Gapfinder tools
[edit]Various helper Django applications for Gapfinder.
Section Alignment
[edit]The app is used to gather section mappings across 6 languages: Arabic, English, French, Japanese, Rusisan, and Spanish.
SSH access
[edit]For convenience you may want to add the following code to ~/.ssh/config
Don't forget to change YOUR_WIKITECH_USERNAME to your actual Wikitech username.
Host gapfindertools HostName gapfinder-tools.recommendation-api.eqiad.wmflabs ProxyCommand ssh -e none exec nc -w 3600 %h %p User YOUR_WIKITECH_USERNAME IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa IdentitiesOnly yes
Once you have that setup, you can SSH to the server as so:
ssh gapfindertools
Generating Statistics
[edit]cd /srv/gapfindertools
source venv/bin/activate
python printstats --settings=gapfindertools.settings_prod > ~/sectionalignment-stats.tsv
- Stats are now saved as
Admin Acess
[edit]You can interact with data via the admin interface. Leila or Baha can grant you access. In the admin interface you can also download the gathered data.