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Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Cycle 2/Wikimedians of Bulgaria UG

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Based on the responses submitted during the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia. Spiritia 13:55, 12 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]


What group or community is this source coming from?

Name of group Wikimedians of Bulgaria UG
Virtual location (page-link) or physical location (city/state/country) Sofia, Bulgaria, 10 June 2017
Location type (e.g. local wiki, Facebook, in-person discussion, telephone conference) in-person discussion
# of participants in this discussion (a rough count) ...

Предложени формулировки на темите[edit]

Тема #1: Healthy, Inclusive Communities | Здрави, приобщаващи общности[edit]

Към 2030 г., доброволческата култура на Уикимедия ще бъде забавна, възнаграждаваща и включваща както съществуващите, така и новодошлите. Ще посрещаме нови доброволци в нашето движение и ще ги напътстваме, за да се уверим, че получават опит и продължават да участват в проектите. Хората от всяка група ще се чувстват част от мрежа от групи и организации, с дълбоки връзки. В резултат на това, нашето движение ще расте както по размер, така и по характер, а н същото време нашите проекти ще процъфтяват под общите ни грижи.

Тема #2: The Augmented Age | Епохата на разширената реалност[edit]

До 2030 г. уикимедианското движение активно ще използва технологични иновации, за да помогне на доброволците да бъдат много по-творчески и продуктивни. Ще използваме машинно обучение и дизайн, за да направим знанията лесни за достъп и лесни за употреба. За да се увеличи значително качественото и количественото съдържание на повече езици, доброволците например ще имат достъп до по-добри машинни преводи. Ще представим и организираме знания по начини, които подобряват това как хората учат и допринасят - извън браузърите, приложенията и енциклопедията.

Тема #3: A Truly Global Movement | Истинско глобално движение[edit]

До 2030 г. ще бъдем наистина глобално движение. По-специално, ще насочим вниманието си към региони, които все още не обслужваме достатъчно добре: Азия, Близкия изток, Африка и Латинска Америка. Ще работим с общности от читатели, сътрудници и партньори в тези части на света. Ще създадем място за нови форми на приноси, които отразяват тези региони (референции, цитати и др.). Ще изградим информираност за силата на свободното знание и ще преодолеем бариерите пред достъпа. Ще изградим продукти, адаптирани към нуждите на тези нови членове на нашето движение.

Тема #4: The Most Respected Source of Knowledge | Най-уважаваният източник на знание[edit]

Ще работим за все по-точно и проверимо съдържание. До 2030 г. проектите на Уикимедия ще се разглеждат като най-висококачественият, неутрален и подходящ източник на знание. Ще увеличим дълбочината на наличните знания и ще поддържаме нашите стандарти за проверимо и неутрално съдържание. Ще поканим експерти да се присъединят към нас. Ще помогнем на хората да разберат как нашите процеси ни правят надеждни. Ще показваме най-подходящата информация на хората, когато и където се нуждаят от нея.

Тема #5: Engaging in the Knowledge Ecosystem | Ангагжиране в екосистемата на знанието[edit]

Ще изградим връзки с голямо разнообразие от организации, посветени на идеалите за свободно познание. Общностите на Уикимедия ще работят със съюзници, които не са знаели, че имат. Нашето съдържание и технологии ще се превърнат в централна част от формалното и неформалното образование по света. Ще работим заедно с водещи институции в областта на образованието, изкуствата, развлеченията, гражданското общество, управлението, науката и технологиите. Заедно, ще поканим ново поколение хора, които да учат, да създават и да се грижат за нарастващата библиотека от свободно знание за всички.


Fill in the table, using these 2 keys.

