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Talk:Gujarati Wikisource Workshop, Ahmedabad

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Latest comment: 6 years ago by VikramVajir in topic Feedback



Sushant savla

File:IkiProject India bars.svg

Hello, thanks for participating in Gujarati Wikisource Workshop, Ahmedabad. This is the feedback time.

Please write in details on areas such as

  • Event planning : Good
  • Training ; Very Good
  • Logistics : Good
  • Management : Good

For private feedback, send an email to tito(_AT_)cis-india.org. For unidentified feedback, please use this form

Please share your detailed feedback below:

  • Please summarize your experience in this workshop in 2-3 sentences? (How was you experience, was it helpful? Be innovative! You may write in text, or upload a video/audio etc)
A:- The Response was over whelming. Did not expect it to be so much interesting. Received New ideas about work. A stronger team was built.
  • In a scale of 1–5 (where 1 means the lowest and 5 means the highest), would you join a similar Wikidata workshop in future? (write in details, please)
A: 5
  • Please explain in details what went well during the workshop?(write in details, please)
A: Community Development, Books Donations under OTRS, Training as a whole, One to one Hands on session was most helpful, It familiarized participants.
  • Please explain in details what would you have liked to be different?(how could we improve the workshop, write in details, please)
A:- A better quality stay.
  • How do you plan to use and share your learning in near future?
A: - may organize events independently. Learned the steps in organizing events.



Hello, thanks for participating in Gujarati Wikisource Workshop, Ahmedabad. This is the feedback time.

Please write in details on areas such as

  • Event planning સુંદર આયોજન
  • Training. ઘણું શીખવા મળ્યું. શીખવવાની રીત સહજ અને સરલ .
  • Logistics ઉત્તમ
  • Management

For private feedback, send an email to tito(_AT_)cis-india.org. For unidentified feedback, please use this form

Please share your detailed feedback below:

  • Please summarize your experience in this workshop in 2-3 sentences? (How was you experience, was it helpful? Be innovative! You may write in text, or upload a video/audio etc)
A: હા આ કાર્યશાળામાં ઘણું નવું અને સર્જનાત્મક શીખવા મળ્યું. કામ કરવામા એથી સરળતા રહેશે.
  • In a scale of 1–5 (where 1 means the lowest and 5 means the highest), would you join a similar workshop in future? (write in details, please)
A: હા .ભવિષ્યમાં થનારી આવી કાર્યશાળામાં અવશ્ય ભાગ લઇ શકાશે
  • Please explain in details what went well during the workshop?(write in details, please)
A: આ કાર્યશાળા દરમિયાન વિકિસ્રોત પરની વિવિધ પરિયોજનાઓ વિષે જાણ્યું,એ કઈ રીતે કામ કરે છે,કામ કરવા માટેની ટેક્નિકલ બાબતો જયંતનાથ,ટીટો દત્ત,સુશાંત સાવલા,અનંત રાઠોડ દ્વારા જાણવા મળી.
  • Please explain in details what would you have liked to be different?(how could we improve the workshop, write in details, please)
A: આ કાર્યશાળાથી એક વાત સમજાઈ કે ગુજરાતી ભાષા સાહિત્યમાં પ્રગટ પુસ્તકો બહોળા સમાજને ઓનલાઇન ઉપલબ્ધ થવા જોઈએ.કૉપીરાઈટ મુક્ત પુસ્તકો ઉપરાંત સર્જકો સાથે સંવાદ કરી એમના ગુજરાતી સાહિત્ય માટે મહત્વના પુસ્તકો દાનમાં મળે એવો પ્રયત્ન કરવો એવું નક્કી કર્યું છે.મારું પુસ્તક "ગુજરાતી નાટ્યવિવેચન" એ રીતે વિકિસ્રોતને મેં અર્પણ કર્યું છે.
  • How do you plan to use and share your learning in near future?
A: હા મારા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ અને સાથી પ્રોફેસર મિત્રોને જણાવીશ.

/#Deepak (talk) 11:58, 1 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

A:આ મીટઅપના કારણે અમને વિકિસ્રોત વિષે વધારે માહિતી પ્રાપ્ત થઈ હતી અને જેથી અમને ભવિષ્યમાં કઈ રીતે કાર્ય હાથ ધરવું અને તેની દિશા નક્કી કરવા સમર્થ બન્યા.
  1. --VikramVajir (talk) 04:46, 2 March 2019 (UTC)Reply



Hello, thanks for participating in Gujarati Wikisource Workshop, Ahmedabad. This is the feedback time.

Please write in details on areas such as

  • Event planning : Even when planned in a shorter time period, even was well organized.
  • Training. Fundamentals of Wikisource content publication flow is now clear..
  • Logistics
  • Management

For private feedback, send an email to tito(_AT_)cis-india.org. For unidentified feedback, please use this form

Please share your detailed feedback below:

  • Please summarize your experience in this workshop in 2-3 sentences? (How was you experience, was it helpful? Be innovative! You may write in text, or upload a video/audio etc)
A: For the first time the Gujarati Wikisource's active participants got together. That should be a great booster to the enhanced level of activities for the community.
  • In a scale of 1–5 (where 1 means the lowest and 5 means the highest), would you join a similar workshop in future? (write in details, please)
A: 3; Yes I will participate.
  • Please explain in details what went well during the workshop?(write in details, please)
A: We now have a very clear path of what needs to be done in the future - in terms of content updating, in terms of expanding the reach and I terms of making our own contributions more effective..
  • Please explain in details what would you have liked to be different?(how could we improve the workshop, write in details, please)
A: The methodology for explain the "How-to" sessions, i.e. we need to prepare work instructions for these so that participants do not forget what they have learnt.
  • How do you plan to use and share your learning in near future?
A: I would help in translating the presentation used in the program that can be used in next Gujarati Wiki workshops.