be useful for Call of Duty: MW series addicts. ($1) — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
Not done: use the general Wikia interwiki. Nemo 12:50, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- The general Wikia interwiki could take longer to load than the simple, single Wikia wiki interwiki. I'll reopen this request. -- 03:59, 10 May 2012 (UTC)
Fallout prefixes
Please add these prefixes:
. It is often to find content and I doubt would be useful for Fallout series addicts. ($1) — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
Nemo 12:50, 6 October 2011 (UTC)Not done: use the general Wikia interwiki.
- The Vault (the first Fallout wiki) is now moved to another wiki host. I'll reopen this request: Please add
($1). The general Wikia interwiki could take longer to load than the simple, single Wikia wiki interwiki. -- 04:04, 10 May 2012 (UTC)
- The Vault (the first Fallout wiki) is now moved to another wiki host. I'll reopen this request: Please add
Internal reference to added bugzilla:31407 billinghurst sDrewth 03:33, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
Done as WMFblog:. Seems uncontroversial addition now that the blog has been revamped, considering other WMF-owned websites we have and that we might have other (Wikimedia) blogs to add in the future. Nemo 12:50, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
Wikimedia France
Please add this prefixe wmfr:
to$1 . Thank you very much. Antaya 15:47, 20 October 2011 (UTC)
Done and reverted. There's actually a reason why WMFR wasn't added before: the main official interwiki is
, which works in the lucky case of WM-FR: fr:chapter: (see #"chapter:" interwiki). Did this change or do we want to add an interwiki for all chapters even if the "standard" interwiki works? Oh, but I see that the redirect is not working, so I'm reverting myself again. Nemo 20:45, 20 October 2011 (UTC)
Please add this prefix “marjorie:”
for The link is often used for Project "Other Wikis" and I think the prefix would be useful. Lady Whistler (Project Other Wikis) 13:23, 23 October 2011 (UTC) .
Not done The wiki is active and under CC-BY-SA, but I see only 256 links to the main wiki (or 518 if the subdomains can be linked from the main one with a local interwiki), most of them from user spaces: it's not enough and I don't think we make exceptions for Wikipedia mirrors/deleted content savers. Nemo 17:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Veto!
- The Stadtwiki Karlsruhe has approximately the same statistik.
- Perhaps I have expressed myself wrong. Many created links are temporary and fluctuate daily (depending on how many items are deleted). However, the link is used very often. example This is the template of the Wikipedia project
- (This is a Google translation, sorry my english is not so good)
- Best regards Lady Whistler
(Project Other Wikis) 18:08, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- @Lady Whistler Rating of this wiki is place 208 by List of largest wikis/Table Is this still correct? IMHO you should renew this request when figures are better.
- @Nemo as i understand the links are essential to services on german Wikipedia:Articles for deletion (to be compared with Deletionpedia) Regards --Gruß Tom 18:52, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Stadtwiki has been added six years ago, we're stricter now; and because interwiki links are not detected by Special:LinkSearch, that's not the actual number. The interwiki doesn't seem needed: on that page I see only some generic links to the destination wikis, included via the template, which has several other wikis without interwiki. Perhaps you really need it and I don't understand because of the language barrier; feel free to write in German, some German-speaking sysop will review. Nemo 23:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Was soll ich dazu noch sagen? Der Link wird häufig genutzt, die Zahl der Links fluktuiert sehr stark, je nach Artikelmenge in der Löschdiskussion. Be einigen Artikeln die gelöscht werden, wird z.B. die Exportvorlage entfernt, hierdurch "verschwindet" auch der Link wieder. Die Anzahl der bestehenden Links ist der kleinere Teil - verwendet werden die Links um ein vielfaches und eben dieser Tatsache geschuldet, daß es unsere Projektarbeit unterstützt, finde ich die Verlinkung angemessen.
- LG Lady Whistler
(Project Other Wikis) 15:04, 31 October 2011 (UTC)
- Ich mach mal "Knock Knock" ;-) LG Lady Whistler
(Project Other Wikis) 05:46, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
- Auf Nachfrage von Nemo sollte ich hier mal schauen und sehen ob ich das einschätzen kann. Ich muss Nemo oben Recht geben. Zur Zeit als das Stadtwiki hier hinzugefügt wurde, galten noch andere Standards. Solche Links haben mehr oder minder nur noch so eine Art Bstandsschutz. Der Grund warum eventuell nur so "wenige" Seiten von dewiki direkt auf das Stadtwiki verlinken ist, dass die anderen links halt als interwikis vorliegen und bei dieser Linksuche dann nicht mit aufgeführt werden. Ich habe jetzt einfach mal in die letzten Änderungen des Marjorie-wikis geschaut und einfach mal den Artikel Urbane Seilbahn angeschaut. Dort komme ich dann als erstes zu dem Schluss, das die Urheberrechtsgeschichte da nicht so ganz eingehalten wird. Es gibt weder eine mitkopierte Versionsgeschichte, noch einen permanenten Link zur kopierten Version auf dewiki oder dem dortigen Lemma überhaupt. Gleiches für die Diskussionsseite. Vor allem damit habe ich ein echtes Problem. Sowas werde ich hier nicht zur Interwikimap hinzufügen. Ich muss mich damit dem
Nicht hinzugefügt von oben anschließen. LG, -Barras 14:13, 15 November 2011 (UTC)
- Dieser Artikel wurde heute erst importiert, die vollständige Importdatei mit allen Versionen liegt uns bereits vor und wird aufgrund der Größe von über 15MB nachimportiert sobald ich im Laufe des Abends dazu komme, die Importdatei mit einem Editor in passende Größen zu teilen, die Uploadbegrenzung läßt es leider nicht zu, die Datei in einem Rutsch zu importieren. Wie man an unserem Logbuch sehen kann werden ansonsten grundsätzlich alle Versionen importiert. Da ich selbst Admin in der WP bin, ist mir klar wie wichtig die History ist, alle anderen 265 Artikel mit WP-Löschanträgen versehenen Artikel in unserer Wartekategorie sind wie bei uns üblich mit ALLEN Versionen importiert, zudem läuft mehrmals am Tag ein BOT der zusätzlich eine Vorlage einfügt mit dem Hinweis auf die WP und Versionsgeschichte.
