Research:Developing Metrics for Content Gaps (Knowledge Gaps Taxonomy)/Visualizations
In this page, the reader will be able to see different visualizations that explain five content gaps (gender, sexual orientation, geography, cultural context content, and time) in five Wikipedia language editions (Catalan, German, English, Spanish, and Italian).
For each gap, there are 3 different metrics; selection, which indicates the number of articles mapped to each of the groups in a gap; extent-score, which relates to the completion of articles; visibility, which shows the number of articles mapped to each of the groups in a gap in a specific space (e.g., Main page or Featured Articles).
For the Selection metric, an additional graph with a temporal analysis is provided so that the reader can see the evolution of the gap over time.
Gender Gap
[edit]These graphs allow you to see the distribution of articles for each group in gender for five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]This graph allows you to see the average extent-score for each of the groups in gender for the five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]Main Page
[edit]This graph allows you to see the visibility of each of the groups in gender on the Main page for the selected Wikipedia language editions. In this case, visibility is computed as the percentage of outlinks in the Main page directed towards each of the groups in the gender gap.
It is available as a dashboard here:

Featured articles
[edit]This graph allows you to see the visibility of each of the groups in gender on the Featured articles of the selected Wikipedia language editions. In this case, visibility is computed as the selection of articles in the Featured articles.

Sexual Orientation Gap
[edit]This graph allows you to see the distribution of articles for each group in sexual orientation for five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]This graph allows you to see the average extent-score for each of the groups in sexual orientation for the five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]Featured articles
This graph allows you to see the visibility of each of the groups in sexual orientation on the Featured articles of the selected Wikipedia language editions. In this case, visibility is computed as the selection of articles in the Featured articles.

Geography Gap
[edit]These graphs allow you to see the distribution of articles for each continent and country in geography for five selected Wikipedia language editions.

This graph shows the accumulated articles geolocated in each country over the years in Catalan Wikipedia.

[edit]This graph allows you to see the average extent-score for each of the continents in the geography gap for the five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]Featured articles
This graph allows you to see the visibility of each of the continents in the geography gap on the Featured articles of the selected Wikipedia language editions. In this case, visibility is computed as the selection of articles in the Featured articles.

Cultural Context Content Gap
[edit]These graphs allow you to see the distribution of articles belonging to the language Cultural Context Content for five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]This graph allows you to see the average extent-score for Cultural Context Content and other articles for the five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]Featured articles
This graph allows you to see the visibility of cultural context content on the Featured articles of the selected Wikipedia language editions. In this case, visibility is computed as the selection of articles in the Featured articles.

Time Gap
[edit]These graphs allow you to see the distribution of articles for each lustrum (5 years) in the time gap for five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]These graphs allow you to see the average extent-score for each decade in the Time Gap for the five selected Wikipedia language editions.

[edit]Featured articles
This graph allows you to see the visibility of each of the decades in the time gap on the Featured articles of the selected Wikipedia language editions. In this case, visibility is computed as the selection of articles in the Featured articles.