Note the Depth metric: "The "Depth" column (Edits/Articles × Non-Articles/Articles × [1−Stub-ratio]) is a rough indicator of a Wikipedia’s quality, showing how frequently its articles are updated."
Key finding about surveys: Collection methodology differed from each survey, and much of the methodology was flawed so unlikely to be repeated in future. Thus, can't help us benchmark for year over year changes. Much of the data in these surveys is old enough that it may be better to start over, and think about a cleaner year-to-year collection setup.
New editors who visit the Teahouse contribute 2-3x more than the control group w/ similar early editing patterns (measured in # of edits, # of articles, # of talk page discussions, and # of weeks they return to Wikipedia. [1]
let's pull out any key contributor findings from this report
See Warncke-Wang, M., Ayukaev, V. R., Hecht, B., & Terveen, L. The Success and Failure of Quality Improvement Projects in Peer Production Communities. pdf -- Reviews the effect of a bunch of Wiki initiatives to increase editing.
Material about some of the most important readership metrics for Wikimedia sites, from reports started in September 2015 as a weekly email of the Wikimedia Foundation's Reading team, sent to the Mobile-l mailing list
Mobile Internet penetration will grow from 28% to 45% in "developing countries" from 2014 to 2020 (GSM Report), which is an increase of 700 million potential readers and editors (1.55 billion now; 2.25 billion in 2020) compared to 600 million total today in highly developed countries.
This list is a ongoing brain storm of potential reports or “inputs” into the movement strategy process. The goal here is to deepen the level of discussion that takes place during the tracks. Let’s build this list and then discuss which ones we want to do in-person/hangout.
Should be an analysis or report that someone can read in ten minutes and gives person basic understanding of the topic. Max five pages and using common language - avoids technical jargon and deep analysis.
We will post all reports on meta and encourage community members to also contribute reports and/or add to the reports we share.
Consider which resources should be translated as a priority, perhaps pending initial community interest
2030 Report: demographic data for the world in 2030. Done!
An analysis of how we are doing on the reaching every single person part of the mission through an economic lens. Maybe looking at # of edits, # of pageviews, money raised, and money granted according to the World Bank’s four categories for country income (High, upper-middle, lower-middle, low). Suggester: Lisa
Content Analysis of different language Wikipedias (percentage of pop culture articles, hard science, etc.) Suggester: Asaf
A look at the sister projects and why they have not taken off. An analysis of the field related to them. Who else might be doing these things too? Is there still a need for some of the projects? Are other actors meeting the need? (e.g. Suggester: Asaf +1
An Analysis of the OER space: Who is doing what and are there any voids that we should be trying to fill? Note: There might already be a report covering most of this (Hewlett or Creative Commons) Suggester: Lisa, +1+1 (related to previous item)
Breakdown of movement affiliates: how many, what types, differences between types, if differences are working, budget breakdown of affiliates, staffing breakdown, and activity results overview. Suggester: Greg V
High level report on what we have learned so far about New Readers (Design research + phone surveys portions). Suggester: Adele
Anti-harassment work. What we know, how we are planning to address it, etc. Suggester: Adele +1, +1
Analysis of language use in the projects. Who contributes in their mother tongue, who doesn’t, if they don’t, where do they contribute? As an aside: who speaks more than one language, how much of our “active population” are we reaching when we communicate in English or in some of the major languages? Suggester: Delphine
Analyze what kind of offline activities do happen, how they’re directly or indirectly related to online activity/activities. (So direct impact on the project vs potential or indirect impact) Suggester: Delphine