Schema talk:PrefUpdate
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Please specify the schema maintainer. | |
Please specify the team maintaining this schema. | |
Project: | Preference change log |
Status: | active |
Purge: | Auto-purge just eventCapsule PII after 90 days, keep the rest indefinitely |
This page holds a JSON schema that specifies a data model for EventLogging.
Preferences from Special:MobileOptions; "version" field
[edit]In phab:T212516 and phab:T211197, we recently added the mfMode
(MobileFrontend mode - i.e. beta vs. default) and mf_amc_optin
(Advanced Mobile Contributions) properties to this schema.
BTW, regarding "Any change affecting the nature of the data collected in the log should be tracked by bumping the version number" - it seems that this never happened, the version number has remained at 1 despite the addition of various properties since 2013. (Or perhaps "nature of the data" meant something else, but then again we have the schema revision number for larger changes which has not changed since 2013 either.)
Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 22:56, 20 March 2019 (UTC)
H Moneyforall69 (talk) 06:51, 1 September 2020 (UTC)
Properties tracked
[edit]There are more than 2000 different properties (preferences) appearing in the schema as of February 2019; below is a list of the 200 most frequent ones:
property | events |
visualeditor-editor | 705403 |
visualeditor-hidebetawelcome | 192709 |
visualeditor-findAndReplace-findText | 123538 |
prefershttps | 112267 |
uls-preferences | 110066 |
citoid-mode | 106304 |
mfWatchlistFilter | 55224 |
visualeditor-findAndReplace-replaceText | 44713 |
templatewizard-betafeature | 37401 |
visualeditor-hideusered | 36526 |
mfWatchlistView | 35389 |
php7 | 31629 |
rcfilters-wl-collapsed | 31142 |
visualeditor-diffmode-visual | 29553 |
rcfilters-wl-saved-queries | 29038 |
language | 25724 |
usecodemirror | 25119 |
twocolconflict | 22731 |
visualeditor-enable | 22246 |
rcfilters-limit | 20179 |
cx | 18319 |
visualeditor-newwikitext | 16086 |
rcfilters-rc-collapsed | 15188 |
rcfilters-saved-queries | 13202 |
visualeditor-betatempdisable | 11948 |
fileexporter | 11510 |
wlenhancedfilters-seen-tour | 11264 |
watchlistdays | 10564 |
echo-subscriptions-web-wikibase-action | 10163 |
rcenhancedfilters-seen-highlight-button-counter | 10063 |
mfMode | 8872 |
skin | 8573 |
visualeditor-diffmode-historical | 6201 |
nickname | 5797 |
userjs-afch-decline-counts | 5535 |
upwiz_skiptutorial | 5383 |
wikibase-entitytermsview-showEntitytermslistview | 5190 |
visualeditor-visualdiffpage | 4824 |
gender | 4354 |
rcenhancedfilters-seen-tour | 4207 |
visualeditor-findAndReplace-matchCase | 4193 |
visualeditor-findAndReplace-regex | 3935 |
visualeditor-findAndReplace-diacritic | 3895 |
visualeditor-findAndReplace-word | 3872 |
userjs-cd-visits | 3777 |
wllimit | 3536 |
enotifusertalkpages | 3179 |
rcdays | 3053 |
timecorrection | 2934 |
userjs-revslider-hide-help-dialogue | 2775 |
lqtnotifytalk | 2586 |
lqtdisplaydepth | 2555 |
lqtdisplaycount | 2539 |
beta-feature-flow-user-talk-page | 2491 |
userjs-NewPagesFeedFilterOptions | 2363 |
echo-subscriptions-web-reverted | 2336 |
fancysig | 2319 |
echo-subscriptions-email-edit-thank | 2300 |
echo-subscriptions-email-mention | 2245 |
visualeditor-hidevisualswitchpopup | 2242 |
echo-subscriptions-email-article-linked | 2203 |
date | 2087 |
betafeatures-auto-enroll | 2043 |
echo-subscriptions-web-article-linked | 1973 |
popups | 1972 |
multimediaviewer-enable | 1924 |
usenewrc | 1880 |
email-allow-new-users | 1771 |
visualeditor-tabs | 1768 |
echo-subscriptions-web-mention-success | 1753 |
visualeditor-hidesourceswitchpopup | 1652 |
enotifwatchlistpages | 1581 |
minordefault | 1580 |
userjs-sm-slideshow-usage | 1547 |
echo-subscriptions-web-mention-failure | 1527 |
echo-subscriptions-email-reverted | 1427 |
