このイニシアティブのクラスタに関して重要かつ主要なポイントは、暫定グローバル評議会(略号IGC※1)の存在です。運動憲章※2の取りまとめと同時に、どのようにこの評議会を正式発足させるか決定するなど、負担が重すぎます。そこで検討課題として報酬(およびその他のサポート体制)を取り上げ、個人の生活とIGCの任務のバランスを保ちやすくする必要があります。(※:1=interim global Council。2=movement Charter。)
Figure out what kind of people are needed in the interim Council: could expertise be more important on the Interim Council than representation (which is definitely important on the final global Council)?
Provide more clarity about the timeline, as though not lose ourselves in lengthy discussions.
Video summary of the discussion (same as the written points, recorded during the events).
Think through the key question for this cluster: How to ensure equity and representation, and how we are going to include the voices that are missing representation at the moment? Also, how to balance out the different power structures that we have at the moment, while trying not to reproduce them in any kind of new body or in the movement Charter?
Need for clarity around the current changes in the bylaws by the Board of Trustees (which is a parallel process to the to the strategy process). The bylaws changes might conflict in many ways with the ideas of the global council, the movement charter and the next steps that are necessary here.
Video summary of the discussion (same as the written points, recorded during the events).
How to ensure equity in representation? How are we going to include those voices that are missing?
Pause some of the changes in the Bylaws until there's more clarity from the discussion of governance initiatives in cluster A.
12月実施のグローバルな対話から受けた豊かなインプットは、その他の協議(北アメリカ・ウィキカンファレンス※1、東アジア東南アジア大洋州グループ※2のオンラインミーティング、アドボカシー部門と学術機関※3の会合)からのフィードバックに加え、支援チームが整理して統一の取れたひな形※4にまとめました。このひな形の趣旨は、協議でこれまでに既出した提案を明確化し、今後も続くウィキメディア戦略勧告の実施協議において基盤として活用することです。究極のゴールとして、それを発展させて「実施策の草案」※5にまとめ、2021年2月に運動全体ならびにウィキメディア財団理事会に提出します。現在のひな形は、1月に開催予定のフォローアップの議論の下敷きとなるように提示しました。(※:1=WikiCon North America。2=ESEAP。3=Advocacy+GLAM。4=coherent template。5=“draft implementation plan”)
The information below has been directly taken from the minutes of the Global Conversations and occasionally edited or rephrased for clarity, so it is not necessarily verbatim.
Identify key aspects of the body (functions, structure and composition, accountability)
Define composition: One council or several functional subcommittees?
Drafting the Charter, oversight of strategy and setting up the Global Council are different skill sets and require different capacity, they should thus be executed by different groups.
It is a temporary body with a focus on MC and GC. Leading implementation needs a different skillset).
The movement strategy implementation should be done by all movement entities. This requires funding and coordination, backbone functions.
Learn from others
Learn from others with similar governance bodies (or charters) and not remake things from scratch.
One model to draw inspiration from is the one from Creative Commons: a Global network council with an executive committee and a membership committee.
Whether these people can hold other positions in the movement (e.g. AffCom, Affiliate board member, WMF or affiliate staff, Board of Trustees, etc.)
This needs to be a working body with committed members.
There need to be strong rules to replace members who cannot fulfill the goals of the council.
Need for knowledge in governance; not just in the Wikimedia movement (e.g. suggested prior service experience as a board member, either in Wikimedia or in other NGOs, government bodies, etc.)
Leadership experience (e.g. directing or advising at least medium-sized organizations).
Knowledge regarding Wikimedia movement and its persistent issues within the Wikimedia Movement: Governance, resource sharing, separation of powers.
Some legal and political experience could be useful as well.
Some expertise may not be available in the movement, but external experts have a hard time understanding the peculiarities of the WM movement - ensure proper onboarding when working with external experts.
Look at other communities in the global knowledge ecosystem and consider them as members.
Balance internal and external expertise, and expertise with representation, avoid conflicting interests.
Make it actively possible for talented people from the movement to take part.
Ensure equity and diversity in representation
Balance current power structures rather than reproduce them
Explore how minorities are included in democratic systems and learn from it
Ensure representation for non-affiliates community members, underrepresented groups, newcomers: possibly through quotas.
Seat spreading could be needed. As seat-spreading occurs, larger communities increasingly lose voting share, and each editor's vote for representation reduces. These two facets must be weighed extremely carefully.
A lot of new editors only care about editing and not about the movement’s politics, they need to be given the right incentives to be involved.
We need to create a process by which feedback can be gathered efficiently (with staff support)
Ensure members stand for a Neutral point of view and have no conflict of interest.
Proposal: 10-20 ppl, representation from all continents, genders, some staff, some volunteers * a temporary role to hand over to Global Council when they've drafted a movement charter.
There may be a link between size of group and time needed to reach consensus/deliver (interim) products. The bigger the group, the more complicated it may become.
There could be some system of community endorsement that gets taken into account, but the main aspect of selection should be a track record of being able to get things done and some experience with meetings and strategic discussions.
Global Council is NOT a substitute for board representation and governance.
Provide independent legal expertise for the community to make governance decisions, as the people involved in this process may not be experts in US laws.
Call in other organizations that have experience with issues around governance.
Decision-making / accountability
Bridge the accountability gap in the Global Council and its constituencies, which has not been possible in other established bodies.
Consider involving experts on accountability or unrepresented communities.
Decision-making should be about finding the middle ground:
There needs to be a reasonable process for: 1. changing the proposed charter in the event that community disapproves, and 2. amending the charter in the future in a reasonable process.
Example process: 1) take the known ideas and drafts of a Movement Charter, combine them to create an initial draft, 2) try to build support and iterate to get to a more substantial draft, 3) amend the draft with further feedback and input to get to a final draft.
Explore external expertise * e.g. external consultants to write the charter according to the goals or framework set up by a volunteer committee
The committee would present a draft for discussion based on hard work from the consultants.