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Research:Revert time analysis

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Amir Sarabadani
Duration:  2018-03 – 2018-7
This page documents a completed research project.

This page is analysis of revert time in several wikis.



It basically was running the mwreverts script on dumps of several wikipedia and when the dump is redacted to a dataset of reverted/reverting edits with their metadata, It allowed us to run analysis on them. I ignored any revert that took more than 48 hours to happen.




Important dates
  • June 15, 2016: ORES got enabled in wikidatawiki
    • The average of geometric mean of revert time in 17 months ending in May 2016: 4277 seconds
    • The average of geometric mean of revert time in 17 months starting from July 2016: 3157 seconds
    • The average of median of revert time in 17 months ending in May 2016: 3.16 hours
    • The average of median of revert time in 17 months starting from July 2016: 2.49 hours
Geometric mean of revert time in Wikidata divided by month
The median of reverts made by users who made more than five reverts in that month in Wikidata
The number of users who reverted more than five in the month.
Month Number Average (hour) first quartile (hour) median (hour) last quartile (hour) Geo mean (seconds)
2013-02 6821 2.199146834 0.005277777778 0.02166666667 0.1519444444 132.8628458
2013-03 17917 2.834663278 0.01027777778 0.05611111111 0.5391666667 321.6465459
2013-04 34762 7.854493572 0.006666666667 0.7597222222 8.640277778 1085.603457
2013-05 32516 11.01927656 0.0825 4.930555556 19.11006944 4761.213123
2013-06 24598 7.892222425 0.3536805556 2.099166667 15.79458333 4825.439277
2013-07 7555 7.029551621 0.01277777778 0.1883333333 5.749583333 929.3304426
2013-08 8052 6.172952786 0.01722222222 0.24625 5.337569444 1036.062441
2013-09 7114 4.977394496 0.01833333333 0.2451388889 3.665 925.7537805
2013-10 9260 11.56069651 0.01909722222 0.6731944444 16.85451389 1740.512576
2013-11 10504 6.883337988 0.02111111111 0.4730555556 8.485069444 1353.99377
2013-12 15180 16.31476144 0.08472222222 6.010555556 35.00895833 6189.446695
2014-01 14679 13.64758341 0.06194444444 2.146944444 30.05333333 4273.771618
2014-02 17485 5.99341669 0.03388888889 0.5402777778 4.636944444 1399.430338
2014-03 12631 5.632182065 0.02361111111 0.4538888889 5.760138889 1323.240246
2014-04 12520 7.185814475 0.02638888889 0.5548611111 9.004583333 1640.704479
2014-05 15133 10.30720429 0.04138888889 2.024722222 19.09611111 3174.742202
2014-06 19371 11.94443287 0.06152777778 3.221388889 22.20736111 4228.159228
2014-07 34054 17.09920848 0.1405555556 12.10069444 33.48659722 6291.25125
2014-08 15098 11.51834229 0.05055555556 3.494583333 20.94048611 3833.104538
2014-09 11549 7.718344902 0.01277777778 0.7966666667 8.521111111 1057.249163
2014-10 13161 10.26373108 0.1047222222 4.397222222 17.58277778 4853.667501
2014-11 34496 19.48299508 4.505138889 22.10625 28.39340278 21719.05078
2014-12 16044 7.542047581 0.05444444444 1.022083333 9.069513889 2290.811671
2015-01 23252 10.10230914 0.08055555556 1.439444444 13.24756944 3350.280646
2015-02 21412 7.193981659 0.05888888889 0.6513888889 7.310416667 2060.928049
2015-03 27340 13.22566843 0.105 2.541388889 31.11618056 4996.953295
2015-04 30730 17.60619573 0.8259027778 14.12277778 30.2775 13399.01949
2015-05 14039 12.025644 0.05805555556 2.264444444 23.83166667 3857.311849
2015-06 14073 8.16507321 0.03305555556 0.7494444444 10.83361111 1905.609544
2015-07 18497 11.71654554 0.0875 2.743611111 22.27416667 4284.532531
2015-08 17770 11.93296333 0.05722222222 1.958888889 23.34715278 3721.903092
2015-09 18581 7.670950732 0.04944444444 1.119444444 9.695555556 2352.543892
2015-10 26106 9.724980528 0.06916666667 1.994444444 16.34055556 3431.91079
2015-11 45213 15.01106027 0.2469444444 3.8275 28.39111111 5573.570488
2015-12 28413 11.78043161 0.08166666667 2.563611111 23.00805556 4132.711095
2016-01 44766 16.79404372 0.4322222222 14.70361111 31.68097222 10813.40564
2016-02 23914 7.30484723 0.04534722222 0.6472222222 7.541319444 1943.457142
2016-03 27758 6.758088599 0.06972222222 0.7702777778 9.603958333 2410.452891
2016-04 30416 10.22766038 0.1335416667 3.325694444 17.66118056 4972.091989
2016-05 21610 7.005441951 0.02777777778 0.5277777778 6.043055556 1506.158973
2016-06 23020 7.655243134 0.05416666667 1.214305556 7.887986111 2356.769407
2016-07 31846 8.057065103 0.08972222222 1.29625 6.077847222 2542.858957
2016-08 18751 6.463447564 0.02111111111 0.5536111111 6.467361111 1354.0023
2016-09 23275 6.830751534 0.03722222222 0.8322222222 10.27819444 1839.913746
2016-10 31125 8.037645819 0.08138888889 1.656666667 11.19472222 2858.483665
2016-11 25024 6.828695119 0.04472222222 0.8508333333 7.949722222 2000.651431
2016-12 26135 10.68728651 0.04666666667 1.604722222 18.06625 2982.71337
2017-01 60342 21.72156775 0.605625 18.81958333 43.19104167 13661.4026
2017-02 35700 8.08032002 0.01611111111 0.6577777778 8.553888889 1372.929249
2017-03 48801 8.82634111 0.05194444444 1.343611111 12.14972222 2719.28142
2017-04 27049 8.153317508 0.03611111111 0.8888888889 9.54 2026.039093
2017-05 34073 9.333130778 0.03722222222 0.7336111111 17.12027778 1996.581562
2017-06 61925 9.833364617 0.02194444444 3.521111111 23.37666667 2184.12501
2017-07 44485 12.24184828 0.01166666667 0.9530555556 14.21805556 1386.559415
2017-08 38466 8.422390907 0.05840277778 1.809027778 9.994652778 2832.105631
2017-09 31954 8.372662899 0.04722222222 1.831527778 9.998055556 2682.29685
2017-10 54068 7.668291524 0.07888888889 2.865277778 8.931180556 3174.284165
2017-11 87467 7.433713124 1.100833333 2.983888889 7.579027778 6615.386287
2017-12 42113 9.027543151 0.03222222222 1.490833333 16.93333333 2610.847849

