The Olympiad is attended individually and as part of creative teams by students of educational organizations in Russia and foreign countries, as well as students of pedagogical specialties and teaching staff.
Age groups of participants: 1-2 classes (7-8 years old), 3-4 classes (9-10 years old), 5-6 classes (11-12 years old), 7-8 classes (13-14 years old), 9- 11 classes (15-18 years), students of 1-2 courses of secondary education institutions (15-18 years), students of pedagogical specialities and pedagogical workers (over 18 years)
If a participant from the younger age group is ready to carry out tasks for the older age group, then he can submit work to a group with more complex tasks, but at the same time, he will be evaluated on a par with the participants in the nominated category. Participants from higher grades cannot apply to the nomination for junior grades.
When submitting olympiad works, each participant is registered on the site Profproject independently. Participants in grades 1-4 can be helped by adults.
Each participant can submit only one application in one of 7 nominations.
The participant of the Olympiad who performs the Olympiad task individually, submits the work as a file with the extension sb2. If the work was done on the site, then to participate in the Olympics, the participant downloads the work to the site and submits the work in the form of a file with the extension sb2 to the site ProfProekt.
Participants of the Olympiad who perform the Olympiad task in a team download the collective work to the site and submit each independently work as a file with the extension sb2 to the ProfProject site, while in the description of their work they indicate two links: to the collective work at https: // scratch., as well as an additional link to your remix.