![]() | 此页面涉及战略过程的过去阶段。有关最新信息,请访问 主要运动战略页面。 |
- 最终化变更日志(2020年1月至4月)
- 2020年运动对话总结
- 董事会关于运动战略的讨论(维基媒体基金会董事会公告栏)
- 2020年1月30日举行的两次办公室时间电话会议的汇总笔记
- 2019年12月柏林会议的整合建议集
- 2020年1月:博文 能力建设:社区对话中的五大主题 由Diane Ranville撰写 (English)
- 2020年1月:博文 维基媒体合作伙伴关系:社区对话中的五大主题 由Diane Ranville撰写 (English)
- 2019年12月:博文 维基媒体产品与技术:社区对话中的五大主题 由Kelsi Stine-Rowe撰写 (English)
- 2020年2月:博文 葡萄牙语社区战略讨论的热门话题 由Lucas Teles撰写 (English)
- 2019年12月:博文 法语维基人社区对话的五大主题 由Diane Ranville撰写
- 2019年12月:博文 西班牙社区在2019年战略对话中讨论了什么? 由Francesc Fort撰写
- 2019年12月:博文 阿拉伯语社区的战略构想 - 维基媒体2030 由阿拉伯语社区战略联络员Anass Sedrati撰写
- 2019年11月:博文 科特迪瓦畅想2030年的维基媒体:Donatien Kangah Koffi采访 由法语社区战略联络员Diane Ranville撰写
- 2020年5月:采访Marc Miquel关于维基媒体战略2030:从建议到性别差距、行为准则和用户体验 (English)——由多样性工作组成员Marc Miquel-Ribé和写作组成员,与战略2030核心团队信息与知识联络员Tanveer Hasan的访谈。
- 2019年12月:博文 [[1]] 由资源分配工作组成员Daria Cybulska撰写
- 2020年5月:采访Marc Miquel关于维基媒体战略2030:从建议到性别差距、行为准则和用户体验 (English)——由多样性工作组成员Marc Miquel-Ribé和写作组成员,与战略2030核心团队信息与知识联络员Tanveer Hasan的访谈。
- 2019年12月:博文 当你已经是一个自由知识乌托邦时,如何资助乌托邦 由资源分配工作组成员Daria Cybulska撰写
- 2019年11月:博文 维基媒体葡萄牙在2019年战略过程中的参与 由葡语社区战略联络员Lucas Teles撰写
- 2019年11月:博文 维基媒体2030:南亚对2018-20年运动战略的反思 由印地语社区战略联络员Rupika Sharma撰写
- 2019年11月:博文 作为2019年西班牙语社区战略联络员的经验 由西班牙语社区战略联络员Francesc Fort撰写
- 2019年10月:博文 作为2019年葡萄牙语社区战略联络员的经历 由葡萄牙语社区战略联络员Lucas Teles撰写
- 2019年11月:博文 作为2019年西班牙语社区战略联络员的经验 由西班牙语社区战略联络员Francesc Fort撰写
- 2019年10月:博文 作为2030年阿拉伯语社区战略联络员的经历 由阿拉伯语社区战略联络员Anass Sedrati撰写
第四章 會議
- 2019年11月:博文 作为2019年西班牙语社区战略联络员的经验 由西班牙语社区战略联络员Francesc Fort撰写
- 2019年12月:博文 阿拉伯语社区的战略构想 - 维基媒体2030 由阿拉伯语社区战略联络员Anass Sedrati撰写
- 2019年11月:博文 为维基媒体2030构建共同愿景:西非开放基金会战略沙龙 (English) 由Rupika Sharma撰写
- October 2019: Blog post Building community toward a shared future: the East Africa Strategy Summit (English) by Kelsi Stine-Rowe
- September 2019: Blog post Break from the seasonal activities in Cameroon (English)
- September 2019: Blog post Resourcing the Movement (English)
- August 2019: Blog post Walking the Talk
- August 2019: Blog post Sharing and Connecting at the ESEAP Strategy Summit (English) by MurielMary
- July 2019: Blog post Strategy Salon in Conakry reflects about the future of the Wikimedia Movement (English) by Diane Ranville
- July 2019: Blog post ESEAP Strategy Salon (English)
- July 2019: Blog post Roles and Responsibilities Working Group meets in Utrecht
- June 2019: Blog post Capacity Building working group’s meeting in Singapore
- April 2019: Blog post Wikimedia 2030 at the Wikimedia Summit 2019
- February 2019: Blog post "At the 2019 Wikimedia Summit, we’re putting the Wikimedia movement under the microSCOPE" (English)
- September 2018: Blog post "What took place during the movement strategy discussions at Wikimania 2018" (English)
Process insights
- May 2020: Blog post How the movement strategy recommendations were finalized by Anna Rees
- February 2020: Podcast "Wikimedia 2030, a strategy interview", WikipediaPodden (English)
- August 2018: Podcast "Towards Real Global Collaboration", Source Code Berlin Summer Series by Mark Fonseca Rendeiro (English)
- August 2018: Podcast "Movement Strategy: The Way Forward for Wikimedia", Source Code Berlin Summer Series by Mark Fonseca Rendeiro (English)
Regular updates
Movement Strategy updates (originally published on Wikimedia-l mailing list):
- June 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Two years; three weeks; 10 years to go #wikimedia2030
- May 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: The recommendations are now online
- April 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Recommendations to be published in May
- March 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Finalizing the recommendations and further process news (see the translations)
