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Research talk:Revision scoring as a service/Work log/2016-02-11

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Thursday, February 11, 2016


OK. I now have the 500k set split into 400k training and 100k testing subsets. Here's the lines from the Makefile:

datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv: \
	head -n 400000 datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.500k_2015.tsv > \

datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv: \
	tail -n+400001 datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.500k_2015.tsv > \
$ wc datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv 
 400000  800000 6399444 datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv

$ wc datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv 
  99966  199932 1599314 datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv

So, we don't have quite 100k in the testing set because some revisions had been deleted before I could do the labeling.

Now for feature extraction.

datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv: \
        cat datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv | \
        revscoring extract_features \
                wb_vandalism.feature_lists.experimental.all \
                --host https://wikidata.org \
                --include-revid \
                --verbose > \

datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv: \
        cat datasets/wikidata.rev_reverted.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv | \
        revscoring extract_features \
                wb_vandalism.feature_lists.experimental.all \
                --host https://wikidata.org \
                --include-revid \
                --verbose > \

Here, we lost a lot of observations to non-Mainspace edits.

$ wc datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv
  397050 24617100 97650478 datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv

$ wc datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv
   99222  6151764 24403909 datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv

Now, I can split up this "all" feature set into subsets with cut. For example, if we want just the general set.

datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.general.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv: \
        cat datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.400k_2015.training.tsv | \
        cut -f1-34,62 > \

datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.general.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv: \
        cat datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv | \
        cut -f1-34,62 > \

The first column is the rev_id, the next 33 columns are the general feature set, and the 62nd column is the True/False (reverted or not) label. This work is a bit ticklish, but it makes for fast sub-samples of the dataset and seems to be working as expected.

Test scores


So, I want a dataset with rev_id, score pairs, so I adapted one of the test utilities to just output the True probability prediction. See https://github.com/wiki-ai/wb-vandalism/blob/sample_subsets/wb_vandalism/test_scores.py Here's the docs:

Tests a model by generating a set of scores and outputting probabilities.
    test_scores <model-file>
    -h --help     Prints this documentation
    <model-file>  The path to a model file to load.

And the Makefile rule.

datasets/wikidata.reverted.all.rf.test_scores.tsv: \
                datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv \
        cat datasets/wikidata.features_reverted.all.nonbot.100k_2015.testing.tsv | \
        python wb_vandalism/test_scores.py \
                models/wikidata.reverted.all.rf.model > \

I ran into a couple bugs (mostly Makefile typos) along the way, so the last few test_scores files are still being generated. Tomorrow, I hope to dazzle you (dear reader) with graphs of precisions, recalls and filter rates! --EpochFail (talk) 05:28, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Response time tester


Today I built Response time tester. In order to use it you can do something like this:

sql wikidatawiki "select rc_this_oldid from recentchanges where rc_Type = 0 order by rand() limit 5000;" | python3 time_scorer.py wikidatawiki --model=reverted > res2.tsv 

It stores rev id and response time also error log, if any.

I also draw some plots, upload them really soon. There are two peaks, one is close to zero which is for cached edits (probably) and also the other one around 1.6 seconds. Amir (talk) 19:07, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Fitness curves for our models


I just got done building some fitness curves for our models. For this, I used the 100k test set that we held aside during training. All models were tested on the exact same set of 99,222 revisions.

Recall and filter-rate is plotted for three Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, contextual and edit type-based features.
filter-rate & recall (general, context, type). Recall and filter-rate is plotted for three Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, contextual and edit type-based features.
Recall and filter-rate is plotted for two Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, user, contextual and edit type-based features.
filter-rate & recall (general, user, all). Recall and filter-rate is plotted for two Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, user, contextual and edit type-based features.
Recall and precision is plotted for three Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, contextual and edit type-based features.
precision/recall (general, context, type). Recall and precision is plotted for three Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, contextual and edit type-based features.
Recall and precision is plotted for two Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, user, contextual and edit type-based features.
precision/recall (general, user, all). Recall and precision is plotted for two Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, user, contextual and edit type-based features.
The receiver operating characteristic is plotted for three Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, contextual and edit type-based features.
ROC (general, context, type). The receiver operating characteristic is plotted for three Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, contextual and edit type-based features.
The receiver operating characteristic is plotted for two Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, user, contextual and edit type-based features.
ROC (general, user, all). The receiver operating characteristic is plotted for two Wikidata vandalism classifiers that use, general, user, contextual and edit type-based features.

Generally, I think that we can take-away the same thoughts that we had from the basic statistics. It looks like `all` and `general+user` have a clear benefit over the other feature subsets. We get a very minor benefit when adding contextual and edit type based features to general and user. This doesn't seem like much when looking at the graphs, but note that the filter rate @ .90 recall is substantially higher when using all of the features. This amounts to the difference between reviewing 5% of edits and reviewing 35% of edit. That's 7X more reviewing workload! --EpochFail (talk) 19:50, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Just added the ROC plots. They are a bit deceiving since the false-positive and rate jumps from tiny values to 1.00. --EpochFail (talk) 22:01, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Speed of scoring


Ladsgroup and I have been working on a good visualization for the speed at which you can get "reverted" prediction scores from ORES for Wikidata. See his notes above. Here's a first hack at a black-and-white plot of the timing.

The density of response timing per revision score requested is plotted for requests to ORES' wikidatawiki-reverted model.
ORES response timing (Wikidata-reverted). The density of response timing per revision score requested is plotted for requests to ORES' wikidatawiki-reverted model.

So, it looks like single requests will generally be scored in 0.5 seconds with rare cases taking up to 2-10 seconds. If the score has already been generated, the system will generally respond in 0.01 seconds! This is a common use-case since we run a pre-caching service that caches scores for edits as soon as they are saved. If you want to get a bit more performance when scoring a large set, it looks like you can expect to average 0.12 seconds per revision when requesting scores in batch. As the plot suggests, this timing varies quite widely -- likely due to the rare individual edits that take a loooong time to score. --EpochFail (talk) 21:45, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply