Talk:CampaignEvents/Collaboration list
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Latest comment: 6 months ago by IFried (WMF) in topic Make it possible to add other events categories
June 14, 2024: Project announcement
[edit]Question 1
[edit]- EN
- What are your overall thoughts on the Event List ?
- FR
- Que pensez-vous de la liste d'événements ?
- AR
- إجمالاً، ما رأيكم في قائمة الفعاليات؟
- ES
- ¿Qué te parece la Lista de Eventos?
- SW
- Je, una maoni gani kwa ujumla kuhusu Orodha ya Matukio?
Question 2
[edit]- EN
- How can we improve the Event List ?
- FR
- Comment pouvons-nous améliorer la liste d'événements ?
- AR
- كيف يمكننا تحسين قائمة الفعاليات؟
- ES
- ¿Cómo podemos mejorar la Lista de Eventos?
- SW
- Tunawezaje kuboresha Orodha ya Matukio?
Question 3
[edit]- EN
- How can we make the Event List more discoverable ?
- FR
- Comment rendre la liste des événements plus facile à découvrir ?
- AR
- كيف يمكننا جعل قائمة الفعاليات أكثر قابلية للاكتشاف؟
- ES
- ¿Cómo podemos hacer que Lista para Eventos sea más fácilmente descubierta?
- SW
- Je, tunawezaje kufanya Orodha ya Matukio iweze kugundulika zaidi?
Question 4
[edit]- EN
- We want to expand the Event List to include WikiProjects. What do you think of this idea, and do you have any suggestions for how we can do this ?
- FR
- Nous voulons étendre la liste des événements pour y inclure les projets Wiki. Que pensez-vous de cette idée et avez-vous des suggestions pour y parvenir ?
- AR
- نود توسيع قائمة الفعاليات لتشمل مشاريع الويكي. ما رأيكم في هذه الفكرة، وهل لديكم أي اقتراحات حول كيفية القيام بذلك؟
- ES
- Queremos ampliar la Lista de Eventos para incluir WikiProyectos. ¿Qué te parece esta idea? ¿Tienes alguna sugerencia sobre cómo podemos hacerlo?
- SW
- Tunataka kupanua Orodha ya Matukio ili kujumuisha Miradi ya Wiki. Una maoni gani kuhusu wazo hili, na je, una mapendekezo yoyote ya jinsi tunavyoweza kufanya jambo hili?
Great job over here
[edit]- EN
- I don't have much feedback right now than to appreciate the product team for putting this up, it will really help event organizers with partnership and collaborations especially those who work in the same niche, it will also make it easier for participants to find projects that interest them too.
So, thumbs up!
- FR
- Cela va vraiment aider les organisateurs d'événements à établir des partenariats et des collaborations, en particulier ceux qui travaillent dans le même créneau, et cela va aussi permettre aux participants de trouver plus facilement des projets qui les intéressent.
Alors, bravo !
Tesleemah (talk) 14:08, 9 July 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you for this feedback, @Tesleemahǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:51, 11 July 2024 (UTC)
Make it possible to add other events categories
[edit]- EN
- Many events exist that don't use Event Registration. Make it possible to include them on a list or calendar, without duplicating the existing event by creating a separate Event Reg entry. Thank you,
- FR
- Il existe de nombreux événements qui n'utilisent pas l'inscription aux événements. Il est possible de les inclure dans une liste ou un calendrier, sans dupliquer l'événement existant en créant une entrée distincte pour l'inscription d'un événement. Nous vous remercions,
–SJ talk 03:54, 31 July 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you for sharing this feedback, @Sjǃ This is great feedback. We are currently exploring ways in which we can generalize Event Registration (T371744), so that it can be used for more purposes and types of activities. Similarly, I think a great extension of this work can be how we can generalize the Event List, so it can be used for events beyond those that use Event Registration. One complexity is determining how we would be able to correctly identify if a page is a real event page (if it does not have event registration/is not in the event namespace). We would not want a lot of fake or spam event pages in the Event List. Perhaps this is something that communities could determine. We'll think about this, and of course any suggestions or ideas you have around this are welcomed. Thank you again for this suggestionǃ IFried (WMF) (talk) 20:59, 26 August 2024 (UTC)