Talk:Feminism and Folklore 2023/Project Page
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beyond Wikipedia
[edit]Would you consider expanding the competition outside of Wikipedia, to Commons, Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects? -- Zblace (talk) 11:19, 24 December 2022 (UTC)
- Hi @Zblace Feminism and Folklore is a part of Wiki Loves Folklore International Photographic Competition on Wikimedia Commons. Also we have plans for Wikidata this year. You are free to write your thoughts here or email us on support --Tiven2240 (talk) 13:02, 24 December 2022 (UTC)
- @Tiven2240 thanks for quick reply. Where can I see more info on Wikidata plans? I think you should go beyond Wikipedia and include at least Wikivoyage and Wikisource as they include ethnographic content. --Zblace (talk) 08:41, 25 December 2022 (UTC)
- Hi @Zblace, the Wikidata is a pilot programme that is currently in it's incubator stage. kindly connect with the Team on our support email we shall discuss and look on new possibilities. Thank you --Tiven2240 (talk) 04:05, 26 December 2022 (UTC)
- Bonjour. Svp comment se fait cette inscription pour participer à concours? Joyhsalina (talk) 17:44, 10 February 2023 (UTC)
- @Tiven2240 thanks for quick reply. Where can I see more info on Wikidata plans? I think you should go beyond Wikipedia and include at least Wikivoyage and Wikisource as they include ethnographic content. --Zblace (talk) 08:41, 25 December 2022 (UTC)
Prize money for local wiki project
[edit]Are there any guidelines about local prizes? Please clarify, within what amount can local prizes be fixed? Please let us know, with whom do we need to contact to fix the local prizes. Babulbaishya (talk) 15:47, 25 December 2022 (UTC)
- Hi, we have already reverted this via email. --Tiven2240 (talk) 04:06, 26 December 2022 (UTC)
- Hi, I would like to get this info too. Thanks. --ವಿಕಾಸ್ ಹೆಗಡೆ | Vikas Hegde (talk) 13:16, 31 January 2023 (UTC)
- Hi @Vikashegdewe have sent a form for local organizers to fill wherein they can fill their number of local prizes and the amount. We have left it on the community to decide their writing competition prizes. Kindly get in touch with your local wiki organiser for more information--Tiven2240 (talk) 15:38, 31 January 2023 (UTC)
[edit]Hiya! We just got a new volunteer for jury over at SEWP and this person wants to know how to log in as a jury member on Fountain. Thanks! Darkfrog24 (talk) 14:39, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
- Hi @Darkfrog24, this is a backend request and only Le Loy can do it. Kindly contact Le Loy kf8.wikipedia --Tiven2240 (talk) 16:24, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
[edit](Nigeria As A Case study) “Cook!!” “Wash plates!!!” “A woman’s domain is the kitchen, nothing more” “How will a woman drive public transport?” “You can’t be a carpenter, that is a man’s job” “Women are too emotional to lead, they will be so biased” “Don’t even think of studying all you are created to do is to serve your husband after all woman was made out of man” Words like these women have been heard over the years. Does it get better? Becoming a woman is tough enough but becoming a woman in Africa my continent takes survivors.
Africans are well known for their hard work, meaning they work hard despite the unemployment, poverty rate, illiteracy rate and so many other problems. Becoming a woman or being able to be address as a woman is to know that you will be subjected to gender inequality, violation of human rights, domestic violence and being referred to as a weaker vessel
In the Northern region of Nigeria where child marriage are the norms of the society, Wikipedia stated "43% of girls are being married before their 18th birthday, and 17% before they turn 15.
A mother begins to train her child in that light, preparing her for marriage, telling her to always listen to her husband, teaching she is to take care of the children and take care of the house, imprinting in her, she was made to give birth to children, take care of them, take care of the house and satisfy her husband. The girl child grows and nurtures that mindset, she gets married, gives birth and the unending circle from generation to generation continues. Nobody wouldn't dare see it as wrong, no one dares to change the system, everyone just adapts and tries to find happiness in sadness
Politically speaking, African women aren't very much recognized, they are seen as inferior. Taking a look at the 2015 Nigerian election, Nigeria had 20 women out of 359 in its Lower House (5.6%) and 7 out of 109 in the Upper House (6.4%). In Nigeria's 2019 elections, 7.3% of the Nigerian Senate and 3.1% of the House of Representatives are women. There are no state governors that are women. There are no laws implemented to improve the gender gap. Women candidates even suffer election violence, threats, and hate speech. Political parties often do not accept women candidates making it hard for a woman to lead or have a dream of leading Africa.