userjs-schnark-diff-diffmode | 1421 |
disablemail | 1352 |
visualeditor-diffmode-source | 1146 |
echo-subscriptions-email-wikibase-action | 1135 |
visualeditor-hidetabdialog | 1103 |
gadget-HotCat | 1100 |
enotifminoredits | 1091 |
echo-email-frequency | 1074 |
editsectiononrightclick | 1049 |
echo-subscriptions-email-cx | 984 |
usecodeeditor | 973 |
editondblclick | 967 |
echo-subscriptions-email-login-fail | 918 |
forceeditsummary | 903 |
imagesize | 890 |
userjs-cd-watchedTopics | 883 |
echo-subscriptions-email-login-success | 873 |
ccmeonemails | 862 |
echo-subscriptions-email-user-rights | 852 |
echo-subscriptions-email-page-review | 800 |
rcenhancedfilters | 767 |
thumbsize | 755 |
showhiddencats | 723 |
flow-editor | 697 |
previewonfirst | 680 |
wb-acknowledgedcopyrightversion | 677 |
echo-cross-wiki-notifications | 668 |
echo-email-format | 590 |
flow-side-rail-state | 577 |
editfont | 575 |
gadget-Navigation_popups | 575 |
variant | 567 |
userjs-curationtoolbar | 557 |
uselivepreview | 548 |
echo-subscriptions-web-edit-thank | 544 |
echo-subscriptions-web-mention | 505 |
gadget-wikEd | 504 |
echo-subscriptions-web-login-fail | 499 |
gadget-UTCLiveClock | 474 |
echo-subscriptions-web-emailuser | 467 |
math | 465 |
watchdefault | 464 |
echo-subscriptions-web-cx | 440 |
echo-subscriptions-web-user-rights | 435 |
wlenhancedfilters-disable | 425 |
constraint-suggestions | 410 |
rclimit | 397 |
gadget-Twinkle | 383 |
gadget-DotsSyntaxHighlighter | 381 |
extendwatchlist | 377 |
numberheadings | 376 |
compact-language-links | 372 |
echo-subscriptions-email-flow-discussion | 364 |
usebetatoolbar | 356 |
gadget-exlinks | 339 |
gadget-edittop | 336 |
gadget-GoogleTrans | 331 |
gadget-ProveIt | 329 |
watchlistunwatchlinks | 322 |
rcenhancedfilters-disable | 305 |
userjs-twocolconflict-hide-help-dialogue | 288 |
shownumberswatching | 282 |
lqt-watch-threads | 280 |
cirrussearch-pref-completion-profile | 278 |
watchmoves | 261 |
gadget-purgetab | 257 |
watchlisthidecategorization | 257 |
ores-damaging-flag-rc | 255 |
underline | 252 |
rcenhancedfilters-tried-highlight | 242 |
gadget-RTRC | 241 |
gadget-defaultsummaries | 225 |
diffonly | 218 |
advancedsearch-disable | 210 |
hidecategorization | 210 |
gadget-markblocked | 208 |
rcshowwikidata | 204 |
gadget-XTools-ArticleInfo | 199 |
gadget-Cat-a-lot | 194 |
wikilove-enabled | 193 |
gadget-contribsrange | 193 |
gadget-dropdown-menus | 184 |
wlshowwikibase | 180 |
watchlisthideown | 178 |
echo-notifications-blacklist | 175 |
stubthreshold | 174 |
watchlisthidebots | 173 |
flaggedrevssimpleui | 173 |
gadget-ImageAnnotator | 173 |
language-local-exception | 171 |
uls-compact-links | 171 |
gadget-Unwatch | 170 |
gadget-WatchlistChangesBold | 169 |
gadget-afchelper | 167 |
gadget-refToolbar | 165 |
echo-subscriptions-web-flow-discussion | 163 |
gadget-metadata | 160 |
watchcreations | 160 |
gadget-citations | 158 |
gadget-HideFundraisingNotice | 157 |
oresHighlight | 157 |
gadget-revisionjumper | 157 |
userjs-revslider-autoexpand | 156 |
gadget-CommentsInLocalTime | 155 |
echo-subscriptions-web-page-review | 153 |
previewontop | 152 |
gadget-CorrectorOrtografico | 149 |
gadget-Shortdesc-helper | 148 |
gadget-searchFocus | 147 |
gadget-ReferenceTooltips | 145 |
visualeditor-autodisable | 141 |
gadget-ExternalSearch | 141 |
hideminor | 140 |
gadget-mobile-sidebar | 139 |
hidepatrolled | 139 |
gadget-DisambiguationLinks | 138 |
gadget-Blackskin | 137 |
gadget-PrintOptions | 136 |
flow-visualeditor | 130 |
gadget-popups | 128 |
gadget-imagelinks | 126 |
userjs-sm-dwnd | 122 |
gadget-dictionaryLookupHover | 121 |
gadget-search-new-tab | 120 |
Data via:
SELECT AS property, COUNT(*) AS events FROM event.prefupdate WHERE year = 2019 AND month = 2 GROUP BY ORDER BY events DESC LIMIT 200;
Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 22:56, 20 March 2019 (UTC)