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Research infrastructures for social sciences and humanities/Switzerland

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European initiatives in Switzerland

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
DARIAH-CH (coordinated by Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities DaSCH) d:Q117848811 https://www.dariah.ch National node of the European ERIC DARIAH Switzerland
CLARIN-CH (coordinated by the University of Zurich) n/a https://www.clarin-ch.ch National node of European ERIC CLARIN Switzerland
SSHOC-CH https://www.dariah.ch/ssh-ris-switzerland Coordination group established in 2022 for a consortium of national research infrastructures from the SSH area and of HEIs association Switzerland
GGP https://forscenter.ch/projekte/projektliste/?lang=de Switzerland
SHARE https://forscenter.ch/projekte/projektliste/?lang=de Switzerland
ESS https://forscenter.ch/projekte/projektliste/?lang=de Switzerland
CESSDA https://forscenter.ch/projekte/projektliste/?lang=de Switzerland

General resources in Switzerland

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Web Archive Switzerland d:Q55504420 https://www.nb.admin.ch/snl/en/home/information-professionals/e-helvetica/web-archive-switzerland.html Swiss National Library
Open Data Navigator (formerly: SWITCH Research Data Connectome) https://opendatanavigator.switch.ch/ Discovery system for open (research) data, providing access to a variety of data sources SWITCH Switzerland
SDSC https://www.datascience.ch/ Enabling data-driven science & innovation for societal impact, managed by Swiss Data Science Center Swiss Data Science Center
LinkHub.ch https://linkhub.ch/ a strategic initiative that aims to facilitate access to and linkage of data for research purposes FORS

Presentations of the Open Research Data events of the National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCRs) Network Ventures https://nccrs.github.io/presentations/

Discussions on sensitive data: https://forscenter.ch/workshop-safe-access-to-sensitive-research-data/ and https://clarin-ch.ch/working-groups/sensitive-personal-data


Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences d:Q686471 https://forscenter.ch/ [Note presentation:(including the Swiss Household panel, ISSP/MOASiCH, Selects, Social science data archive) but also CESSDA, ESS, SHARE (in collaboration with the University of Lausanne) social sciences Switzerland
openRDM.swiss n/a https://openbis.ch/index.php/openrdm-swiss/ FAIR research data management Swiss-made. ETH / swissuniversities ETH Zurich Switzerland
nodegoat d:Q106079697 https://nodegoat.net/ Web-based research environment for the humanities LAB1100, http://lab1100.com(The Netherlands) The Netherlands? Switzerland
Noto https://noto.epfl.ch/hub/login?next=%2Fhub%2F A solution offered by the EPFT Switzerland
Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI) Q120853135 https://www.sari.uzh.ch services to analyse, visualize and search data related to art, architecture, digital humanities service University of Zurich (with ETH and Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zurich (SIK-ISEA Switzerland
OpenGLAM CH Working group n/a https://glam.opendata.ch/ Switzerland
Geovistory d:Q124394290 https://www.geovistory.org/ Virtual Research Environment for Humanities and Social Sciences LARHRA and KleioLab + University of Bern Switzerland

Resources specifically designed for research in social sciences and humanities

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
SWISSUbase d:Q123909933 https://www.swissubase.ch/en/ FAIR compliant repository for social sciences data, language data and general data consortium of HEIs Switzerland
DaSCH - Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities Q113270425 https://www.dasch.swiss/ Complex Data from the Humanities Complex Data from the Humanities consortium of HEIs Switzerland
LiRI Linguistic Research Infrastructure d:Q124393687 https://www.liri.uzh.ch/en.html LiRI is a state-of-the-art technology platform for linguistic researchers. Among the services proposed by LiRI are the swissdox@LiRI media database, the Linguistic Corpus Platform LCP and the VIAN-DH software for the automatic processing and annotation of multi-modal data. language multi-modal (text, audio, video) data University of Zurich Switzerland
CLARIN-CH https://clarin-ch.ch/resources/start CLARIN-CH provides support in what concerns increasing the FAIR-ness of Swiss language resources hosted at the different HEIs members of the CLARIN-CH consortium, as well as their federation at the national and European levels knowledge hub consortium of HEIs Switzerland
Swiss-AL https://www.zhaw.ch/en/linguistics/research/swiss-al/ Swiss-AL is a multilingual language data resource of Swiss public communication that allows for data-driven analyses and simulations of social discourse. language written data Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland
SWICO https://ifm-swiko.unifr.ch/ SWICO is a multilingual learner corpus learner corpora University of Fribourg Switzerland
OFROM https://ofrom.unine.ch/ OFROM is a corpus of oral French (French speaking part of Switzerland) oral corpus (audio and transcribed data) University of Neuchâtel Switzerland

