Stewards/elections 2011-2/votes/Quentinv57
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- Languages: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Personal info: Hi ! I'm Quentinv57, a Wikimedian user since 2007. I firstly edited on the French Wikipedia, but soon after I joined the French Wiktionary as I felt that my help was more needed there. Now I not only contribute to these projects, but I've joined the French local chapter (Wikimédia France) and I'm more and more implicated in meta affairs. Furthermore, I'm a member of the SWMT and, as a global sysop, I try to help as much as I can small wikis by handling cross-wiki deletions and other requests that can be done only with sysop access. I have also written a tool to make global username changes and SUL requests easier (before stewards had to explore each wiki to find which one has local active bureaucrats). Moreover, I automatically archive steward requests, to avoid people to take a long time to do it by hand (example here).
As a steward, I will continue to do this work and would help handling steward requests. I'd like to offer my help because I know that, with the recent departure of some stewards, they are now understaffed and do need a lot of help. I have read and agree to respect the stewards policy, and other policies as checkuser, oversight and privacy policies.
Thanks for your time and consideration !
- Езици: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Лична информация: Здравейте! Аз съм Quentinv57, потребител на проектите на Уикиречник от 2007 година. Започнах с редакции в Уикипедия на френски, но скоро след това се присъединих към френския Уикицитат, тъй като чувствах, че там ще бъда по-полезен. Сега не само допринасям към тези проекти, но се включих и към локалното сдружение "Уикимедия Франция" и все повече се занимавам с проблемите в Мета. В допълнение съм член на Екипа за наблюдение на малките уикита и в качеството ми на глобален администратор се опитвам да помагам доколкото мога на малките уикита, като изпълнявам заявки за cross-wiki изтривания и други, за които е нужен достъп на такова ниво. Автор съм и на един инструмент за улесняване на глобалните преименувания и обединяването на сметки (навремето трябваше стюардите да проучват всяко уики поотделно, за да открият кои са активните местни бюрократи). В добавка автоматично архивирам заявките към стюардите, за да не се налага хората да чакат дълго време за ръчно архивиране (пример).
Като стюард бих продължил да извършвам тези дейности и бих помагал за изпълнението на заявките към стюардите. Бих искал да предложа помощта си, понеже знам че с неотдавнашното напускане на някои стюарди, останалите не са достатъчно и имат нужда от много помощ. Прочел съм и съм съгласен да спазвам политиката за стюардите и останалите политики, като политиката за проверяващите (checkuser), наблюдаващи (oversight) и политиката за защита на личните данни.
Благодаря ви за отделеното време и внимание!
- ভাষা: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: হাই, আমি কুয়েন্টিনভি৫৭, ২০০৭ সাল থেকে একজন উইকিমিডিয়ান। আমি ফরাসি উইকিপিডিয়ায় প্রথম সম্পাদনা করা শুরু করি, এবং তার কিছুদিন পরেই ফরাসি উইকিঅভিধানে যোগ দেই, কারণ আমার মনে হয়েছিলো আমার সাহায্য সেখানে আরও বেশি প্রয়োজন। এখন আমি শুধুমাত্র ঐ প্রকল্পগুলোতেই কাজ করি না, বরং আমি ফরাসি চ্যাপ্টারেও (উইকিমিডিয়া ফ্রান্স) একজন স্বেচ্ছাসেবী হিসেবে কাজ করি। সেই সাথে আমি মেটার কাজ সমূহে আরও বেশি সংযুক্ত হয়েছি। আমি ছোট উইকিগুলোর মনিটরিং দলের সদস্য এবং একজন গ্লোবাল প্রশাসক। ক্রস-উইকি ধ্বংসপ্রবণতা রোধের মাধ্যমে আমি ছোট উইকিগুলোকে আমার সম্ভাব্য সকল প্রকার সাহায্য করার চেষ্টা করি। এছাড়াও সেসকল কাজেও আমি সাহায্য করি যেগুলো শুধুমাত্র প্রশাসক সরঞ্জামের মাধ্যমেই করা যায়। আমি ইতিমধ্যেই স্টুয়ার্ডের গ্লোবাল নাম পরিবর্তনের কাজ আরও সহজ করার জন্য একটি টুল লিখেছি (পূর্বে এ কাজের জন্য স্টুয়ার্ডদের ম্যানুয়ালি প্রতিটি উইকিতে গিয়ে সক্রিয় ব্যুরোক্রেট আছে কী না তা যাচাই করতে হতো)। এছাড়াও আমি স্বংক্রিয়ভাবে প্রতিদিন স্টুয়ার্ড অনুরোধের পাতাগুলো আর্কাইভ করি (উদাহরণ)। এর আগে এই কাজটি হাতে হাতে করা হতো, যা ছিলো অনিয়মিত ও সময়সাপেক্ষ।
স্টুয়ার্ড হিসেবে আমি স্টুয়ার্ড অনুরোধের কাজগুলোতে সহায্য করতে আগ্রহী। আমি এ কারণে সাহায্য করতে আগ্রহী, কারণ সাম্প্রতিকালে কিছু স্টুয়ার্ড চলে যাওয়ায় বর্তমানে স্টুয়ার্ড সংকট চলছে, এবং তাঁদের আরও বেশি সাহায্যের প্রয়োজন। আমি স্টুয়ার্ড নীতিমালা, এবং সেই সাথে চেকইউজার, ওভারসাইট, এবং গোপনীয়তার নীতিসহ অন্যান্য নীতিমালা সম্পর্কে অবহিত।
আপনার বিবেচনার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ!
