Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation/Knowledge/da
![]() | This phase of the consultation is closed. For information about the outcome, please watch the consultation main page, where a pointer to the next step in this process will be posted on or around February 26.
While you are welcome to continue to use the discussion pages of this phase, please know that future submissions to this phase may not be reviewed by staff. We look forward to talking to you more about the themes that have emerged in the near future! |
Strategiproces 2016 | ||||
Årlig plan sider | ||||
2016-17 Mid-year check-in (February 2017) Final 2016 Annual Plan (21 June) Revideret årlig plan for 2016 (27. maj) FDC recommendations for the WMF (15 May) Draft 2016 Annual Plan (Review discussion) (2 April - 2 May) |
Sider for stadie 2 (4-18. marts) | ||||
Draft WMF strategy (Review discussion) |
Sider for stadie 1 (18. januar-15. februar) | ||||
Information | ||||
Ofte stillede spørgsmål om strategiprocessen 2016 2010-2015 strategi 2015 Strategy community consultation |
Please observe the Friendly Space Expectations when sharing your thoughts or discussing those of others. | ||||
Et af de brede fokusområder some Wikimedia Foundation vil fokusere på i vores kommende årlige plan er viden. Viden er hvad vi deler med verden. Vi stræber for høj kvalitet, mangfoldighed i vores dækning, og tilgængelighed for alle.
Nårend du er klar til at besvare spørgsmålene, så klik venligst på knappen på bunden af siden.
Et afgørende spørgsmål vedrørende viden
Our volunteers use diverse sources and information to create quality, comprehensive work. However, there are major recent innovations in the way knowledge is created, shared and received. Recent technical advances also allow for automatic generation and syndication of content.
- Hvad mener du er den bedste måde for Wikimedia Foundation til at tilpasses til læseres ændrende vidensbehov (små uddrag, mangfoldige formater, sprog, osv.) og hjælpe med at lette kvaliteten af indhold?
Mulige strategiske tilgange til at understøtte viden
- Below are several approaches the Wikimedia Foundation might take towards supporting knowledge. Please read through these six options and let us know by approach "number" up to two or three of the six approaches you would most support. We also invite you to share your idea.
Tilgang et
- Provide easy-to-use tools and incentives to contribute multimedia content and short-form text to benefit mobile and quick lookup users.
Tilgang to
- Udvide indhold hurtigere ved at tillade fællesskab-ledede indholds partnerskabs programmer så som GLAM (Gallerier, Biblioteker, Arkiver, og Museer).
Tilgang tre
- Forøge kvaliteten og tidsløsheden af indhold gennem teknologisk forbedring af vores skribenters mulighed for at oprette, overvåge, og bearbejde indhold.
Tilgang fire
- Measure and reduce systemic gender and other bias in our overall content by project.
Tilgang fem
- Forøge dækning i nøglesprog gennem oversættelsesværktøjer og menneskelig proces.
Tilgang seks
- Explore ways to scale machine-generated, machine-verified and machine-assisted content.
Forslå en tilgang
- Har du en anden ide vi bør prioritere for at hjælpe os med at forbedre viden? Giv os besked!
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