The number of reverts for users who made more than 5 reverts in the given month:

Month Number of users reverting Average number of reverts per user First quartile median last quartile
2013-02 114 34.90350877 8 13 25
2013-03 215 50.73023256 8 15 33.5
2013-04 201 101.681592 9 13 35
2013-05 209 76.77990431 8 15 32
2013-06 173 75.76300578 8 13 31
2013-07 146 25.23972603 7.25 12 25
2013-08 141 27.08510638 8 12 30
2013-09 111 28.27027027 8 14 30.5
2013-10 146 29.05479452 8 11 24.75
2013-11 162 32.48765432 8 14 30.75
2013-12 158 46.56329114 8 13 27
2014-01 160 45.8625 8 13 21.25
2014-02 173 51.47398844 8 14 33
2014-03 161 40.85714286 9 14 34
2014-04 162 37.13580247 8 13 33.75
2014-05 196 39.29591837 7 12 22
2014-06 194 64.14948454 8.25 14 32.75
2014-07 189 102.6349206 8 15 33
2014-08 172 43.45348837 8 12 25.5
2014-09 134 50.79850746 8 13 28
2014-10 150 46.04 8 14 31
2014-11 166 164.5180723 8 13 34.75
2014-12 182 52.12087912 8 12 32
2015-01 211 56.43601896 8 14 34
2015-02 205 56.94146341 8 14 35
2015-03 235 58.46808511 8 13 32
2015-04 217 82.24884793 7 11 27
2015-05 171 38.98830409 7 11 26
2015-06 188 34.20744681 7 11 23.25
2015-07 194 34.96391753 8 12 26
2015-08 230 39.80434783 8 10 23
2015-09 250 34.78 7 11 21
2015-10 290 47.5 8 13 25.75
2015-11 272 84.99632353 7 12 27
2015-12 279 60.11469534 7 12 24
2016-01 310 81.48387097 8 12 29.75
2016-02 314 38.50318471 8 12 22
2016-03 326 48.20245399 7 12 23
2016-04 313 59.77316294 7 11 25
2016-05 315 32.37777778 7.5 11 23
2016-06 322 34.52795031 7 11 24.75
2016-07 315 52.55873016 8 13 23
2016-08 245 34.03265306 7 11 23
2016-09 263 43.53231939 8 13 26
2016-10 278 58.72661871 8 11.5 25
2016-11 279 44.64157706 7 11 27
2016-12 304 43.01315789 7 12 24
2017-01 354 58.91242938 8 12 29
2017-02 343 53.57434402 8 12 25
2017-03 399 66.40350877 8 12 28
2017-04 279 42.47311828 7 13 29.5
2017-05 322 57.85714286 8 12 28
2017-06 340 143.3882353 8 13 32
2017-07 372 58.89516129 7 12 25
2017-08 377 52.20689655 7 12 26
2017-09 380 39.48421053 7 12 25
2017-10 428 66.61915888 7 12 28
2017-11 434 99.97235023 8 12 27.75
2017-12 403 51.67245658 8 14 28