Thematic repositories in Switzerland

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
e-codices Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland d:Q1273306 https://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en manuscripts University of Fribourg (+ swissuniversities) Switzerland
e-manuscripta Digital platform for manuscript material from Swiss libraries and archives d:Q15806974 https://www.e-manuscripta.ch/ manuscripts ETH Library Switzerland
e-rara the platform for digitized rare books from Swiss institutions d:Q1273325 https://www.e-rara.ch/ prints from the 15th to 20th century rare books ETH Library Switzerland
E-periodica.ch d:Q45313801 https://www.e-periodica.ch/ A service by ETH Library providing open access to Swiss journals journals ETH Library Switzerland
E-Newspaper Archives d:Q115767496 https://www.e-newspaperarchives.ch historical Swiss newspaper newspapers Swiss National Library and Médiathèque Valais Switzerland
E-pics d:Q55503812 https://www.e-pics.ethz.ch/en/home_en/ the platform for image catalogues of ETH Zurich. an ETH Library Service images ETH Library Switzerland
Memobase d:Q96192978 https://memobase.ch/fr/start portal and database of multimedia content managed by Memoriav audiovisual Memoriav d:Q1365781 Switzerland
HelveticArchives d:Q98557969 https://www.helveticarchives.ch database of archival collections of the Swiss National Library archival collections Swiss National Library Switzerland
Database of Swiss personal writings d:Q124393646 https://wp.unil.ch/egodocuments/en/ Database of Swiss personal writings personal writings University of Lausanne and Basel Switzerland
Photo.ch d:Q107369423 https://www.foto-ch.ch Photography in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein photography Büro für Fotografiegeschichte Bern Switzerland
RISM Digital Center - Répertoire International des Sources Musicales d:Q33121097 https://rism.digital/ whose aim is to inventory music sources worldwide and make them accessible music Switzerland
Center Digital Editions & Edition Analytics n/a https://www.zde.uzh.ch/en.html The ZDE is the central coordination facility for digital edition projects at UZH digital editions University of Zurich Switzerland
infoclio.ch d:Q15114090 https://www.infoclio.ch/ The Swiss portal for the historical science. At SAGW/ASSH Switzerland
Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz DODIS d:Q661051 https://www.dodis.ch/en The Dodis research centre is an institute of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. a centre of excellence for studies in the history of Swiss foreign policy, Dodis conducts basic research on the contemporary history of Switzerland since 1848. Swiss foreign policy At SAGW/ASSH Switzerland
Inventar der Schweizer Fundmünzen n/a https://www.coinfinds.ch/ The Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (SICF) is an information and documentation centre which records and documents the numismatic sources – coin finds and relevant documents – from Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. numismatic / coins At SAGW/ASSH Switzerland
Nationale Wörterbücher (Schweizerisches Idiotikon, Glossaire des patois de la Suisse romande, Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun, Vocabolario dei dialetti della Svizzera italiana d:Q3537437 https://portail-gpsr.unine.ch/apex/f?p=101:1:6884670107605::::: Dictionary of Swiss dialects managed by different institutions dialects of Switzerland Different institutions with SAGW/ASSH Switzerland
Année politique Suisse d:Q567460 https://anneepolitique.swiss/ At SAGW/ASSH Switzerland
amtsdruckschriften d:Q66788344 https://www.amtsdruckschriften.bar.admin.ch/start.do?t=c
Editionen At SAGW/ASSH Switzerland
?? SIB Switzerland

