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Talk:Community Wishlist/Wishes/Center the log in page interface

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Latest comment: 4 months ago by TheDJ in topic Thanks
This page is for discussions related to the Community Wishlist/Wishes/Center the log in page interface page.

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Hey @Nouill thanks for sharing this wish. I could see how centering the login might have benefits for the desktop UX and feel more modern.

My hunch is that login is pinned to the left as a default for mobile/web responsiveness and/or performance reasons. As far as the image goes, I see how you'd think it's pretty old.

Is this a sort of wish that anyone else would want to take on? It feels fairly small in nature, with a big impact :) JWheeler-WMF (talk) 18:57, 3 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hello, I don't understand how centering the login page could have a negative impact on mobile users. You give the impression that cell phones can't handle centered text. This seems very surprising to me. And even if that were the case, wouldn't it be possible to have a centered text for desktop users and keep a display that isn't impacted by this change for mobile users ? Nouill (talk) 19:06, 3 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Let me clarify - the login page is simply pinned to the left today, and additional logic may be necessary to center it on responsive pages and pin on mobile devices.
I don't see the Foundation taking on this work any time soon, however if there were volunteer developer interest, someone could pick this up. JWheeler-WMF (talk) 19:09, 3 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
@JWheeler-WMF It's pinned to the left because we have no consistency among skins. Some have a sidebar on the left, some don't etc. The UI design is focused on the content, and doesn't allow for much variance depending on the type of page you are viewing. As Vector legacy had a sidebar and was left aligned, it had the login interface left aligned. The right side of the 'login' interface was used for additional information when creating an account. All this carried over to the newer designs. If the window size is under a certain amount of pixels, Vector 2022 will center it however. —TheDJ (talkcontribs) 15:10, 17 October 2024 (UTC)Reply