- Sprachen: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Informationen zur Person: HI! Ich bin Quentinv57, ein Wikimedianer seit 2007. Ich begann in der französischen Wikipedia, aber bald nachdem ich mich französichen Wiktionary anschloss, sah ich, dass meine Hilfe dort mehr gebraucht wurde. Jetzt bin ich nicht nur aktiver Mitarbeiter, sondern habe mich auch der lokalen französischen Niederlassung (Wikimédia France) angeschlossen und bin immer mehr an Meta-Angelegenheiten beteiligt. Außerdem bin ich ein Mitglied des Beobachtungsteams kleiner Wikis, versuche als globaler Admin kleineren Projekten bei wikiübergreifenden Löschungen behilflich zu sein und die Anfragen abzuarbeiten, für die ein Adminzugang nötig ist. Ich habe auch ein Werkzeug programmiert, um die globalen Umbenennungen und SUL-Anfragen einfacher zu machen (davor mußten die Stewards selber herausfinden, welche Projekte keinen aktiven Bürokraten hatte). Nebenbei archiviere ich die Anfragen an die Stewards automatisch, um den anderern Mitarbeitern den Zeitaufwand für manuelle Arbeit zu ersparen (Beispiel hier).
Als ein Steward, werde ich diese Arbeit fortsetzen und bei der Abarbeitung der Anfragen behilflich sein. Ich biete meine Hilfe an, weil nach den Äusserungen einiger Stewards diese unterbesetzt sind und einiges an Hilfe benötigen. Ich habe die Richtlinien für Stewards gelesen und erkläre mich bereit, diese wie auch andere Richtlinien für Checkuser, oversight und Datenschutzbestimmungen zu respektieren.
Danke für ihre Zeit und Überlegungen!
- زبانها: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- اطلاعات شخصی: سلام! من Quentinv57، یک کاربر ویکیمدیایی از سال ۲۰۰۷ هستم. من در اوایل در ویکیپدیای فرانسوی ویرایش میکردم، و پس از مدتی کم به ویکیواژهٔ فرانسوی پیوستم و احساس کردم که آنجا به کمک من بیشتر نیاز بود. اکنون من فقط در این پروژهها مشارکت نمیکنم، اما من به فصل محلی فرانسوی (ویکیمدیای فرانسوی) پیوستم و من بیشتر و بیشتر در امور فراویکی دخیل شدم. علاوه بر این، من عضوی از گروه دیدبانی ویکیهای کوچک هستم و به عنوان مدیر جهانی، من سعی میکنم تا آنجا که میتوانم با حذفهای بین ویکی و دیگر درخواستهایی که میتوانند فقط با دسترسی مدیریتی انجام شوند، به ویکیهای کوچک کمک کنم. من همچنین ابزاری برای آسانتر ساختن تغییرنامهای جهانی و انجام درخواستهای کاربری جهانی، نوشتهام (قبل از آن ویکیبدها مجبور بودند که هر ویکی را بررسی کنند تا متوجه شوند کدام ویکی دیوانسالار محلی فعال دارد). علاوه بر آن، من به طور خودکار درخواستهای ویکیبدی را برای جلوگیری از صرف وقت زیاد توسط کاربران برای بایگانی کردن به صورت دستی، بایگانی میکنم (مثال در اینجا).
به عنوان ویکیبد، من به این کارها ادامه خواهم داد و میخواهم به بررسی درخواستهای ویکیبدی کمک کنم. من میخواهم کمک کنم زیرا میدانم که با عزیمت برخی از ویکیبدها، آنها در حال حاضر در دسترس نیستند و به کمک زیادی نیاز است. من سیاست ویکیبدی، و دیگر سیاستها از جمله بازرسی کاربر، پنهانگری (ناظری) و سیاستهای حفظ اسرار را خواندهام و با آن موافق هستم و به آنها احترام میگذارم.
با تشکر از شما برای توجه و گذاشتن وقت خود!
- Kielet: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Henkilökohtaiset tiedot: Moi! Olen Quentinv57, wikimedialainen vuodesta 2007. Aloitin muokkaamisen ranskankielisessä Wikipediassa, mutta pian liityin ranskankieliseen Wikisanakirjaan, koska tunsin että apuani tarvittiin enemmän siellä. Näihin hankkeisiin osallistumisen lisäksi olen liittynyt Wikimedian Ranskan-jäsenyhdistykseen (Wikimédia France) ja olen yhä enemmän mukana meta-asioissa. Olen myös SWMT:n (pienten wikien valvontaryhmän) jäsen ja globaalina ylläpitäjänä pyrin parhaani mukaan auttamaan pieniä wikejä sivujen poistamisessa ja muissa ylläpitäjän oikeuksia vaativissa toimissa. Olen myös kirjoittanut työkalun globaalien käyttäjätunnuksen vaihtojen ja SUL-pyyntöjen toteuttamisen helpottamiseksi. (Ennen ylivalvojien oli käytävä jokainen wiki erikseen läpi nähdäkseen missä niistä on paikallisia byrokraatteja.) Lisäksi arkistoin automatisoidusti ylivalvojien toimintapyyntösivuja, jotta ihmisten ei tarvitse tuhlata aikaa manuaaliseen arkistoimiseen (esimerkki täällä). Ylivalvojana tulen jatkamaan tätä työtä ja auttamaan ylivalvojien toimintapyyntöjen käsittelyssä. Haluan tarjota apuani, koska tiedän, että joidenkin ylivalvojien luovuttua oikeuksistaan tehtävään tarvitaan enemmän ihmisiä. Olen lukenut ja lupaan noudattaa ylivalvojien käytäntöjä, samoin kuin muita kuten osoitepaljastukseen, häivyttämiseen sekä yksityisyyteen liittyviä käytäntöjä.
- Langues : fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Renseignements personnels : Bonjour ! Je suis Quentinv57, et je contribue aux projets Wikimedia depuis 2007. J'ai commencé par éditer la Wikipédia française, mais j'ai vite rejoint le Wiktionnaire français car j'ai trouvé que l'on avait plus besoin de mon aide là-bas. Je suis désormais un membre de la SWMT et, en tant que global sysop, je fais tout mon possible pour aider les petites communautés en traitant les requêtes de suppressions inter-wikis, et les autres requêtes qui ne peuvent être faites qu'avec un accès d'administrateur. J'ai également écrit cet outil dans le but de rendre les renommages globaux et les requêtes SUL plus simples (avant cela, les stewards devaient explorer chaque wiki pour trouver ceux dont les bureaucrates sont actifs). De plus, j'archive automatiquement les requêtes adressées aux stewards, pour éviter que d'autres personnes ne perdent du temps à le faire à la main (exemple ici).
En tant que steward, je persévèrerai dans mon travail et aiderai également à traiter les requêtes pour stewards. Je propose aujourd'hui mon aide en connaissance du fait que, avec le départ récent de plusieurs stewards, ils sont désormais en sous-effectif et ont besoin de beaucoup d'aide. J'ai lu et je m'engage à respecter les règles des stewards, la politique de confidentialité et tout autres politiques comme celles concernant la vérification d'utilisateurs et les masquages.
Merci pour le temps et la considération que vous avez apporté à ma candidature !
- Lingue: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Informazioni personali: Ciao! Sono Quentinv57 un utente wikimedia dal 2007. All'inizio ho contribuito a wikipedia in francese, ma subito dopo ho iniziato a contribuire al wikizionario in francese capendo come il mio aiuto fosse più necessario lì. Ora non contribuisco solo a questi due progetti ma anche faccio anche parte di Wikimédia France e sono sempre più coinvolto nelle questioni su meta. Inoltre sono un membro dello SWMT e, in quanto global sysop, ho provato a dare una mano quanto possibile sulle piccole wikipedia, gestendone le cancellazioni ed altre richieste che possono essere soddisfatte solo da un amministratore. Ho anche scritto un tool per facilitare le rinomine globali e le richieste riguardo al SUL (prima gli stewards dovevano cercare su ogni wiki se c'erano burocrati attivi). Inoltre, archivio automaticamente le richieste agli steward, per evitare che la gente ci perda tempo (ad esempio qui).
Come steward, continuerò a questo lavoro e aiuterò a gestire le steward requests. Mi piacerebbe offrire il mio aiuto dopo le recenti dimissioni di alcuni steward, attualmente ce ne sono troppo pochi e necessitano di molto aiuto. Ho letto ed accettato la stewards policy e altre policy come quella sul checkuser, sull'oversight e sulla privacy.
Grazie per la considerazione!
