Research:Wikipedia Deletion Discussion
Yusun Jung, Ph.D.
Division of International Business and Technology Studies A.R. Sanchez Jr. School of Business Texas A&M International University 956-326-2515
Yusun.jung@tamiu.eduThis page documents a planned research project.
Information may be incomplete and change before the project starts.
Key Personnel
[edit]- Yusun Jung
Project Summary
[edit]I will study effective ways of managing distributed online knowledge contribution that is prone to be redundant and uncontrollable. Specifically, I aim to investigate how to manage duplicate and disagreeable knowledge contribution and how to redirect contributors’ resources toward the novel extension of the shared knowledge and the core discourse of online communities.
To achieve this goal, I set three objectives. First, I will analyze the topology of knowledge that is excluded in reference to the shared knowledge and the core discourse of online communities. Second, I will develop a theoretical model of knowledge exclusion that explicates impacts of factors associated with excluded knowledge, the contributor of the excluded knowledge, and discussants of exclusion decision on the effectiveness of exclusion decision and the knowledge extendibility. Finally, I will propose a systemic way to improve the practice of knowledge exclusion in a way to encourage discussants to be more oriented toward their community consensus and to reduce negative impacts of knowledge exclusion, such as discouragement, on its contributors.
[edit]PLS analysis, Discourse Analysis, and Case Study
[edit]I will submit this study to renowned journals and international conferences.
Wikimedia Policies, Ethics, and Human Subjects Protection
[edit]This study will use archival data and does not need IRB approval.
Benefits for the Wikimedia community
[edit]This study will contribute a deeper understanding of the deletion discussion practice and suggest ways to improve current practice.
[edit]I will complete data collection by August 2015, complete PLS analysis by December 2015, discourse analysis and case study on interesting deletion discussions by June 2016. My goal is to achieve several journal publications by August 2017.
[edit]University Research Grant by Texas A&M International University
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External links
[edit]Yusun Jung, Ph.D. Division of International Business and Technology Studies A.R. Sanchez Jr. School of Business Texas A&M International University 956-325-2515