Research:Article Creation Workflow/Clicktracking
ACW workflow diagram and events
Event naming scheme
[edit]The general naming scheme used in Article Creation Workflow is the following:
'ext.articleCreationWorkflow@' + version + '-' + key
where version
is the version number as set in the configuration file and key
is the event label, which in turn is based on the following scheme (using a hyphen as a separator)
[edit]Referral IDs
- user followed a redlink from a search result page
- user followed a redlink while browsing a regular article
- user followed a redlink from the interstitial displayed upon typing in the URL the name of a non-existing page
- the referral is not available
Bucket IDs
- Anonymous users hitting the landing page
- Logged-in users (we intentionally dropped the distinction between already logged-in and people returning to the landing page after logging in)
- New logged-in users returning to the landing page upon successful signup
- Users redirected to the default edit screen
Event IDs
- impression of the landing page
- click on the "create article draft"
- click on the "login" button
- click on the "create account" button
- click on the "article wizard" button
- click on the "create article" button, which opens the flyover
- click on the "go back" button
- click on "let's go" submit button, from the flyover
- click on "let's go" submit button with the "skip" option selected, from the flyover
- click on "create" button, directly opening the edit screen and skipping the flyover
- attempt to save edit, coming from the flyover
- attempt to save edit, coming from the flyover, with the skip option selected
- attempt to save edit coming from the ACW landing page (skip option previously selected)
- successfully saved edit, coming from the flyover
- successfully saved edit, coming from the flyover, with skip option selected
- successfully saved edit coming from the ACW landing page (skip option previously selected)
Additional data
[edit]The log should include as additional data (as the last field of a log record) a pipe-separated value: page_title|rev_id
will be available only upon successful completion of an edit.
Full list of events
[edit]All events will be prefixed with a referral flag {search, browse, url, unknown}. Unless otherwise specified all events are tracked at 100%.
- We're temporarily making these referral flags optional
anon-impression anon-login_button_click anon-signup_button_click anon-article_wizard_button_click reg-impression reg-draft_button_click reg-article_wizard_button_click reg-create_button_click reg-create_submit reg-create_skip_submit reg-create_direct_button_click reg-create_edit_attempt reg-create_skip_edit_attempt reg-create_direct_edit_attempt reg-create_edit_success reg-create_skip_edit_success reg-create_direct_edit_success new-impression new-draft_button_click new-article_wizard_button_click new-create_button_click new-create_submit new-create_skip_submit new-create_direct_button_click new-create_edit_attempt new-create_skip_edit_attempt new-create_direct_edit_attempt new-create_edit_success new-create_skip_edit_success new-create_direct_edit_success control-create_edit_impression control-create_edit_attempt control-create_edit_success
Log format
[edit]Clicktracking data is stored via a filter on emery using the following, tab-separated format:
enwiki ext.articleCreationWorkflow@0-new-create_direct_edit_success 20120113013257 0 w4dtyfWSw714KsgmMAAkdC7isy8CmHvP9 0 0 0 0 Pokémon|274278
Log format specification
[edit]- project name (e.g. enwiki or ptwikisource)
- event name (as documented above)
- timestamp (in YYYYMMDDhhmmss format)
- user category: 1 for logged in users, NULL for anons
- user token: an anonymous token replacing user names or IP addresses
- namespace
- lifetime edit count (logged in only)
- 6-month edit count (logged in only)
- 3-month edit count (logged in only)
- last month edit count (logged in only)
- additional data (page title, rev_id)
Data collection
[edit]Events and deployments that affected the collection of this data are documented here