- 言語: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- 候補者の情報: こんにちは!Quentinv57です。2007年からウィキメディアンとして参加しています。私が最初に編集をしたのはフランス語版ウィキペディアにおいてですが、私の助けがより必要されていると思い、すぐにフランス語版ウィクショナリーに参加しました。今ではこれらのプロジェクトだけでなく、フランス支部(Wikimédia France)に参加し、ますます多くメタでの業務に関係しています。更に、私はSWMTのメンバーであり、グローバル管理者として、ウィキ間削除や他の管理者権限のみで行える依頼を処理することで小さなウィキをできる限り手助けしようと努めてきました。私はグローバルな利用者名変更とSUL依頼を簡単にするツールを作りました(以前、スチュワードはローカルウィキの活動しているビューロクラットを探すため、それぞれのウィキを調査する必要がありました)。その上、手作業で長い時間をかける必要がないよう、私はスチュワードへの依頼を自動的にアーカイブしています。
- Taalvaardigheid: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Persoonlijke informatie: Hoi! Ik ben Quentinv57, een Wikimediaan sinds 2007. Ik begon met editten op de Franstalige Wikipedia, maar ik ging al gauw naar de Franstalige Wiktionary omdat ik het idee had dat mijn hulp daar meer nodig was. Nu draag ik niet alleen bij aan deze projecten, maar ik sloot me aan bij de Franse lokale afdeling (Wikimédia France) en ik ben meer en meer betrokken bij meta-zaken. Verder ben ik lid van het SWMT en, als global sysop, help ik kleine wiki's zo veel mogelijk door cross-wiki verwijderingen en andere verzoeken af te handelen waar de moderatorbevoegdheden voor nodig zijn. Ik heb ook een tool geschreven om wereldwijde veranderingen van gebruikersnamen en SUL-verzoeken makkelijker te maken (eerder moesten stewards elke wiki onderzoeken om te bekijken welke actieve lokale bureaucraten had). Verder archiveer ik op automatische wijze stewardverzoeken, zodat mensen geen tijd verliezen door dit handmatig te doen (bijvoorbeeld hier).
Als steward zou ik dit werk voortzetten en ik zou helpen met de afhandeling van stewardverzoeken. Ik wil graag mijn hulp aanbieden, want ik weet dat - met het recente vertrek van enkele stewards - ze nu onderbezet zijn en veel hulp nodig hebben. Ik heb het stewardbeleid gelezen en ga akkoord met het respecteren hiervan, evenals van ander beleid zoals het checkuser-, oversight en privacybeleid.
Bedankt voor je tijd en aandacht!
- Línguas: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Informações pessoais: Olá! Eu sou o Quentinv57, um wikimediano desde 2007. Registrei-me primeiramente na Wikipédia em francês mas, logo em seguida, passei a colaborar com o Wikicionário na mesma língua, pois senti que meu auxílio se fazia mais necessário por lá. Atualmente, eu não atuo apenas nestes projetos, mas também auxilio nas atividades do capítulo local em francês (Wikimedia France) e estou cada vez mais envolvido nas questões do Meta-Wiki. Ainda, sou membro do SWMT e, como administrador global, tento ajudar como posso as small wikis, atuando em eliminações cross-wiki e tratando de outros pedidos que podem ser atendidos apenas com as ferramentais de administrador local. Também desenvolvi uma ferramenta para tornar as renomeações de contas globais e pedidos de login unificado mais fáceis (antes os stewards tinham de esquadrinhar wiki por wiki até detectarem aquelas em que ainda havia burocratas ativos). Além disso, eu arquivo automaticamente as páginas de pedidos a stewards, de modo a evitar que as pessoas percam um tempo precioso fazendo isto manualmente (um exemplo aqui).
Como steward, pretendo continuar desenvolvendo todo este trabalho e também auxiliaria no atendimento dos pedidos feitos a eles. Gostaria de oferecer minha ajuda porque sei que, com a renúncia recente de alguns stewards, eles estão sobrecarregados e realmente necessitam de um reforço. Li e concordo em respeitar a política de stewards, além de outras políticas como as de checkuser, oversight and privacidade.
Muito obrigado por seu tempo e consideração!
- Ngôn ngữ: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- Thông tin cá nhân: Xin chào! Tên tôi là Quentinv57, một người dùng Wikimedian từ năm 2007. Chỉnh sửa đầu tiên của tôi là trên Wikipedia tiếng Pháp, nhưng ngay sau khi gia nhập Wiktionary tiếng Pháp thì tôi cảm thấy rằng sự trợ giúp của mình là cần thiết. Hiện nay tôi không chỉ đóng góp vào các dự án này mà còn tham gia vào chi hội địa phương ở Pháp (Wikimédia France) và tôi ngày càng giải quyết nhiều vấn đề hơn ở meta. Thêm vào đó, tôi là thành viên của SWMT và, dưới vai trò sysop toàn cầu, tôi cố gắng hết sức mình trên các wiki nhỏ bằng cách thực hiện tác vụ xóa liên-wiki và các yêu cầu khác chỉ có thể thực hiện bằng công cụ sysop. Tôi cũng viết một công cụ để đổi tên người dùng toàn cầu và yêu cầu SUL dễ dàng hơn (trước đó các tiếp viên phải đến từng wiki một để tìm các hành chính viên đang hoạt động). Hơn nữa, tôi tự động lưu trữ các yêu cầu tiếp viên, để giúp mọi người khỏi phải mất nhiều thời gian làm điều đó bằng tay (ví dụ ở đây).
