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2015 Strategji/Konsulltim i komunitetit/Prapavija

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2015/Community consultation/Background and the translation is 57% complete.


Përbrenda WMF së fundi ne kemi filluar një iniciativë për të përditësuar drejtimet e strategjisë tonë për të siguruar se ne vazhdojmë të operojmë në mënyrën më të mirë për të plotësuar vizionin e Wikimedia-s.

Siç edhe ju mund të dini, në vitin 2009, Fondacioni Wikimedia hartoj një strategji pesë-vjeçare për lëvizjet e Wikimedias me komunitetin e rëndësishëm dhe stafin e kpntributorëve. Nga atëherë, u vendosën objektivat pesëvjeçare. Këto objektiva çuan në investimet në stabilizimin e infrastrukturës tonë teknike, duke krijuar një hapësirë për inovacione, dhe rritjen e investimeve në mjetet e redaktimit. Plani ishte i guximshëm dhe motivuese, por horizonti i kohës pesëvjeçare ka treguar vështirësi për tu përshtatur natyrës së ndryshimeve në web.

The 2009 Strategic Plan was very broad and encompassing. It reflected the key issues for the Wikimedia Movement and the millions of people who are a part of it. In practice, the WMF had difficulty focusing and prioritizing its day-to-day activities in relation to the Plan. The 2012 “Narrowing Focus” announcement was an attempt to literally narrow the focus of the WMF so it could be more effective in supporting the Movement. It is now time to reconsider and update the Strategic Plan and the Narrowing Focus decision.

Going into 2015, the WMF is developing a new strategic process. Rather than trying to draft a five-year document for the entire movement, we are kicking-off what will become a discipline of ongoing strategic inquiry, assessment, and alignment. This more agile, adaptable process will directly inform and update our priorities and goals and help us maintain a strategic direction that is consistent with the Wikimedia vision, supports the Wikimedia projects, and is sensitive to the changing global environment.

The “Strategic Visioning” Community Consultation is the first step in our new strategic process. It is an opportunity for us to explore together what the future holds for the Wikimedia Movement and projects. We will learn from your ideas and use them to inform and refine our strategic thinking. From that, we will define the WMF Strategic Direction, which we will share with you in 2015. This Strategic Direction will guide us in our community support, engineering, grant-making, and fundraising and will be updated annually. We may also be reaching out on specific questions (for example, relating to technology or grants) that will also help support our strategic planning.