Talk:Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Miscellaneous/Private Notes
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Latest comment: 4 years ago by Verdy p in topic Post-survey comments
Post-survey comments
[edit]Oppose Not needed simply because users can create their own user gadget that will render only to them, and can provide the logic to store the private notes elsewhere (using a private authentication mechanism if needed and that user wnats to share its gadget using a shared server for storing their notes). The same couldbe done as well with user dagets to "integrate" social networks (using the storage of these networks, and their own usage terms and authentication mechanism with their API integrated in the user gadgets). Such gadget also does not need to be hosted by Wikimedia, they can be browser extensions or scriptlets that recognize the Wikimedia domain name, to offer an interaction with it and integrate or modify its contents just like what the gadget's user wants to see it. This can also be part of a specific browser, or a mobile app and it can change a lot of look and feel (just like what MobileWiki proposes). verdy_p (talk) 07:34, 8 January 2021 (UTC)