Với vai trò tiếp viên, tôi sẽ tiếp tục làm các công việc này và giúp xử lý các yêu cầu tiếp viên. Tôi muốn đóng góp công sức của mình bởi vì tôi biết rằng, với sự từ bỏ quyền của một số tiếp viên trong thời gian gần đây, đội ngũ tiếp viên đang thiếu nhân lực và cần nhiều sự giúp đỡ. Tôi đã đọc và đồng ý tôn trọng chính sách tiếp viên, và các chính sách khác của kiểm định viên, giám sát viên và quy định về sự riêng tư.
Cảm ơn các bạn đã dành thời gian xem xét!
- 可说语言: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- 个人资料: 大家好,我是Quentinv57,從2007年起成為維基人。我首先開始編輯的是法語維基百科,但是之後我發現法語維基詞典更需要我的幫助,因此開始到那裡編輯。目前,我不僅活躍於本地計划,也加入了法國維基媒體協會(Wikimédia France)並更積極參與元維基的事務。此外,我還是SWMT的一員並是一名全域管理員。我盡我所能地幫助小維基處理如刪除破壞及其他需要管理員權限的事務。此外我也編寫了一個協助用戶名更改和SUL請求的工具(以前監管員需要到每一個計劃上查看哪些計划有活躍的本地行政員)。同時,我也自動存檔監管員請求,免除人工存檔的繁瑣。(例子見這裏)。
作為監管員,我會繼續這些工作並協助處理steward requests。我希望能夠提供幫助,因為最近不少監管員離開導致人手不足。我已經閱讀並同意監管員方針以及用戶核查、oversight、私隱等其他方針。
- 可说语言: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- 个人资料: 大家好,我是Quentinv57,从2007年起成为维基人。我首先开始编辑的是法语维基百科,但是之后我发现法语维基词典更需要我的帮助,因此开始到那里编辑。目前,我不仅活跃于本地计划,也加入了法国维基媒体协会(Wikimédia France)并更积极参与元维基的事务。此外,我还是SWMT的一员并是一名全域管理员。我尽我所能地帮助小维基处理如删除破坏及其他需要管理员权限的事务。此外我也编写了一个协助用户名更改和SUL请求的工具(以前监管员需要到每一个计划上查看哪些计划有活跃的本地行政员)。同时,我也自动存档监管员请求,免除人工存档的繁琐。(例子见这里)。
作为监管员,我会继续这些工作并协助处理steward requests。我希望能够提供帮助,因为最近不少监管员离开导致人手不足。我已经阅读并同意监管员方针以及用户核查、oversight、隐私等其他方针。
- 可說語言: fr-N, en-3, de-1, lb-1
- 個人資料: 大家好,我是Quentinv57,從2007年起成為維基人。我首先開始編輯的是法語維基百科,但是之後我發現法語維基詞典更需要我的幫助,因此開始到那裡編輯。目前,我不僅活躍於本地計划,也加入了法國維基媒體協會(Wikimédia France)並更積極參與元維基的事務。此外,我還是SWMT的一員並是一名全域管理員。我盡我所能地幫助小維基處理如刪除破壞及其他需要管理員權限的事務。此外我也編寫了一個協助用戶名更改和SUL請求的工具(以前監管員需要到每一個計劃上查看哪些計划有活躍的本地行政員)。同時,我也自動存檔監管員請求,免除人工存檔的繁瑣。(例子見這裏)。
作為監管員,我會繼續這些工作並協助處理steward requests。我希望能夠提供幫助,因為最近不少監管員離開導致人手不足。我已經閱讀並同意監管員方針以及用戶核查、oversight、私隱等其他方針。
Questions: See Stewards/elections 2011-2/Questions#Quentinv57
[edit]- Support Sebleouf 00:00, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Vituzzu 00:03, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Definitely. Quentinv57 is very experienced crosswiki and I have no doubt that he'll make a great steward. Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:04, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- —DerHexer (Talk) 00:05, 15 September 2011 (UTC) Okay.
- Ruy Pugliesi◥ 00:08, 15 September 2011 (UTC) Definitely yes.
