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Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Outreach/Wiki Project Medicine

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This page is set up to get feedback on Cycle 2 of our movement strategy process for all Wikimedians who contribute to Wiki & Medicine initiatives around the world.
While a lot of work is done locally and feedback could be given via local chapters, as a user group, the WikiProject Med Foundation is hoping to facilitate our global strategic needs, those that impact our user group, other affiliates and individual contributors to a better coverage of Medical issues in Wiki Projects.
Please note --

  • Cycle 2 is open till the June 12, so please be sure to give your feedback till June 11, allowing us one day to move the results to the main strategy discussion pages.
  • No need to answer all questions for all 5 themes. You are perfectly welcome to give your feedback on those parts that are most relevant to your work,
  • Remember that any feedback you give in this page should be from a "Wiki & Medicine perspective, rather than a local one. To contribute from your personal / local perspective, please visit the Cycle 2 Strategy Process page.

Happy discussing! :), Shani Evenstein 17:10, 19 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Communication channels


The discussion is possible via various platforms, to allow maximum participation:

  • On Meta via this page
  • Via our Facebook group
  • Our Medicine mailing list (a thread has already opened there)
  • Personally, by contacting Shani Evenstein - if you'd rather talk to me personally, please feel free to reach out and I'll make sure incorporate your feedback to the general list.



The discussion will be advertised via our mailing list and our Facebook group.

Coordination with other tracks


All affiliates and individual volunteers who are working on Medical content in Wiki Projects, as well as other related outreach projects (GLAM, EDU-Wiki, WikiWomen, etc), are welcome to participate.

Cycle 2: Feedback on 5 themes


Please review each of the 5 statements below and comment under each of them, trying to answer the following questions:

  1. What impact would we have on the world if we follow this theme?
  2. How important is this theme relative to the other 4 themes? Why?
  3. Focus requires tradeoffs. If we increase our effort in this area in the next 15 years, is there anything we’re doing today that we would need to stop doing?
  4. What else is important to add to this theme to make it stronger?
  5. Who else will be working in this area and how might we partner with them?

Theme #1: Healthy, Inclusive Communities


Statement for consideration


By 2030, the Wikimedia volunteer culture will be fun, rewarding, and inclusive for both existing contributors and newcomers. We will welcome new volunteers to our movement and mentor them to ensure that they have a great experience and continue to engage in the projects. People from every background will feel included in an ecosystem of unique groups and organizations that deepen connections with each other. As a result, our movement will grow both in size and in character, as our projects flourish from the healthy community we cultivate together.



Theme #2:The Augmented Age


Statement for consideration


By 2030, the Wikimedia movement will collaborate with learning machines to help our volunteers be much more creative and productive. We will use prediction and design to make knowledge easy to access and easy to use with novel, humanized, intelligent interfaces. Volunteers will collaborate with machine translators to deepen the quality and quantity of content in more languages – at a heightened pace and scale. We will curate knowledge in structured and interactive formats that enhance and reflect the way people learn and contribute — beyond the browser, the app, and the encyclopedic format. We will embrace technological innovation as the most viable path toward meeting our vision.



Theme #3:A Truly Global Movement


Statement for consideration


The Wikimedia movement will turn our attention to the places in the world that were underserved during the first 15 years of our history. We will build awareness of Wikimedia and make it more useful to people. We will overcome barriers to accessing knowledge, so more people can freely share in the Wikimedia projects. We will support communities in underserved parts of the world and make space for new forms of contribution and citations that meet global knowledge traditions. By 2030, we will be a truly global movement.



Theme #4:The Most Respected Source of Knowledge


Statement for consideration


By 2030, Wikimedia projects will be regarded as the most trusted, high-quality, neutral, and relevant source of free knowledge in the world. We will uphold the accuracy and verifiability of our content by integrating high-quality secondary sources and supporting the existence of reliable sources in society. We will improve public understanding of the processes that make Wikimedia reliable, and we will invite experts to join us and share their knowledge. We will surface the most relevant information to people when and where they need it. We will expand the depth of knowledge available, while upholding our standards for verifiable, neutral and comprehensive knowledge.  



Theme #5:Engaging in the Knowledge Ecosystem


Statement for consideration


By 2030, the Wikimedia Movement will have dramatically improved the quality, diversity, and global availability of free knowledge by working with diverse institutions and organizations that collaborate toward free knowledge for all. Wikimedia content, technology, and communities will be embedded in formal and informal learning throughout the world, in partnership with the world’s leading institutions in education, the arts, entertainment, civil society, government, science, and technology. Through strategic partnerships across our movement, we will build a diverse new generation of knowledge providers and seekers who will build and care for a growing body of freely accessible knowledge. We will make Wikimedia an integral part of a global knowledge ecosystem.