African Women also suffers Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). It is the complete amputation or partial cutting of the external female genitalia. FGM is harmful to women, it causes maternal death, infertility, infection and loss of sexual pleasure.
According to Wikipedia nationally speaking, 27% percent of Nigerian Women between the age of 15 to 19 were victims of FGM. This 27% of Nigerian women that has undergone this despicable act, begin to have issues in their marriages, some not being able to experience sexual pleasure, some battling with infection, some dead and some not being able to give birth.
Domestic violence is common among Nigeria. Some Culture believe it is acceptable or required for a man to hit or discipline is wife. This include violence includes physical, sexual, emotional and mental.
Most of these domestic violence cases are on women, men beating their wives. Some suffers emotional violence from their mother-in-laws because of infertility or gender issues. When the woman has given birth to all boys and don't give birth to girl or have all girls and don't give birth to boy. Women are even called "Barren or infertile" when he or she doesn't have a child, even when the fault is from her husband.
Knowing all these a girl child is trained to become a woman, at age eighteen a child is said to be an adult and can make decision for herself. A woman is called a woman by her achievement and assets, the work of her hand.
1. Her physical appearance: a woman is known by her dressing, her beauty…
2. Her handy work: diversity in side jobs
3. Her Cooking
4. Her husband e.t.c
In all these a girl child is trained to go to school, learn how to cook, learn vocational jobs, learn how to love. A.Iyiola (talk) 11:16, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Rules Regulation
[edit]I have noticed few variations in the rule //a minimum 3000 bytes or 300 words.// in few communities in their fountain Tools. I also agree this bytes and words metric doesn't equally fits or all the Languages. However I would like to get confirmation on this dissimilarity. Can local organizing group can fix their own metric for accepting the articles? If so, how global ranking will be normalized with this metric? -Neechalkaran (talk) 02:20, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
- Hi @Neechalkaran:
Answering the questions above:
- 1) Yes the local community can frame its own rules. The global rules are guidelines that are necessary to be followed and the local community is free to have their own rule.
- 2) Global ranking are based on the jury, the total number of articles accepted. The more number of accepted they will be receiving the prize. Thank you for organizing.
Missing project in statistics
[edit]Hello, the Fountain tool link in Articles and Users Statistics is pointing to pcmwiki Fountain tool page. While there is no capture to Naijá Wikipedia contest. Please update the list to include Naijá and Gungbe with appropriate link to the Fountain tool link as obtained in the table in the project page. Thanks.--Samatics (talk) 04:35, 18 February 2023 (UTC)
Done Thanks for bringing the attention.-Neechalkaran (talk) 18:13, 18 February 2023 (UTC)
نساء موريتانيا مغيبات بحكم التقاليد والأعراف؟
[edit]عرفنا في العقود الماضية وعيا سلسا بقضايا المرأة الموريتانية، ولم يكن المجتمع عائقا دون ترقيها لأي وضع أو مكانة،.. بَنيتُ حُجَّتي هذه على تجربة عمل في قطاع المرأة بشتى فروعه، وعلى مُعايشةٍ لواقع الحال.. ليس هناك من تمييزٍ كبير ضد المرأة على الصّعيد المهني أو الشخصي،.. هذا من ناحية.
من ناحية أخرى، لا أجد سببا وجيها للتَّحسس أو التَّوجس من مُصطلح "النِّسوية"، فاللفظة ربما جديدة على غير الملمِّين بالعمل النسوي، لكن الفعل كان موجودا، فكل تشكيل نضالي يهدف للنهوض بالمرأة يتقاطع و بعض جوانب النِّسوية بمفهومها العام،.. والهدف الجامع هو السّعي نحو مستوى من العدالة..
لا مُبرِّر لتواتر الإساءات للنسويات الموريتانيات، بناء على ظنون بافتراضات مُحتملة، وسيظل الشتم والطعن في العفة والعرض سلوكا نشازا في صدام الأفكار.. فهو وسيلة من تعوزه المُحاججة المنطقية، .. الاختلاف لا يبيح الشر اتجاه الآخر. فرغم قلة عدد النسويات الجدد وقصر تجربتهن فقد شكلن دفاعا متماسكا ومُلهما عن بعض القضايا خصوصا حالات التعنيف والاغتصاب، وأغلب كتاباتهن في هذا الفضاء ناضجة. Sidahmed ahmedou (talk) 08:29, 19 February 2023 (UTC)
Fountain Tool missing add button
We are glad that the Project is extended, but now the add button in fountain toolforge is missing. We are unable to add articles that are created/improved in april. Could you look into it please?
Best regards, Panassko Panassko (talk) 07:50, 4 April 2023 (UTC)