Research:Codex/Theories, models and frameworks
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<link to wikipapers keyword, if appropriate>
[edit]Research questions
[edit]- What are the fundamental social theories applicable to Wikimedia sites? To what extent do they apply?
- What are the models that have been created to explain phenomena observed on Wikimedia sites? How well do they fit observations?
- What are the frameworks that have been proposed to explain phenomena observed on Wikimedia sites?
RQ 1
[edit]RQ n
[edit]Current research
[edit]Open questions
[edit]Avenues of research, gaps in literature, including leads and resources
Sources to add
[edit][1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
- Research:Open Collaboration Systems Workshop/Theory and systems
- Research:Newsletter/2012/July#Modeling social dynamics in a collaborative environment
- Core/periphery structure, legitimate peripheral participation
- Activity theory
- Leader-member exchange theory
- Differentiation
- System dynamics
- Complex systems
- More sources on leadership and core/periphery structures: Arazy et al.[9], [10]
Jullien 2012 [14], Carillo & Okoli 2011 [15], Crowston et al. 2006 [16], Zhao & Bishop 2011 [17]
Wang 2016[18]
[edit]- ↑ Preece, Jennifer; Shneiderman, Ben (March 2009). "The Reader-to-Leader Framework: Motivating Technology-Mediated Social Participation". AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 1 (1): 13–32. Retrieved 2015-12-01. [WikiPapers] [Acawiki]
- ↑ Kraut, Robert E.; Resnick, Paul; Kiesler, Sara; Burke, Moira; Chen, Yan; Kittur, Niki; Konstan, Joseph; Ren, Yuqing; Riedl, John (2012-03-23). Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. ISBN 9780262016575. [Acawiki]
- ↑ Geiger, R.S.; Ribes, D. (2011-01-01). "Trace Ethnography: Following Coordination through Documentary Practices" (PDF). 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS): 1–10. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2011.455.
- ↑ Ling, Kimberly; Beenen, Gerard; Ludford, Pamela; Wang, Xiaoqing; Chang, Klarissa; Li, Xin; Cosley, Dan; Frankowski, Dan; Terveen, Loren (2005-07-01). "Using Social Psychology to Motivate Contributions to Online Communities" (PDF). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10 (4): 00–00. ISSN 1083-6101. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2005.tb00273.x.
- ↑ Wilkinson, Dennis M. (2008-01-01). "Strong Regularities in Online Peer Production" (PDF). Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce. EC '08 (New York, NY, USA: ACM): 302–309. ISBN 978-1-60558-169-9. doi:10.1145/1386790.1386837.
- ↑ Bryant, Susan L.; Forte, Andrea; Bruckman, Amy (2005-01-01). "Becoming Wikipedian: Transformation of Participation in a Collaborative Online Encyclopedia" (PDF). Proceedings of the 2005 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work. GROUP '05 (New York, NY, USA: ACM): 1–10. ISBN 1-59593-223-2. doi:10.1145/1099203.1099205.
- ↑ Pamkowska, Malgorzata (2008). "Autopoiesis in Virtual Organizations" (PDF). Informatica Economică 1 (45): 33–39.
- ↑ Viégas, Fernanda B.; Wattenberg, Martin; McKeon, Matthew M. (2007-07-22). Schuler, Douglas, ed. The Hidden Order of Wikipedia. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 445–454. ISBN 9783540732563. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73257-0_49.
- ↑ Arazy, Ofer; Ortega, Felipe; Nov, Oded; Yeo, Lisa; Balila, Adam (2015-01-01). "Functional Roles and Career Paths in Wikipedia" (PDF). Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. CSCW '15 (New York, NY, USA: ACM): 1092–1105. ISBN 978-1-4503-2922-4. doi:10.1145/2675133.2675257.
- ↑ Amrit, Chintan; van Hillegersberg, Jos (2010-06-01). "Exploring the impact of socio-technical core-periphery structures in open source software development" (PDF). Journal of Information Technology 25 (2): 216–229. ISSN 0268-3962. doi:10.1057/jit.2010.7.
- ↑ Waard, Inge de; Abajian, Sean; Gallagher, Michael Sean; Hogue, Rebecca; Keskin, Nilgün; Koutropoulos, Apostolos; Rodriguez, Osvaldo C. (2011-10-31). "Using mLearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in education". The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 12 (7): 94–115. ISSN 1492-3831.
- ↑ Mark W. McElroy (2000-09-01). "Integrating complexity theory, knowledge management and organizational learning". Journal of Knowledge Management 4 (3): 195–203. ISSN 1367-3270. doi:10.1108/13673270010377652.
- ↑ Iñiguez, Gerardo; Török, János; Yasseri, Taha; Kaski, Kimmo; Kertész, János (2014-09-24). "Modeling social dynamics in a collaborative environment". EPJ Data Science 3 (1). ISSN 2193-1127. doi:10.1140/epjds/s13688-014-0007-z.
- ↑ Jullien, Nicolas (2012-05-07). "What We Know About Wikipedia: A Review of the Literature Analyzing the Project(s)". Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network.
- ↑ Carillo, Kevin; Okoli, Chitu (2011-08-01). "Generating quality open content: A functional group perspective based on the time, interaction, and performance theory" (PDF). Information & Management 48 (6): 208–219. doi:10.1016/
- ↑ Crowston, Kevin; Howison, James; Annabi, Hala (2006-03-01). "Information systems success in free and open source software development: theory and measures" (PDF). Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11 (2): 123–148. ISSN 1099-1670. doi:10.1002/spip.259/abstract.
- ↑ Zhao, Xiaoli; Bishop, M. J. (2011-04-22). "Understanding and supporting online communities of practice: lessons learned from Wikipedia" (PDF). Educational Technology Research and Development 59 (5): 711–735. ISSN 1042-1629. doi:10.1007/s11423-011-9204-7.
- ↑ Wang, Yi; Redmiles, David (2016-01-01). "Exploring Trust and Cooperation Development with Agent-Based Simulation in A Pseudo Scale-free Network". Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Supporting Group Work. GROUP '16 (New York, NY, USA: ACM): 121–130. ISBN 9781450342766. doi:10.1145/2957276.2957305.