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PHP logging

EventLogging::logEvent( 'HomepageModule', 20877004, $event );

extension.json setup for JavaScript logging

	"attributes": {
		"EventLogging": {
			"Schemas": {
				"HomepageModule": 20877004

JavaScript logging

mw.track( 'event.HomepageModule', { /* ... */ } );
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Revision 20877004
description"Logs interactions with the homepage modules on the Special:Homepage provided by the GrowthExperiments extension"
description"Action the user took: - impression: Module is shown to user - hover-in: User mouse pointer enters the element. - hover-out: User mouse pointer leaves the element - link-click: User clicks a link in the module - open-nopageviews-tooltip: User opens the tooltip on the shown when pageviews is not available yet. - close-nopageviews-tooltip: User closes the tooltip on the shown when pageviews is not available yet. - close: User closes then mobile overlay. - welcome-impression: The homepage welcome notice is shown. - welcome-close: The homepage welcome notice is closed by the user. - se-fetch-tasks: Task suggestions have finished loading. - se-cta-click: User starts the suggested edits onboarding/activation process (by clicking on the StartEditing module button in variant A, or the welcome notice button or info icon in variant C). - se-cta-difficulty: User continues to the difficulty page of the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog. - se-cta-back: User goes back from the difficulty page to the first (info or topic) page in the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog. - se-activate: User proceeds with the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog. (In some variants this doesn't activate anything, just closes the dialog.) - se-cancel-activation: User cancels the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog. - se-taskfilter-open: User opens the suggested edits task type filter. - se-taskfilter-cancel: User cancels the suggested edits task type filter. - se-taskfilter-done: User closes the suggested edits task type filter, accepting changes. - se-topicfilter-open: User opens the suggested edits topic filter. - se-topicfilter-select-all: User clicks on the "select all" button in the topic filter or the initiation topic dialog. - se-topicfilter-remove-all: User clicks on the "remove all" button in the topic filter or the initiation topic dialog. - se-topicfilter-cancel: User cancels the suggested edits topic filter. - se-topicfilter-done: User closes the suggested edits topic filter, accepting changes. - se-task-impression: Task is shown to user. - se-task-pseudo-impression: like se-task-impression, but the task card is not a real card (error, no result etc). - se-task-navigation: User changes tasks via prev/next arrows. - se-task-click: User clicks on a task (and is taken to the recommended article). - se-explanation-open: User opens the explanation popup. - se-explanation-close: User closes the explanation popup. - se-explanation-link-click: User clicks on the "Learn more" link in the explanation popup."
description"Additional data for certain actions: For action=link-click: symbolic name of the link being clicked. n.b. for impact module links, we will not append a number for each link in the list. For mentorship module, we will add the mentor edit count and the unformatted timestamp that the editor was last active. For the welcome-close action: - type: the method by which the welcome notice was closed ('close-icon' for the normal close icon, 'outside-click' for clikcing outside the dialog/drawer, 'button' for the clicking the button). For the se-activate action: - topics: the list of topic IDs selected by the user in the topic step of the activation dialog (only present when topic matching is enabled). For suggested edits module: - taskTypes: the list of task type IDs selected by the user in the difficulty filter - topics: the list of topic IDs selected by the user in the topic filter (only present when topic matching is enabled) - taskCount: the number of available tasks. For the se-cta-click, se-cta-difficulty, se-cta-back, se-activate and se-cancel-activation actions: - trigger: the method by which the onboarding/activation dialog was initiated ('welcome' for the welcome notice, 'info-icon' for the variant C icon button, 'impression' when it was visible immediately, 'suggested-edits' for the variant D mobile summary button; omitted for the variant A StartEditing button). For the se-task-impression and se-task-click actions: - newcomerTaskToken: a value by which to join with the NewcomerTask event. For the se-topicfilter-select-all and se-topicfilter-remove-all actions: - isCta: true when the button was in the initiation dialog, false when it was in the topic filter - topicGroup: which topic group the button belonged to. For the se-task-pseudo-impression action: - type: one of 'error', 'empty', 'end') - errorMessage: error message, only when type=error For the se-task-navigation action: - dir: 'prev' or 'next'. For the se-explanation-* actions: - task-type-id"
description"The user id."
description"The total number of edits of the user."
description"Which A/B testing variant the user is in."
description"The module the user is interacting with. 'generic' can be used for events which don't belong to any module."
description"The state of the module the user is interacting with."
description"Whether the mobile site is being used."
description"The rendering mode of the module."
description"One-time token per page load. This is a random user session ID that will be exported to the client-side when HomepageVisit events are recorded."