Theme key | Теми
  1. Healthy, Inclusive Communities | Здрави, приобщаващи общности
  2. The augmented age | Епохата на разширена реалност
  3. A truly global movement | Истинско глобално движение
  4. The most trusted source of knowledge | Най-уважаваният източник на знание
  5. Engaging in the knowledge ecosystem | Ангажиране в екосистемата на знанието
Questions key | Въпроси
  1. What impact would we have on the world if we follow this theme? | Какво влияние ще имаме върху света, ако следваме тази тема?
  2. How important is this theme relative to the other 4 themes? Why? | Колко важна е тази тема спрямо останалите 4? Защо?
  3. Focus requires tradeoffs. If we increase our effort in this area in the next 15 years, is there anything we’re doing today that we would need to stop doing? | Фокусът изисква компромиси. Ако увеличим усилията си в тази област през следващите 15 години, има ли нещо, което правим днес и което трябва да спрем да правим?
  4. What else is important to add to this theme to make it stronger?| Какво друго е важно да се добави към тази тема, за да стане по-силна?
  5. Who else will be working in this area and how might we partner with them? | Кои други ще работят в тази област и как можем да си сътрудничим с тях?


Ranking of themes Respondent 1
Respondent 2
Respondent 3
Respondent 4
Respondent 5
Respondent 6
1 A C D A D / E B
2 E D E B D / E A
3 D E C E B D
4 C A A C A C
5 B B B D C E
Overall ranking Weighted average (Percentage) Theme
1 48.3 D
2 46.6 A
3 45.0 E
4/5 30.0 B / C
Line Theme (refer to key) Question (refer to key) Summary Statement Keyword
1 A 1 We can shape new social environment, new type of communities and relations, better world.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] new shape
2 A 2 Second place (only to The augmented age), because people always need to be part of a community, of a society - it brings them hope, future, ideas, aim.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] society, future
3 A 3 No.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
4 A 4 The Wikimedia movement is a community of different kind, it has a lot of room to enlarge, different places to go, different possible directions. It is an opportunity other movements dont have.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] opportunities, directions
5 A 5 Sociologists?--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
6 B 1 We can lead technical progress, we can be a hub for technical ideas.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] A hub
7 B 2 Most important. Technical progress is inevitable and Wikimedia must not be lagging behind.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Progress
8 B 3 No.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
9 B 4 We can invest time and resources in new tests and innovations - AI, interaction, voice-reading, voice-editing, etc.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] AI, interactive,
10 B 5 cooperation with independent developers and IT companies, including big ones.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] IT, developers, cooperation
11 C 1 We can be an example, a model to follow.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] A model
12 C 2 4th place, not so relevant to me. --Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
13 C 3 We can stop trying to "help". Help doesnt work - we can show and teach, but not "nursing" all the time. We can advise, but we dont have time to wait for the slowest vessel in the convoy. Whoever want to be part of it, should keep up to the pace. --Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Measured aid, an aid not at all costs
14 C 4 It coincides with the idea and spirit of Wikimedia movement - everyone can be part of it.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] The idea behind
15 C 5 Social media and platforms.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Platforms, media
16 D 1 Really the first place for everyone to stop, when searching information. The impact of it will be tremendous.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] First stop
17 D 2 Middle.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
18 D 3 We have to improve tools and efforts for anti vandalism and we need to improve our reliable sources. All unreliable information should be deleted/marked/tagged and action should be taken to handle it.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Increased efforts
19 D 4 It coincides with the idea of Wikimedia as well - an independent, reliable and neutral source of all knowledge.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Neutral, reliable
20 D 5 Experts in their own areas can be involved to improve/provide sources.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Experts, sources
21 E 1 We can be a leading movement, an example to similar organisations. --Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] A leader
22 E 2 Lowest, that's not our goal.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
23 E 3 We can receive access to new level of influence, and we should be careful with that.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Influence
24 E 4 It is not our aim, it can be dangerous, but it can bring a lot of resources to Wikimedia - impact, influence.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
25 E 5 Political figures, visionaries, economical organisations.--Vodnokon4e (talk) 12:09, 10 June 2017 (UTC)[reply] Political figures
26 A 1 Our influence on the world will grow in the future. Wikipedia can be the leading role model of volunteering, shared knowledge and the power of togetherness. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Leading role model
27 A 1 I don't think that there will be quite of a difference, unless we emphasize on the recruitment of more volunteers. Ilikeliljon (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) New volunteers
28 A 2 I think that this is the most relevant goal in our strategy, because without a strong, large and healthy community, we cannot achieve any of the rest of the goals. A lot more can be done about our inclusivity. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Leading role model
29 A 4 In my opinion, this theme is fourth in priority. Ilikeliljon (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Prioirity
30 A 4 Our community needs to become more tolerant, patient towards the newbie editors, especially those coming from likeminded educational and cultural partners. Inclusivity requires that we do not tolerate the old editors with hundreds of thousands of edits to mistreat the newcomers. Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Patience
31 A 4 On one hand, we need to heal and strengthen our communities, and then to try to expand them. Live meetings can help a lot in this respect. There are vast opportunities for collaboration with many volunteering organizations, institutions (GLAM), NGO and civil organizations. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Community health, Partnerships
32 A 4 Attracting more volunteers. Ilikeliljon (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) New volunteers
33 A 5 Our movement needs to intensify the paartnerships with likeminded cultural, scientific and educational organizations, and to work for cultivating a more acceptable and accepting environment within our community. Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships
34 B 1 Wikipedia has always been a technological model for sharing, and it is good to have this preserved in future. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Leading role model