Portals to access collections

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
swisscollections d:Q114044012 https://swisscollections.ch/ your gateway to historical and modern collections in Swiss libraries and archives.Find and order, from 14 institutions, manuscripts and letters, old and rare books and prints, archive material and unpublished papers, images and maps as well as music and sound carriers. Switzerland
Museums Online n/a https://www.museums-online.ch/ Search engines to publicly accessible metadata and documents in the linked online databases of the participating Swiss museums and collections. Switzerland
OSCAR (Online Swiss Coin Archive) n/a https://oscar.nationalmuseum.ch/ Numismatic database that "aims to give an interactive online typology of coins from the territory of Switzerland from medieval to modern times". In Alpha stage! Numismatic Description Schema (NUDS) Project of the Swiss National Museum in collaboration with numerous Swiss numismatic institutions. CH

Biographies and dictionaries

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Metagrid.ch d:Q39530266 https://metagrid.ch/ Swiss online biographical authority files hub Switzerland
The Swiss Art and Architecture Thesaurus® (CH-AAT) https://www.sari.uzh.ch/en/portfolio/the-swiss-art-and-architecture-thesaurus-translation-project.html Project implemented by SARI Swiss Art Research Infrastructure - translation project of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)® University of Zurich (with ETH and Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zurich (SIK-ISEA Switzerland
Historical Dictionary of Switzerland / HLS: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS) d:Q642074 https://hls-dhs-dss.ch At SAGW/ASSH dictionary Switzerland
SIKART - biographical online lexicon of art in Switzerland - Dizionario sull’arte in Svizzera d:Q683543 https://recherche.sik-isea.ch online biographical dictionary and database on visual art in Switzerland and Liechtenstein biographies (artists) Switzerland

Resources for Open Government Data in Switzerland

Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Swiss Open government data


d:Q63430264 https://opendata.swissAlso possible to browse showcases https://opendata.swiss/de/showcase open government data Confederation Switzerland
LINDAS (Linked Data Service) n/a https://lindas.admin.ch allows public administrations to publish their data in the form of Knowledge Graphs and make them accessible via https://lindas.admin.ch. Data users can then access these data through a variety of options. LINDAS is operated by the Swiss Federal Archives and includes several data lifecycle elements. open government data Confederation Switzerland
I14Y Interoperability platform n/a https://www.i14y.admin.ch/en/home Switzerland’s national data catalogue. It ensures the efficient exchange of data between authorities, companies and citizens. In the platform, an overview of the data collections and interfaces of the Confederation, cantons and communes is continuously expanded and their metadata are made available centrally open government data Switzerland

Local / Cantonal initiatives in Switzerland

Canton Infrastructure Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Ticino Sàmara - portal of cultural heritage in Ticino d:Q123192168 https://samara.ti.ch/primo-explore/search?vid=41CSI_V3&lang=en_US Canton Ticino Switzerland
Ticino Digital catalogue of the centre of dialects of the Italian-speaking Switzerland and of the office of the ethnographical museums (Centro di dialettologia della Svizzera italiana e l'Ufficio dei musei etnografici Institution d:Q3664826 Description https://e-cde.ti.ch/bellinzona/eMuseumPlus

Access to the objects https://e-cde.ti.ch/bellinzona/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&lang=it&module=collection&moduleFunction=highlight

Catalogue of ethnographical collections of Ticino. It uses the proprietary software MuseumPlus ethnographical collections Canton Ticino Switzerland
Vaud Scriptiorium (Scriptorium Digital Library) d:Q18643762 scriptorium.bcu-lausanne.ch newspaper platform for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Canton of Vaud newspapers Cantonal and university library of Lausanne Switzerland



Several Swiss museums use to publish their collections the proprietary software MuseumPlus (d:Q98557883).


