Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Cycle 2/Reach/Apply/ja
Wikimedia is part of a larger ecosystem of partners and organizations that care about the future of free knowledge. We work with educational institutions, GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums), technology partners, civil society and digital rights organizations and governments.
When we work together, our impact grows. Experts and organizations who share our free knowledge mission can add to our discussion about the future of Wikimedia. Their voices will help us find our way and improve how we collaborate in the future.
Do you want to include local partners, institutions or experts in your conversation about the future of Wikimedia? The Wikimedia 2030 team wants to help.
- Invite experts/partners to your affiliate conversations: include partners in your planned events about movement strategy to add their perspective on Wikimedia.
- Talk to local experts and partners: include local experts and partners in the Wikimedia 2030 discussion by having one-on-one conversations with them and sharing what you learn. We provide templates and guidance for these informal conversations and a space to publish what you learn on-wiki.
- 助成金の申請を:パートナー組織とのイベント開催対象 地域のパートナー組織あるいは専門家とのイベント(食事会もしくは会合)を主催し、ウィキメディアの将来を議論する提携団体に、少額の戦略助成金を支給します。 関心がある場合はイベント当日の最低2週間前までに申請してください。支給の決定後にイベントと議論の マニュアルを共有します。
- (up to $1500 depending on local costs and needs)
- Discussion guide for partner event
- Template email for event invitation, below
- Email your event summary notes to
Have questions? Please use the Talk page!
- 相手は地域の専門家やパートナー組織でなければいけませんか?
- ウィキメディア2030では、貴重な専門知識を持っているのに今までウィキメディア運動の戦略プロセスに貢献する機会がなかった人々に、私たちの運動を広めたいのです。コミュニティの皆さんがこのような会話を率いると、それをきっかけに地域の専門家もパートナー組織も、ずっと一緒にウィキメディアの方向性を形づくっていく仲間になってくれることを目指しましょう。
- 議論の相手は?
- 運動の戦略的方向性を定義するのに役立つであろう洞察を伺う相手としては、はっきりした課題や使命を持っていて情熱的に取り組んでいる専門家にお願いしたいのです。例えば大学の教授、科学者、技術専門家、インターネット空間の政策担当者、社会にインパクトを与える運動の指導者などです。
- どうやって招待すればいいですか?
- 地域の専門家やパートナー組織に送って会話に招待するメールのサンプルをご用意しました。事情に合わせて文面を変え、応用してください。
- 会話では何を話題にすればよいでしょうか?
- 質問の内容をまとめた会話のマニュアルをご用意しています。またウィキメディアの将来に関わるのであれば、どんな質問でもかまいません。
- 会話で得たことを財団に伝えるには?
- You can share what you have learned with us using this form. We would also love to receive pictures, audio/video recordings, illustrations, etc from your interaction. Remember that you can fill out the form in your own language. No need to translate anything! Please let your creative juices flow. :)
- どんな役割をすればよいですか?
- We ask everyone to bring what they learned into the larger strategy discussion. We also ask you to fill out a questionnaire after the event to share who attended and what they learned. Ideally, you can also provide one or more photos from your event.
- イベントの内容は?
- If your proposal is accepted, we will share an event and discussion guide with you, including a sample event format. We recommend one of two event formats: (1) a dinner (or other meal) with a structured conversation about the future of Wikimedia or (2) a meet-up with a structured conversation. We are happy to consider other formats.
- 助成金が出るのはイベント何件か決まっていますか?
- 件数は特に決まっていません。できるだけ多くのイベントに支給していきます!
- 助成金はいくらもらえますか?
- 提携団体とウィキメディア2030戦略チームが話し合って経費の見積もりを出し、それに基づいて支給します。
- 助成金の対象になる経費とは?
- イベントに必要な飲食物と用具です。地域ごとの物価や事情にもよりますが、ウィキメディア2030戦略チームではイベント1件当たり概算で500 - 1,500米ドルを見込んでいます。
- 公式のパートナー組織だけしか招待できませんか?
- 限定していません。この先、協力していきたい組織でも、私たちの運動の将来像に興味深い洞察を示してくれる専門家も対象に入れてはどうでしょう。
- ウィキメディア2030戦略チームは何を基準に助成金の支給先を決めるのですか?
- We will evaluate proposals on a first-come, first-served basis. We will try to accommodate everyone who completes a full proposal until we have reached the maximum number of events we can support. Exceptions include geographies where we have already conducted strategy events in collaboration with community members. If you have a question about whether you qualify, please contact Juliet Barbara at jbarbarawikimediaorg.
- なぜ提携団体にしか声をかけないのですか?
- We recognize that affiliates are not the only members of the Wikimedia movement who have partnerships. We are inviting affiliates specifically because they often do form local partnerships and can bring value back to Wikimedia communities. If you are an individual contributor and want to host an event, we recommend contacting your local affiliate to express your interest in a proposal. We will consider proposals that are in collaboration between an affiliate and an individual community member if funds can be distributed directly to the affiliate.
Wikimedia is a movement to share free knowledge with every person on the planet. Today, we work toward this vision by supporting Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects, with the help of nearly 100,000 volunteers across 290 languages around the globe. This year, Wikimedia is hosting a global and strategic dialogue to define Wikimedia's future role in the world and develop a collaborative strategy to fulfill that role. We are interviewing a selected group of key individuals and organizations across the world, and would like you to be among them.
Please let us know if you are interested in scheduling time to talk with us. We appreciate your consideration.
Thank you and all the best,
[insert your name]
Dear [insert name],
We cordially invite you to attend a [insert type of event] to join us in a discussion about the future of free knowledge. The [insert your local affiliate name] is hosting this event on [insert date] at [insert time] at [insert location]. The event will last approximately [insert # hours].
Wikimedia is a movement to share free knowledge with every person on the planet. Today, we work toward this vision by supporting Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects, with the help of nearly 100,000 volunteers across 290 languages around the globe. This year, Wikimedia is hosting a global and strategic dialogue to define Wikimedia's future role in the world and develop a collaborative strategy to fulfill that role. We are interviewing a selected group of key individuals and organizations across the world, and would like you to be among them.
Please let us know if you are interested in attending. [insert information about when response is needed, other local details]
Thank you and all the best,
[insert your name]