35 B 1 Technological advancement is inextricably linked with Wikipedia. Ket (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Technological advancement
36 B 2 This goal is of crucial importance, otherwise we risk lagging behind the others. Augmented reality will be a major part of the communication of tomorrow (within in the next 5 years), and it is unthinkable to leave it out of our projects. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Leading role model
37 B 2 This goal is of crucial importance, otherwise we risk lagging behind the others. Augmented reality will be a major part of the communication of tomorrow (within in the next 5 years), and it is unthinkable to leave it out of our projects. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Leading role model
38 B 2 Some aspects of the Augmented Age are like double-edged sword: they can potentially bring equal and even bigger harm than benefit. For instance machine translations are still very far from perfect (and, frankly, I believe they will never be), especially in languages from different language families. However, to the people with less knowledge of languages and/or technical abilities (with less understanding of machine translations), this heavily promoted opportunity creates false sense of security, and also contributes to decrease in critical thinking and willingness to make efforts. Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Machine translations
39 B 2 The introduction of machine translations, as good as they may be, is wrong. Coverage of a variety of knowledge areas, and speed of contribution, are important, but not at the expense of quality. Writing an article is a creative process. The machine translations hinders this process ("Why shall I study a new language, if I can use a machine translation tool?") Ilikeliljon (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Machine translations
40 B 4 We should not restrict ourselves to Augmented Reality only, but look around for other novelties. AR, together with the Internet of Things and the Virtual Reality will become the new forms of knowledge sharing. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Other technological novelties
41 B 4 The dissemination of technological infrastructure and individual gadgets facilitates the contribution. But it enables vandalisms, too. Ket (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Facilitation of contributions
42 C 1 Wikipedia must reach each part of the world and be available to all people. Everyone needs access to knowledge; this may be valuable information about oneself, or about the others. Ilikeliljon (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Global outreach
43 C 1 In these regions (Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America) lives the biggest part of the world population. It is important to include them. Спасимир (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Global outreach
44 C 4 We should support the equal access to our resources. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Other technological novelties
45 C 2 The theme of having a truly global movement is important but unfortunately, we do not start from the same starting point. In many regions of the world there is not enough understanding of what encyclopedic (neutral, fact-checked, referenced) content is, because before producing it, they need to have been exposed to it as end users. Efforts and resources have to be invested in overcoming this difference, but in some regions of the world, this problem are more urgent problems that need to be solved first. Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) No equal start
46 C 2 In promoting the Wikimedia movement globally, we also have to keep into consideration the issues of the net neutrality. Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Net neutrality
47 D 1 The reliable information will help people: researchers, students, teachers, to get attracted to contribute to Wikipedia, rather than avoid it. The trust and the usage of Wikipedia will increase with the reliable sourcing of the information. Спасимир (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Reliability
48 D 1 The reliable information will help people: researchers, students, teachers, to get attracted to contribute to Wikipedia, rather than avoid it. The trust and the usage of Wikipedia will increase with the reliable sourcing of the information. Спасимир (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Reliability
49 D 1 With objective and fact-checked information, Wikipedia can fight the dissemination of rumours, false news. Ket (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Reliability
50 D 2 This is the most important theme, because if there is no trust in Wikipedia, all the rest is irrelevant. Ket (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Reliability
51 D 2 Reliability is the most important topic. Спасимир (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Not a goal by itself
52 D 2 This topic is closely related to Theme 1 with respect to the importance of attracting more new editors, especially with scientific backgrounds, and make the environment tolerant and attractive for them to contribute. Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships
53 D 4 It is necessary to have a strategy for attract expert knowledge (universities, educational institutions), which is relation with Theme E. Wikipedia can be considered the sum of all knowledge, i.e. the scope and the depth of its content have to be increated, to attract more experts and educated people. Ket (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Reliability
54 E 1 Our influence on the world is enormous. Education nowadays is facing huge challenges and I believe that Wikimedia is capable of providing great solutions. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Challenges in education
55 E 1 Different generations have access and offer their contribution to the increase of human knowledge. The precise and verifiable knowledge in Wikipedia helps completing the textbooks, and helps the cultural institutions become more accessible. Ket (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Increase of human knowledge
56 E 1 Building relations with various organizations and institutions will popularize the good practices and interesting approaches of Wikipedia. Спасимир (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships
57 E 2 Again, this topic is closely related to Theme 1 with respect to the importance of attracting more new editors and making the environment tolerant and attractive for them to contribute. Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships
58 E 2 This is the second most important theme after Theme E, due to the outreach to wide community related to science, education and culture. Ket (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships
59 E 4 Without involving the institutions and educational organization, Wikipedia risks self-restricting itself. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships
60 E 5 From the listed areas of collaboration, I would remove the 'entertainment' (as I don't see it relevant to the knowledge ecosystem). Also, w.r.t. the 'government', not in every country collaborating with government is a good idea. :) Spiritia (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships
61 E 5 Educational institutions, universities, research organizations, governmental institutions. Knowledge as a bridge between international relations. Justine.toms (comments at the offline wiki seminar on 10 June in Sofia) Partnerships