Museum Wikidata Collection on Wikidata URL Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Swiss National museum d:Q2256718 https://www.nationalmuseum.ch Zurich, ZH; Affoltern, ZH; Schwyz, SZ; Prangins, VD


Library Wikidata Collection on Wikidata URL Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Swiss National Library

26 cantonal libraries?


Archive Wikidata Collection on Wikidata URL Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Swiss Federal Archives
Fonoteca Nazionale (part of the Swiss National Library)

26 cantonal archives?



Few university also have an entry related to their open access policy. Es Open access policy of the University of Luzern (Q42023113) connected to ROARMAP ID (P4203)

University Wikidata University Library Wikidata Library Database OA Wikidata database OA Database ORD Wikidata database ORD
ETH ETH library d:Q684773
EPFL EPFL library d:Q27480131
University of Zurich d:Q206702 Library of the University of Zurich d:Q114044012
University of Lausanne Cantonal library and library of the university of Lausanne d:Q676831
University of Bern Bern University Library d:Q15852122
University of Basel Basel University Library d:Q81164649
University of Fribourg Fribourg Cantonal and University Library d:Q1728085 University Library Freiburg d:Q2496308
University of Geneva n/a
University of Neuchâtel Public and University Library of Neuchâtel d:Q294149
University of Lucerne Lucerne central and university library d:Q189926
University of St. Gallen
BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences
Fachhochschule Graubünden, FHGR
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, OST
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, HSLU
HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ZHAW
Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK



Collections without connections to GLAM institutions in the narrow sense.

Collection Wikidata Collection on Wikidata URL Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte (SKKG) d:Q73668947 https://www.skkg.ch/ Winterthur, ZH

Digital editions

Digital edition Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Edition Johann Caspar Lavater https://lavater.com/briefwechsel/online-edition research project Johann Caspar Lavater – Historical-Critical Edition of Selected Correspondences (JCLB) the more than 20.000 letters from and to Lavater are currently documented and digitalized

Resources by discipline


The list of disciplines used for statistical purposes on SNF application forms. 10000 Humanities and Social Sciences

Area Discipline Swiss resources International resources
10100 Theology & religious studies, history, classical studies, archaeology, prehistory and early history 10102 Religious studies, theology
10103 Ecclesiastical history
10301 General history (without pre an early history)
103012 Swiss history
10303 Ancient history and classical studies
10401 Prehistory
10402 Archaeology
10200 Linguistics and literature, philosophy 10101 Philosophy
10501 German and English languages and literature
10502 Romance languages and literature
10503 Other languages and literature
10607 Applied linguistics
10300 Art studies, musicology, theatre and film studies, architecture 10404 Visual arts and art history
10405 Musicology
10406 Theatre and cinema
10407 Architecture and Social urban science
10603 Arts
10604 Music, theatre
10400 Ethnology, social and human geography 10206 Social geography and ecology
10403 Ethnology
10500 Psychology, education studies 10104 Education and learning sciences, subject-specific education
10105 Psychology
10605 Applied psychology
10600 Sociology, social work, political sciences, media and communication studies, health 10201 Sociology
10202 Political science
10207 Communication sciences
 10601 Social work
10602 Health
10700 Economics, law 10203 Economics
10204 Science of management
10205 Legal sciences

Framework in Switzerland

Sounding Board Researchers of the Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy Council d:Q124043681
Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy Council - StraCo d:Q124043754
Swiss National Open Research Data (ORD) Strategy d:Q124143655
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO)
Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC)
Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH)
Society for Digital Humanities/Société pour l’étude des médias interactifs
Resource Wikidata URL Description Typology Owner Location (Country Code or "EU" or "international")
Funding LArge international REsearch projects (FLARE) https://www.snf.ch/en/yZyEJhumi0SmWZ1r/funding/infrastructures/flare Switzerland
R’Quip Research Equipment https://www.snf.ch/en/PKTxwhstPAP8CKOd/funding/infrastructures/requip Switzerland