- --Shizhao 01:34, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- --minhhuy*= 02:44, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support -FASTILY (TALK) 03:24, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Absolutely. Jafeluv 06:57, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Mercy 07:05, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support —RajeshPandey 07:33, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Γλαύκος 09:18, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support, a bit young but I'm pretty sure he’ll be a could be a great steward. Cdlt, VIGNERON * discut. 09:19, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
Support--Elph 09:32, 15 September 2011 (UTC)not eligible —DerHexer (Talk) 01:35, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support Motivated, enthusiast... Well for me. Buisson 09:44, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Kasir talk 09:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
Support--PERSIA ♠ 10:05, 15 September 2011 (UTC)per this. Not enough edits. — [ Tanvir | Talk ] 10:08, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Yes, yes and yes! Email Vaibhav Talk 10:13, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Programmer who writes tools necessary for stewards. He has to pass! --Millosh 11:15, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support--Frigotoni ...i'm here; 11:50, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Davidbottan 13:38, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Lucas Nunes 14:49, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support a×pdeHello! 15:34, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- rubin16 16:08, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support. As the candidate has outlined the areas he prefers to work in and shown good competence dealing with them for quite a while, I see no reasons to suppose that any considerable misuse may happen. Steward's work, although has much to do with sysop tools, is more technical than most of the tasks local Wikipedia admins usually do. That's why the ability to respond swiftly to quick requests here counts for more than skills of conflict resolution or some, say, social aspects. If a person is ready to do this job and wants to help with it, let it be. I think some months of careful work in familiar fields will be enough to understand well how it all works and avoid repeating former mistakes. Regards, --Microcell 17:03, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Being more active on Meta / Toolserver / elswhere etc. and not on the home wiki doesn't disqualify anyone. AFAIK, Quentin57 is a valued member and a great programmer. See his SUL-Tool e.g. Not every Steward needs to be a psychologist. :-) Full support and carry on the great work! --Hedwig in Washington 18:11, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Looks like an excellent candidate. Quadell 18:26, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Narayan89 18:48, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support. Active, helpful, nice. SM ** =^^= ** 18:58, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Very very helpful and concerned. I think that he is made to be a steward.--Morphypnos 19:11, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- .--E THP 19:28, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support. Helpful and does a lot of good work. Already serving stewards everyday while he is not a steward (as mentioned on his statement). Personally, as global sysop, we have done enough work together and therefore familiar with his cooperative attitudes, and mature constructive thoughts. I am sure that he will be a great addition to the steward team. — [ Tanvir | Talk ] 19:57, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Looks to me like a good candidate, he is active, he speaks multiple languages and his answers are also OK. No worries here. -Barras 20:33, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- VR-Land 21:50, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Faramarzreply 21:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support. Argos42 23:22, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Afil 00:32, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- I'm not swayed by the opposes. --Slon02 00:58, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Wagino 20100516 01:26, 16 September 2011 (UTC)--
- Jean-Jacques MILAN 07:38, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- Very good candidate IMO. You have my full support. mickit 08:06, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- Strong support. One of the best users of this wiki. Be an adm in a particular wiki (i.e. is not a requirement to be a steward. Quentin is doing an amazing job here in meta. For the rest, i agree with Hedwig in Washington. Béria Lima msg 08:41, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- Matanya 10:24, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- -- Ul1-82-2 15:26, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- JSSX 16:12, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- --FalconL ?! 16:20, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Holder 17:57, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- Imdadb 20:18, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Coyote du 86 08:42, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Savhñ 08:46, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Stryn 11:01, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Hazard-SJ ± 17:33, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support O.K. FrankyLeRoutier 18:37, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- # Support Quentin is an excellent sysop and bureaucrat on the French wiktionary.Actarus Prince d'Euphor 20:45, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Bloody-libu 21:08, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Lots of positives from the statement and stalktoy list. 1ForTheMoney 22:38, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Xania 23:50, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support — Arkanosis ✉ 12:45, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Jan eissfeldt 14:08, 18 September 2011 (UTC) o.k.
