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Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Working Groups/Working Group representation at events

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

It is of immense importance that working group (WG) members are in constant exchange with the movement’s organized groups and individual contributors, as well as our allies and new voices. Working group members will be able to learn, provide updates and interact with the movement by participating in events and meetups (Wikimedia as well as non-Wikimedia related events). Participation in events should help the WG to ensure that diverse perspectives and input can enrich the WG's work, and that participation contributes to the group's workflow and progress. To support the exchange between working groups and our ecosystem about movement strategy and their thematic area, funding for event participation can be made available for 1-2 members.

To apply for funding:

Ideally, applications for funding are handed in at least 2 months before the event takes place.

Working group discusses any event participation requests within their group and agrees upon the selected candidates, taking these guidelines into account:

  • Preference should be given to WG members in the same region as the event location;
  • Representation needs to be on a rolling basis (no frequent and repeated participation);
  • Working Group members who do not avail support from other sources might be given preference (to ensure that community members who do not have the cushion of an affiliate budget or scholarship do not get left behind).

The working group emails the core team to seek approval by providing the following information (keep it short):

  • Name of the participant(s)
  • Has the member previously participated in the event?
  • What expertise or connections regarding the field of the event does the participant have?
  • What is the expected target audience for your group that can be reached through this event?
  • How does their participation contribute to movement strategy?
  • What value does their participation create for the working group?
  • What activities, sessions, meetings or conversations around the group's scope does the participant plan at the event (can be preliminary plans)?
  • What is the estimated budget allocation (travel, accommodation, registration fees)?

Within 1 week, the funding decision will be made so that travel arrangements by WMF travel team can begin.

Expectations from working group members who participate on movement strategy budget:
  • Working group creates a set of questions or themes to be explored at the event; one example could be unresolved questions/discussions that the group needs advise or input from relevant experts/peers.
  • The representative is encouraged to hold a session, meeting, workshop depending on the nature of the event and the needs of the working group.
  • A meeting with members of other working groups and the core team should be organized during the event.
  • A narrative report with details regarding how the input can enrich the group's work, what learnings, challenges and take aways have been collected for the group, to be submitted to the group and the core team within 15 days of the event.