Nardog, not much (or anything). If you followed my discussion link in my wish or the Phab tasks I included, you'll see that never before has this functionality been shown as existing natively in browsers. Is it a rather new addition? Tried the examples referenced there in my Chrome browser and the autofocus element didn't work, although if you scrolled manually you'd see that they were highlighted. It did however work in Firefox, (though it lacked the smooth scrolling effect I instinctively expected for some reason). In short, what you've shown me, while not perfect, does address my issue. So, theoretically, we could close this wish (and the related Phabricator tasks?). However, it might be worth waiting for more input, as other users may have alternative approaches to solve it. For example, one creative possibility could involve allowing users to create temporary pages that feature only the selected text portion. These pages would include a note like "This excerpt is from this section/discussion on this Wikipedia/Wikiquote page" with links to the source. MediaWiki could natively handle the temporary creation of these pages, offering users a "Share this portion of text" option via a tooltip when selecting text. While this may be overly creative (or unnecessary), others may have different suggestions worth considering. — Klein Muçi (talk) 10:13, 21 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
One can already transclude sentences from articles. I think the general issue is really low-importance since in most cases linking to a section or subsection is as good if not actually better. Also see Share-a-Fact in the video. I do not have a share a link to this page with this text highlighted option in Firefox and if there was one it would break once people edit that specific text. So all in all I have lots of doubts about this specific proposal relating to textlinking. Prototyperspective (talk) 13:29, 21 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Prototyperspective, this is another approach towards my wish but how do you do that on desktop? With or without a photo? Can you share a temporary link towards the highlighted text portion in the page itself? Maybe my wish could be better restructured to further refine/enhance such existing functionalities. The main rationale behind this wish is to have an easy way to integrate Wikipedia (and other sister projects) in everyday life and discussions. "Let's check it on Wikipedia." is used a lot on discussions/debates online (and in real life). This would allow to quickly link to the relevant info you wanted, preferably with its existing sources shown. Example: A: When did the soviet troops capture Berlin in WW2? B: In late April 1945. A: Wasn't that in August? B: No, April. Check here: w:en:World War II#Axis collapse and Allied victory (1944–1945). Search for the sentence Soviet troops stormed and captured Berlin in late April. My wish is to not have to search or make the other person search for specific text fragments, especially where there is a lot of text to search and you're on small screens such as mobiles. — Klein Muçi (talk) 15:38, 21 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Good question, I don't know. I don't even know if it's possible to use this feature at all anymore. This page has more info but I haven't read it: mw:Wikimedia Apps/Share a fact.
Don't know what you mean with temporary link – do you mean it doesn't matter if the link breaks later because the text in the article was changed because it's only meant to be used for direct sharing where the link is opened right afterwards?
For integrating it into everyday life I think sharing the link to a (sub)section is usually enough and I will probably make a new proposal to make section link sharing more accessible. There also is Template:Vanchor with which you can do what you intend but it only works if that template is set within the article (e.g. see 2023 in science#20 April. I think in your example the section link is also enough because people can quickly find it using that.
However, something else that is related to your wish is facilitating editors to create more subheaders to which people can link instead of having huge unstructured walls of text with no subheaders for orientation and linking. Let me know if you have ideas on how that could be done. Prototyperspective (talk) 16:16, 21 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Prototyperspective, with temporary links I mean links that have an expiration time and after that time has been reached they either link to a general page notifying you that the said link has expired or maybe they don't have an expiration date and they just lead to the article/section where the text came from with a tooltip saying that the fragment of text you're looking for doesn't exist anymore (maybe adding "since this revision" if we really want to walk the extra mile). Adding manual anchors to text doesn't really help with my case because there is theoretically an infinite need of anchors for every page since we don't know what fragment of text one might want to cut from it. I don't have any specific ideas about increasing the levels of hierarchy in subheadings. One might just keep increasing it but how much would that really help? In the semantical sense, HTML has a finite number of levels in that hierarchy. — Klein Muçi (talk) 22:22, 21 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for explaining. Sure, manual anchors doesn't solve this – it's only relevant as it maybe can be used to implement similar things as it's currently the only way one can use Wikimedia internal things to share specific fragment of text so where it does work it looks like what you're proposing. It wasn't about increasing the levels of hierarchy in subheading but about adding the number of subheadings or reducing the size of texts without subheadings since then you could share a link to a heading and the specific text you meant to share is very close to it. Prototyperspective (talk) 22:27, 21 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
There, I mention a new template, {{Selection}}, describe how it could render to markup involving hyperlink blockquotes to articles using Text Fragments URIs, and list a few new features that would become possible as a result of having it (or some things like it) available.
After looking at the discussion and Phabricator issues linked to on this item's main page, it looks like you're exploring wikitext syntax ideas? If so, adding to the list of ideas:
As considered, the named parameters inside of the parenthesized portions could either be or map to those from Text Fragments URIs which would simplify rendering to those hyperlinks. A delimiter other than a comma might be needed for those parenthesized portions. AdamSobieski (talk) 00:18, 7 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
AdamSobieski, yes, I read your wish and it seems like we want the same thing, albeit I want it in a more universal aspect. Thank you for the new suggestions! Maybe you've already seen it but the "talk page open issues" subject is already present in a couple of other wishes (one of which happens to be mine). The overall idea is the same: Find a native way to automatically show on the main pages what discussions are still ongoing on the respective talk pages. I thought you'd be interested to read those if you haven't already. — Klein Muçi (talk) 01:13, 7 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
Talk:Community Wishlist/Wishes/Allow for deeplinking text (quote functionality)