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Research talk:Global South User Survey 2014

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Latest comment: 6 years ago by Nhatnato1990 in topic Google Chrome



Questions are already being translated. Where was this survey notified prior to translation in order to tweak questions? --Nemo 05:59, 16 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi Nemo. I totally thought that I've posted a notification on Meta:Babel a few days ago. Apparently I have spaced that, and will do so shortly. Do you have any suggestions for tweaking the questions? I will be happy to discuss them with you. Thanks! --HaithamS (WMF) (talk) 16:25, 16 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Telugu language specific findings needed


User:HaithamS (WMF), Thanks for the detailed report. As the presentation is not detailed for Telugu, we are unable to use the results. Can you provide a presentation specific for Telugu? Thanks. --Arjunaraoc (talk) 09:13, 27 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Arjuna. Thanks for the question. Telugu is included in the analysis of a few questions about language spread and use. As you can see, this slide deck was meant to be inclusive to all languages, and gives the results in a consistent manner across the board. Generating many detailed reports to each of the languages and countries would be time consuming, not to mention redundant. May I ask What kind of specific info are you looking for? I might be able to help. Also, feel free to email me off-wiki and I'll be happy to answer any questions. Cheers. --HaithamS (WMF) (talk) 18:50, 3 March 2015 (UTC)Reply
@HaithamS (WMF), For the results to be really actionable, each language community has to know the analysis of survey responses from its contributors and readers and not the results from a geographical scope. This is very important for countries like India, which has huge diversity in terms of languages. If you are not able to do that, it will help if you can publish the non identifiable survey data for interested people to do the analysis. --Arjunaraoc (talk) 07:48, 4 March 2015 (UTC)Reply
Hi Arjuna. I've prepared a quick report of the Telugu speakers, and I'm happy to share it with you. Do you mind dropping me an email with your email address so I can send it to you? Thanks. --HaithamS (WMF) (talk) 21:37, 9 March 2015 (UTC)Reply
@HaithamS (WMF), Thanks for the update. I have sent an email. --Arjunaraoc (talk) 08:20, 10 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Analysis of Telugu specific survey report


Thanks to HaithamS (WMF) for sharing the report specific to Telugu. I have reviewed the data and tried to see whether I could find anything useful from Telugu perspective. Unfortunately, I could not find much, as the survey objectives lacked clear focus on non English users of Wikimedia sites due to the following reasons

  • The questions from 31 (If applicable, which of the Wikimedia Foundation's other free knowledge sites do you contribute to?) are optional.
  • Questions are not clearly separated into readers and editors sections
  • The response to vital question 37.(Can you outline your experience in editing Wikipedia in languages other than English? (e.g. if you're typing in Turkish, what are the typical challenges you face?) is revealing. There were only about 10 answers out of 100 which hint at bit of experience of Telugu. Even most of those responses were not very specific. The inference is that there is poor awareness of Telugu among those people who had the patience to complete the total survey.
  • Survey is not translated to Telugu.

There is a need to do a survey focused on non English languages of India to really understand the non English Wikipedia readers. HaithamS (WMF) offered help for any such initiative by the community.--Arjunaraoc (talk) 11:36, 24 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Google Chrome


Tiếng Việt Nhatnato1990 (talk) 20:41, 8 February 2019 (UTC)Reply