PHP logging
EventLogging::logEvent( 'ChangesListFilters', 17629781, $event );
extension.json setup for JavaScript logging
"attributes": {
"EventLogging": {
"Schemas": {
"ChangesListFilters": 17629781
JavaScript logging
mw.track( 'event.ChangesListFilters', { /* ... */ } );
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
description | "Logs the usage of Special:RecentChanges filters" |
properties | pagename | type | "string" |
description | "The name of the page these filters were activated on. This could be RecentChanges, RecentChangesLinked, or Watchlists." |
enhancedFiltersEnabled | type | "boolean" |
description | "States whether the new enhanced filters option is enabled for the user." |
userId | type | "integer" |
description | "User ID" |
hideminor | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide minor edits" |
hidemajor | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide major edits" |
hidebots | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide bots" |
hidehumans | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide humans" |
hideanons | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide anonymous edits" |
hidepatrolled | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide patrolled edits" |
hideunpatrolled | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide unpatrolled edits" |
hidemyself | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide own edits" |
hidebyothers | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide edits by others" |
hideliu | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide registered users" |
hidecategorization | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide page categorization" |
hidepageedits | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide page edits" |
hidenewpages | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide page creations" |
hidelog | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide log entries" |
hideWikibase | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide Wikidata (added by Extension:Wikidata)" |
hideReviewed | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide reviewed edits (added by Extension:FlaggedRevs)" |
hidenondamaging | type | "boolean" |
description | "Hide non damaging edits (added by Extension:ORES)" |
damaging | type | "string" |
description | "Filter by specified damaging levels (added by Extension:ORES)" |
goodfaith | type | "string" |
description | "Filter by specified goodfaith levels (added by Extension:ORES)" |
namespace | type | "string" |
description | "Namespace filter" |
userExpLevel | type | "string" |
description | "User experience level" |
tagfilter | type | "string" |
description | "Tag filter" |
invert | type | "boolean" |
description | "Invert namespace selection" |
associated | type | "boolean" |
description | "Associated namespace" |