Suggestions for rephrasing the statements[edit]

Theme #1 / A: Healthy, Inclusive Communities[edit]

By 2030, the Wikimedia volunteer culture will be safe, rewarding, and inclusive for both existing contributors and newcomers. We will welcome new volunteers to our movement and mentor them to ensure that they have a great experience and continue to participate in the projects. People from every background will feel part of a network of groups and organizations with deep relationships. As a result, our movement will grow both in size and in nature, as our projects flourish under our collective care.

  • REPLACE "fun" WITH "safe"

Theme #4 / D: The Most Respected Source of Knowledge[edit]

We will work toward ever more accurate and verifiable content. By 2030, Wikimedia projects will be seen as the most high-quality, neutral, and relevant source of knowledge. We will increase the depth of knowledge available and maintain our standards for verifiable and neutral content. We will invite experts to join us. We will help people understand how our processes make us reliable.

  • REMOVE the last sentence "We will show the most relevant information to people when and where they need it."

Theme #5 / E: Engaging the knowledge ecosystem[edit]

We will build relationships with a wide variety of organizations dedicated to the ideals of free knowledge. Wikimedia communities will work with allies that they didn’t know they had. Our content and technology will become a central part of formal and informal education around the world. We will partner with leading institutions in science, education, culture, arts, civil society, technologies. Together, we will invite a new generation of people who learn, create, and care for a growing library of free knowledge for all.

  • REMOVE "entertainment", "government", ADD "culture"
  • REORDER the institutions, starting with science, education, culture