- bien sûr que j'ai confiance !--Elvire 15:47, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
- fr33kman 19:35, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
- - Davecrosby uk 20:19, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Addihockey10 05:21, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support work is good - give him or her a chance Mugginsx 15:10, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support ···日本穣? · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 05:02, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Herby talk thyme 07:39, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- yes FiliP ██ 10:04, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Jusjih 10:28, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Drozdp 11:51, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --ST ○ 15:59, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- Gobonobo 18:47, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- Yes. –BruTe talk 18:49, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
- Albertus Aditya 08:17, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- White Master (es) 12:35, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Comte0 16:11, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Jonas AGX 16:59, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support — Kudu ~I/O~ 20:48, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- Bullmoosebell 00:47, 22 September 2011 (UTC)
- Yes Openskye 03:27, 22 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support. —Geraki TL 06:08, 22 September 2011 (UTC)
- PeterSymonds (talk) 13:58, 22 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --ThiagoRuiz talk 01:10, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- Jandalhandler 02:43, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Involved enough to understand his job-to-be. Papatt 11:19, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- ok -- Ra'ike 15:52, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support--Mohamed ElGedawy Talk 16:43, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- Mayur (talk•Email) 06:43, 24 September 2011 (UTC)*
- Support Pucesurvitaminee 10:04, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
- — Manticore 11:21, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support -- Bugoslav 12:40, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --—Ancient Apparition 12:51, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support - Hoo man (talk) 13:17, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Althiphika 18:53, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
Support. Regular user but not contributor, i have see this election => register and vote. --nicoula 23:16, 24 September 2011 (UTC)Not enought edits. -- Tegel (Talk) 21:33, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
- Opposes are not convincing. —mc10 (t/c) 01:10, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
- Blanket Support for all candidates as opposition to the blanket opposition by User:Riffic, in support of open balloting. --Yair rand 07:58, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support as per many opinions expressed here, that go along with what I already think of the candidate.Meodudlye 15:05, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
- Vago 08:20, 26 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support-- Bertrand GRONDIN → (Talk) 18:53, 26 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support con piacere ! Jmex 20:23, 26 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --junafani (fi:) 10:39, 27 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support GastelEtzwane 21:22, 27 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Anthony Ivanoff
- Cedalyon 07:25, 28 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support--Sokac121 10:14, 28 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Shibo77 15:46, 28 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Morza (sono qui) 23:09, 28 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Tttom 03:46, 29 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --E.songhori 10:56, 29 September 2011 (UTC)
- hm (" ) hm ( "). DarkoNeko 19:52, 29 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support Beyond My Ken 02:26, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support why not Frakir 12:10, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
- Support --محک 12:26, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
- The logs issue worries me a bit, but I however believe that he won't make errors like that. Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 01:38, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
' --Jhésite 09:18, 1 October 2011 (UTC)Sorry, not eligible. Savhñ 18:48, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support - Modernist 12:44, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support -- Tegel (Talk) 14:49, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Savant-fou 15:37, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Hosiryuhosi 17:57, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support-- Bogger 05:17, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
- ...Aurora... 14:50, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
- Quentinv57 has extensive experience handling global requests, and from my memory he's generally helpful. Deryck C. 16:42, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Wuyouyuan 01:46, 3 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Zyephyrus 12:57, 3 October 2011 (UTC)
- Erwin 18:17, 3 October 2011 (UTC)
- --Hercule 14:52, 5 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support still being yourself. Hatonjan 18:58, 5 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support --Piero Montesacro 20:53, 5 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support Mardetanha talk 10:43, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support Full support, he'd make a great steward. Theo10011 16:53, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- Support. Good luck! --Emaus 18:46, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
- ” Teles (T @ L C S) 23:57, 6 October 2011 (UTC)
[edit]- Oppose A minimum to be a steward is first to get a minimum recognition on your home wiki (especially if it’s the one with most of your contributions). But with only 35%, then 22% (a record!), then 49% in your 3 RfA on :fr (last one was less than 2 months ago), with your immaturity several pointed out in the votes, it’s blocking. And displaying on wiki the log of private talks on IRC, as you did a few weeks ago, is a major violation of the rules, also blocking for me. Zetud 00:05, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Please note that this election has nothing to do with my last RfAs on Wikipedia. If you have read my answer to this question, you will have understand that. I really don't understand why Zetud is analysing all my contributions to influence every of my elections just to generate a maximum of opposes and then say that I have not the trust of my local community. This time he even claims that I get 49% to my third RfAs, but I got about 58% and let's forget that it's not my main project. Please make your own opinion and judge about what I've done concretly, not about rumours and wrong informations. Please read this. Thanks. -- Quentinv57 (talk) 05:33, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- What is homewiki ? For wikimedian people (like Quentinv57), it's hard to say. You can consider frwiktionary is Quentin home wiki too and he is sysop and crat on this wiki. Cdlt, VIGNERON * discut. 