Research:Student use of free online information resources/Questions
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[edit]- Motivation for this survey
- learn about what free online resources students use to learn for school
- Definition of "Free Online Resources"
- these are NOT resources available through UW, don't require a fee or special credentials to access
- provide information through websites, apps, downloadable content
- Google/search engines don't count(?)
- Explanation of data sharing policy for this survey, IRB approval
Respondent characteristics
[edit]1. Which of the options below best describes your current enrollment status at UW? [select one]
- Undergraduate - Freshman
- Undergraduate - Sophomore
- Undergraduate - Junior
- Undergraduate - Senior
- Graduate - Masters program
- Graduate - PhD program
- Graduate - Certificate/professional program
- Other (please describe) _________
2. What is your major or intended major? [select one OR free response?]
- list of UW majors? or is that too long?
3. Which of the options below best describes your area of study? [select one]
- list of UW colleges? departments?
- OR, list of generic subject domains (natural science, social science, humanities, etc.)?
4. What is your first (native) language? [free response]
5. What other languages do you read and write fluently? [free response]
6. Which of the following types of devices do you use regularly to access the internet? [select all that apply]
- desktop computer
- laptop computer
- tablet
- smartphone
- other device (please describe)
Use of Free Online Information Resources
[edit]1. In the past 3 months, which of the following types of free online resources have you used to find information related to your major or area of study? [check all that apply]
- government websites
- news websites or blogs
- encyclopedias or dictionaries
- free online courses
- interactive tutorials or educational games
- question and answer websites
- audio downloads or streaming audio
- video downloads or streaming video
- text downloads
- social media
- online image repositories
- other _________
2. In the past 3 months, which free online resources have you used most frequently to find information related to your major or area of study? [list up to 5 resources]
resource name | language | primary device you use to access the resource |
resource 1 name | [dropdown: major world languages. Default to English] | [dropdown: desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, other] |
resource 2 name | "" | "" |
resource 3 name | "" | "" |
resource 4 name | "" | "" |
resource 5 name | "" | "" |
- 2a. (if any of the above are in languages other than English) Please describe why you use RESOURCENAME in LANGUAGENAME. [free response]
- 2b. (if any of the above are tablet or smartphone) Please describe why you use RESOURCENAME on a DEVICENAME? [free response]
3. How do you prefer to consume information from free online resource? [rank by importance]
- Reading articles or long texts
- Reading short posts or summaries
- Watching videos
- Listening to audio recordings
- Browsing image galleries
- Using interactive tutorials
- Other ________
4. Which of the following factors related to your prior knowledge of a particular free online resource are the most important to you? [rank by importance]
- my instructor recommended the resource
- my classmates recommended the resource
- the resource has a good reputation
- the resource is popular and widely used
- other _______
5. Which of the following factors related to the quality of information on a particular free online resource are the most important to you? [rank by importance]
- the information is up-to-date
- the information is accurate
- the information is comprehensive
- the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand
- other _______
6. Which of the following factors related to the availability on mobile devices of a free online resource are the most important to you? [rank by importance]
- I can download information from the resource to my mobile device
- I can access the resource through a web browser on my mobile device
- I can stream multimedia content from the resource on my mobile device
- I can use a free app to access the resource from my mobile device
- other ________
7. What free online resources do you use most to find general information across different subjects? Why? [free response]
8. What free online resource do you use most to find specific information related to your current coursework or research? Why? [free response]
9. What free online resource do you use most when you are using a mobile device? Why? [free response]