- LG Lady Whistler
(Project Other Wikis) 20:49, 15 November 2011 (UTC)
- Auf Nachfrage von Nemo sollte ich hier mal schauen und sehen ob ich das einschätzen kann. Ich muss Nemo oben Recht geben. Zur Zeit als das Stadtwiki hier hinzugefügt wurde, galten noch andere Standards. Solche Links haben mehr oder minder nur noch so eine Art Bstandsschutz. Der Grund warum eventuell nur so "wenige" Seiten von dewiki direkt auf das Stadtwiki verlinken ist, dass die anderen links halt als interwikis vorliegen und bei dieser Linksuche dann nicht mit aufgeführt werden. Ich habe jetzt einfach mal in die letzten Änderungen des Marjorie-wikis geschaut und einfach mal den Artikel Urbane Seilbahn angeschaut. Dort komme ich dann als erstes zu dem Schluss, das die Urheberrechtsgeschichte da nicht so ganz eingehalten wird. Es gibt weder eine mitkopierte Versionsgeschichte, noch einen permanenten Link zur kopierten Version auf dewiki oder dem dortigen Lemma überhaupt. Gleiches für die Diskussionsseite. Vor allem damit habe ich ein echtes Problem. Sowas werde ich hier nicht zur Interwikimap hinzufügen. Ich muss mich damit dem
- Ich mach mal "Knock Knock" ;-) LG Lady Whistler
- Stadtwiki has been added six years ago, we're stricter now; and because interwiki links are not detected by Special:LinkSearch, that's not the actual number. The interwiki doesn't seem needed: on that page I see only some generic links to the destination wikis, included via the template, which has several other wikis without interwiki. Perhaps you really need it and I don't understand because of the language barrier; feel free to write in German, some German-speaking sysop will review. Nemo 23:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
Ich kann Barras hier nur zustimmen, auch meiner Meinung nach sind das definitiv zu wenige Links um hier extra einen Interwiki-Link anzulegen. Außerdem werden die meisten Links sehr oft geändert (bzw. entfernt), weshalb man keinen dauerhaft beständigen Interwiki-Link braucht. Deshalb bin auch ich klar der Meinung, dass normale Links ausreichen und hier kein IW-Link notwendig ist. - Hoo man (talk) 20:21, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Btw: This domain is for sale - dead: Can be removed, can't it? --Saibo (Δ) 16:53, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Dead links are better than meaningless red links; it should be verified that it's not used any longer or that it's harmful in some way. Nemo 17:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks! Okay, I do not know how to search all projects. Anyway - it was just a suggestion since i noticed this. Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 19:10, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- I checked all wikis and neither the link nor the interwiki link is used (except on really few, stale userspace/usertalk pages at dewp). Regards, mabdul 11:25, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
- Thank you! If you put the full link in those cases we can safely remove it. Nemo 17:21, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
- I checked all wikis and neither the link nor the interwiki link is used (except on really few, stale userspace/usertalk pages at dewp). Regards, mabdul 11:25, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks! Okay, I do not know how to search all projects. Anyway - it was just a suggestion since i noticed this. Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 19:10, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Done. --MZMcBride (talk) 19:33, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
Use protocol relative URLs (for HTTPS)
Web sites that support both the HTTP and HTTPS protocols should use protocol relative URLs. Below are two lists: one for sites which only use HTTPS (accessing with HTTP redirects), and the other with sites that use both. Note that I've only gone through A-R, though more likely need to be changed as well. //Shell 00:36, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- I went through the list starting at "Revo" but did leave the list complete - ready for c'n'p. I changed all to protocol relative which answered correctly (and with Firefox trusted certificate) and which do not redir to the http version. 45 sites from a-z are protocol relative now.
- Regarding your list: I get SSL errors (I know, still better than http - but normal people do not understand this) for those
Complete failure:
Incomplete function
- Suggest to not set relative links for those sites.
- Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 15:48, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
I gone through A-R again and found one more site which is able to use https:
- | Advisory || //$1
- | OSMwiki || //$1
- I have merged all our lists in this ready-be-pasted list: de:Benutzer:Saibo/Wiese4&oldid=94384186. 77 relative links now. Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 17:27, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Hmm.. currently returns the firefox error "ssl_error_bad_cert_domain". (not matching cert.) Only a temporary failure? If not we should make this also http-only. Did just test all relative pages with using https the second time. --Saibo (Δ) 17:46, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Ah, (without www) works, as you noted below. ;) Okay, and redirs to the https version. Same: and$1 . So we use https directly and only (understood your "only https" section below,now). (Updated the compiled list: de:Benutzer:Saibo/Wiese4&oldid=94385878) --Saibo (Δ) 18:17, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot for doing this. You missed a couple of "HTTPS only" links (which I've changed those on your page). But you're right - it's probably simpler to have the complete list there. //Shell 18:55, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- No problem - thank you for beginning it! :-) Re your change: You mean that isn't working or redirecting to https? It isn't for me - therefore I made it relative. Could you please describe the behaviour for the three sites on your computer? Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 21:40, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot for doing this. You missed a couple of "HTTPS only" links (which I've changed those on your page). But you're right - it's probably simpler to have the complete list there. //Shell 18:55, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Haha :-) My mistake - I have been using the extension HTTPS Everywhere in Firefox, which redirects some URLs automatically. Sorry for confusing you. I reverted my change. //Shell 22:18, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Okay, as I think we are finished then, I will try to get an admin (in IRC) to update the list with the last version then. Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 23:29, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Note (for me): Test page for all interwikis --Saibo (Δ) 23:40, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Haha :-) My mistake - I have been using the extension HTTPS Everywhere in Firefox, which redirects some URLs automatically. Sorry for confusing you. I reverted my change. //Shell 22:18, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
Comment A sysadmin should be contacted to check whether the interwiki cache script (and the interwiki cache itself) can manage such protocol-relative links. It doesn't seem obvious to me. Nemo 12:54, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- They can handle it, and they already generate protocol-relative interwiki URLs for intra-WMF interwikis. --Catrope 13:26, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- When done I will put an request to pull the list to the servers in bugzilla as advised by Catrope. --Saibo (Δ) 13:40, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- Ah.. and due to the three today's changes we have a new prepared version (I have made the changes). --Saibo (Δ) 13:51, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
Done (list): by Nemo. --Saibo (Δ) 14:09, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- Pull request: bugzilla:31428. I hope for no bugs. ;) --Saibo (Δ) 14:06, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
Done (servers): List was pulled to the servers at 2011-10-20 04:08 and 04:23 by Reedy. However, e.g. CreativeCommons doesn't get https - see: Test page for all interwikis. Asked in the mentioned bug. --Saibo (Δ) 13:55, 20 October 2011 (UTC)
really done now (Reedy did write the list to a wrong place). I tested not all but a sample of about ten. --Saibo (Δ) 14:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
Please update Interwiki map:
- Last known interwiki database update: 2011-10-25 (or the English long date format if this is preferred @ meta)
- Editcomment: List was updated today
Thanks. --Saibo (Δ) 14:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Ah, done before seeing the request, but I think the old format is ok. Nemo 17:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
... I have checked all now for HTTPS errors... and there are some. Strange: they are not relative in the list here. Why are the interwikis relative then?! They should get the fixed "http:" again.
- sec_error_untrusted_issuer
- wg: (self signed)
- sec_error_unknown_issuer
- semantic-mw: (wrong name, expired, ...)
- wmar: (and wrong name)
- wmau: (wrong name, expired, ...)
- wmil: (and wrong name)
- ssl_error_bad_cert_domain
- sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate
- Wikitech: (and self signed)
Reopened the bug. --Saibo (Δ) 16:58, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Probably some error with regexes. I'm not sure we should remove all self-signed HTTPS, though. Nemo 17:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
- Those are the only one who are self-signed. I(!) know that self-signed HTTPS is better than HTTP - but the usability (at least in Firefox) is awful - even for me. And average users will not enter such a site at all. Therefore: Forced http for them (if somebody likes to have https he can use httpseverywhere or simply change the URL by hand). --Saibo (Δ) 19:09, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
Finally - we got it. Bug is fixed (again) now (there was an override for WikimediaURLs). --Saibo (Δ) 11:16, 26 October 2011 (UTC)
Please make the interwiki "svn" protocol-relative, appears to support both http & https. Thanks, SPQRobin (talk) 14:40, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
- I've almost saved the change, but why did Roan say it doesn't support HTTPS, then? :-/ Nemo 22:07, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
- It was added on 3 October, maybe it didn't at that time... Don't know. SPQRobin (talk) 18:51, 25 December 2011 (UTC)
Our current entry "BluWiki:$1" leads to a dead page. Apparently they dropped the "www" subdomain and moved to another tld - OR this is not the same site (I do not know this site). Working is: However, the current target seems to be dead. --Saibo (Δ) 17:59, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
Done: seems the same website [1] [2] [3] so I'm updating it. Nemo 13:00, 6 October 2011 (UTC)