- March 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Community conversations have finished, what happens next
- June 2019: Send us your submissions: strategy salon grant applications and the movement strategy space at Wikimania (see the translations)
- March 2019: [Wikimedia-l] The latest news from the Movement Strategy Process (English)
- January 2019: [Wikimedia-l] Looking for Liaisons for the Movement Strategy Process (English)
- September 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy Process: Community update August 2018 (English)
- July 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: First round of Working Group members (English)
- June 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Update #4: Upcoming call for participation in Working Groups (English)
- April 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy Update #3: WMCON and Core Team news (English)
- April 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy core team news: We're recruiting (English)
- March 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Update: Next steps on Movement Strategy (Phase II) (English)
Conference presentations
- January 2020: Movement Strategy team presentation at WMF all hands 2020 (English)
- October 2019: Harmonization Sprint report (English)
- July 2019: July Activities Meeting; Wikimedia 2030 presentation (video, min 23:25) (English)
- May 2019: Presentation at the Creative Commons Global Summit 2019, Lisbon (English)
- March 2019: Presentation at the Wikimedia Summit 2019, Berlin (English)
- March 2019: Presentation at Wikimedia Summit India, Delhi (remote) (English)
- October 2018: Keynote at WikiConference North America in Columbus, Ohio (remote) (English)
- October 2018: Wikimedia 2030 workshop slides from CEE Meeting 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine (English)
- October 2018: Wikimedia 2030 presentation slides form CEE Meeting 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine (English)
- October 2018: Wikimedia 2030 presentation at WikiConvention Francophone 2018 in Grenoble, France (French)
- October 2018: Presentation about Wikimedia 2030 at WikiCon 2018 in St. Gallen (German)
- September 2018: Wikimedia Monthly Activities meeting September 2018 (video: from minute 41:25; slides 37ff.) (English)
- July 2018: Wikimania 2018 (English) and Wikimania report (English)
- May 2018: ESEAP Conference 2018 (English)
- April 2018: Wikimedia Conference 2018 (English)
- April 2018: Affiliate Chairpersons meeting @WMCON 2018 (English)
- January 2018: WikiIndaba conference 2018 (English)
- October 2018: Information & Knowledge Management Report (English)
Summaries of community discussions throughout online communities during March-November 2019:
- Conversation Starter Drivers (Community Conversations presentation) (English)
Strategy Salons
Strategy Salons were an opportunity for recognized Wikimedia affiliates to host in-person gatherings to discuss movement strategy. The goal of these events was to allow affiliate leaders to bring together a broad mix of affiliate members who live within their local area to have deeper conversations about one or two strategy themes that are of interest to them.
- Resource Allocation Practices and Models at International Civil Society Organisations – Research commissioned for the Resource Allocation Working Group (by ICSC)
第 I 阶段
Older materials from Phase 1 of the Movement Strategy (ended in 2017). These reports are referenced in the final product of the Strategy.
Final Phase 1 reports |
Cycles 0-3 |
起草策略方向 |
New Voices and Final research reports |