09:23, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Whatever you define as "homewiki" (what appears in the header here, or where the user has the highest editcount, or where he is the most active in the last 2 months), Quentin's homewiki is :fr. And on the calculation on RfA #3, let's be precise: 49% is yes/(yes+no+neutral), 58% is yes/(yes+no). All this is just details, to answer. Zetud 22:55, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- What is homewiki ? For wikimedian people (like Quentinv57), it's hard to say. You can consider frwiktionary is Quentin home wiki too and he is sysop and crat on this wiki. Cdlt, VIGNERON * discut. 09:23, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Please note that this election has nothing to do with my last RfAs on Wikipedia. If you have read my answer to this question, you will have understand that. I really don't understand why Zetud is analysing all my contributions to influence every of my elections just to generate a maximum of opposes and then say that I have not the trust of my local community. This time he even claims that I get 49% to my third RfAs, but I got about 58% and let's forget that it's not my main project. Please make your own opinion and judge about what I've done concretly, not about rumours and wrong informations. Please read this. Thanks. -- Quentinv57 (talk) 05:33, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Per concerns raised by Zetud, particularly the IRC logs. ←fetchcomms 01:52, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- I think you'd make a great steward from all I've seen, but I'd like to see a little more time pass since your RfA on :fr and to better satisfy some of the concerns raised above, especially the IRC log issue. I look forward to seeing you again next election. Zachlipton 04:47, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Hello. I was not aware that Freenode does not allow to publish their logs. Everybody can fail, especially when somebody is claiming against you that something happened on IRC and you have the logs to prove that it's wrong. I promise I won't never publish logs again, in any situation, now I know it's not allowed. -- Quentinv57 (talk) 05:37, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- It's not a freenode rule. Individual channels might be logged publicly, while some will not allow it. Logs should only be published if everyone quoted in them has given permission for them to be public. ←fetchcomms 03:54, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
Your work is fantastic. However, I'm not yet entirely confident about your candidacy. Sorry. PeterSymonds (talk) 12:14, 15 September 2011 (UTC)the IRC log-question has to be addressed first. the other stuff is fine with me --Jan eissfeldt 12:20, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Hello. I was not aware that Freenode does not allow to publish their logs. Everybody can fail, especially when somebody is claiming against you that something happened on IRC and you have the logs to prove that it's wrong. I promise I won't never publish logs again, in any situation, now I know it's not allowed. -- Quentinv57 (talk) 05:37, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Does good work in general, but not too sure about some actions of Quentin, so it's a no at this stage. Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 16:08, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Per above. Tony1 12:53, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
- Blanket 'NO' votes for all candidates to protest open balloting. riffic 07:19, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Oneiros 20:19, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
- - Jcwf 20:37, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
- I say "no" with some regret. I think Quentin's heart is very much in the right place, I just think there's some more learning to be done by him yet. Look forward to voting yes for him in a couple of year's time. Bodnotbod 10:03, 26 September 2011 (UTC)
- Udufruduhu 22:42, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
- Per Zetud. Moyg 11:10, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- MADe 14:20, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- Not sure about the policy in fr, but publishing IRC (or private conversations) in general is a no-no. OhanaUnitedTalk page
- per Zetud. Manuel Menal 21:15, 3 October 2011 (UTC)
[edit]- --В и к и в и н др е ц и 04:36, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- The candidate has some plausible answers to the concerns raised above, but I think there is a more general concern here that may be explained by life experience. I think persons in these positions should be 25 or over, at least within a year or two of this. That may sound discriminatory but consider how often persons younger than this are elected to notable political offices in society at large. Some additional life experience would provide valuable seasoning.--Bdell555 08:45, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Well, despite having some concerns, I am not going to opposing you as you have done a great job answering the questions.--Jsjsjs1111 09:07, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- There is cause for concern here - may move my vote if further information comes in. WormTT 11:50, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- --თოგო (D) 11:54, 15 September 2011 (UTC) yet undecided
- per above. --N KOziTalk 12:19, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Vdkdaan 16:19, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Alex Pereira falaê 16:37, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- Statements here and on the Questions page suggest to me, as a native English speaker, that the candidate's language proficiency designation might be revised from en-3 to en-2. Knowing one's limitations is important for making oneself clear. ~ Ningauble 17:56, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
- I believe a steward should be able to handle conflicts with great ease, which I find lacking here. But am not comfortable voting no at this time Dbiel 05:08, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Ca$e 13:56, 16 September 2011 (UTC) (irc logs)
I came here thinking I would support, as the user seemed like one of the best candidates for stewardship before the voting started. However, the concerns raised by Zetus leave me leaning towards opposing. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by KuduIO (talk) 20:55, 16 September 2011 (UTC)Moved to support. — Kudu ~I/O~ 20:48, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- --Sergey Semenovtalk 23:45, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- --WizardOfOz talk 09:43, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
- A bit confidence lost per discussion under NO. But, actions and explanations appear satisfying. On the fence for this. Prashanthns 15:45, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
- I am not too happy with some of your statements, but nothing that should prevent you from being a steward if you want to. Popo le Chien 21:11, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- Neutral ║▒ ★ Inhakito ★ ╚Talk to me╝ 21:24, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
- You've done great work all the time I've worked with you, but failing to get adminrights on home wiki is problematic for me. Not sure what I should vote. Laaknor 09:33, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- Henryk Borawski 07:37, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
- I really think that Quentinv57 has changed and may be a good steward. However, before getting to this, he should convince the community that he would be a good administrator there. Rsocol 06:16, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
- Why was "Optional question from A" so difficult to answer correctly? Ruslik 08:57, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- A simple yes/no vote is not so simple here. Give yourself more time to grow. Lantrix 14:31, 5 October 2011 (UTC)
- VonTasha 16:56, 5 October 2011 (UTC)