Research:Ideas/FlaggedRevs unregistered users engagement
This page documents a proposed research project.
Information may be incomplete and may change before the project starts.
Flagged Revisions is enabled on several projects, with varying configuration and outcomes. On the Russian Wikipedia, 94 % articles are reviewed, but 16 % of those are outdated, with an average wait of 366 days for those backlogged edits; average wait for edits by users that have not logged in to be reviewed is 12 d 15 h; the median is 13 d 4 h (w:ru:Special:ValidationStatistics, December 2014). The latest revision is shown anyway, whether reviewed or not, so the main direct consequence is the display of a blue "warning" on a large chunk of articles (about 180 thousands).
An example notice is «4 changes in this version are pending review. The stable version was checked on 6 July 2014» (from [1]). It links a combined diff, w:ru:Википедия:Патрулирование, a permalink and a link to logs. We know the project page receives about 5 thousands views per month, but not how many from unregistered users; we don't know how many clicks the other links receive; we don't know how many logged out users edit, register or review after seeing such notices.
Support needed
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